View Full Version : Platinum offers dont work

12-15-2012, 06:29 PM
Platinum offers are bugged. I downloaded 4 applications (7 plat payout total) that were on w3i list. Played them each atleast 5mins, and i go to my char screen - shows 0 plat. I goto the offer screen and it shows the apps that i already downloaded on it, usually if i downloaded an app it clears from the list, but some bug is hapoening. Im not crying about the plat, no. But i completed 3 surveys on trailplay + 5 apps on w3i and still 0 plat -_-

Im owed atleast 20 if not 40+ plat (i didnt keep count but the trialplay surveys gave like 10+ each). Im not gonna keep pming w3i and trialplay because it would mean i have to pm them every ime i do an offer. They should update our owed platinum.

Im not trolling and in no way is this a rant. See the attachments and youll understand.

12-15-2012, 06:40 PM
W3i just dont like u

12-15-2012, 06:58 PM
It's called W3itrolling. I downloaded it, and I like it!