View Full Version : Winter Access Timer Bug?

12-14-2012, 08:52 PM
When buying access to the winter area, it says that we are supposed to get 4 hours in a winter area, or until the boss is defeated. I noticed that the timer will still count down when in non-winter areas (ie Humanian dungeons). It does stop counting down when in towns though. I feel it is a bit misleading to say we will get 4 hours when in fact we will get robbed of our time if we go anywhere other than the winter areas once our winter access is active. A fix for this would be greatly appreciated, especially since Platinum was used to purchase the access.

12-16-2012, 12:01 AM
Really? I havent noticed that before...
Ive been busy trying to figure out whats wrong with my samsung phone bug..
But 2 plats=4 hr in winter fest..I feel ripped off when going to humania..but then again..this samshng bug interfering with that too..cant go to any killing place without a app crash..