View Full Version : New Classes Low Level PVP?

12-16-2012, 06:13 AM
Hey,i just created two more characters on my extra slots yesterday. Using the new classes in pve at low levels works very fine, so i kinda thought that they would be nice at pvp. Anyone tested them at level 10,12,15,16 yet ? How about skill builds i am not quiet sure how to skill them. Thanks for replies.

12-16-2012, 06:29 AM
I played rhino at levels 16 and 22, both were okay. Builds were 5 charge 5 redemption 5 restore and 5 charge 5 redemption 6 restore 5 stone. At first I put enough points to dex to use forgotten bow and rest to int, but then I respecced to full int and started to use pink paw + pink shrunken head. Full int was actually pretty good build. K/d with it was around 2:1.

12-16-2012, 07:34 AM
Thanks, is that working against dexbears?

12-17-2012, 06:47 AM
I'm currently playing 18 rhino, and it's great, but people with that can kite kinda destroy you (due to having like no range). The problem is: Good kiters and bears are a rhino's weakness.

5 charge isn't that good due to not much of a damage increase.

12-17-2012, 08:17 AM
Thanks, is that working against dexbears?
Hellscream is nasty, but it's possible to kill them.

5 charge isn't that good due to not much of a damage increase.
True. I made new rhino for low level and specced 1 point to it. It's enough to give the mobility and the combo.

My old build had also other problems. Full int rhino should have holy tempest and maxed restore by default. Propably something like 1 charge 4 redemption 4 holy tempest (is it available at level 16 or 18?) and 6 restore might be good. I also think that int/dex is better than full int since it gives more hit% and dmg, even though it has slightly lower heal and holy tempest dmg.

12-17-2012, 04:04 PM
i had my rhino auto lvl at lvl 10 and i was doing pretty well in pvp with a few kills but less kills than deaths by atleast 3.(CTF) when i was at lvl 15-16 rhino at pvp completely sucked because of the lack of health and not enough attack skill and low lvl buff skills. now my rhino at lv 19 with my skills charge 4 healing-slash 4(not sure wat its called) restore 5 and mana regen skill 5(again not sure wat its called) my rhino is ok at pvp when i get a few lucky kills here and there and killing some people who i 1v1. now im doing a few pvp games if the players are complete meanies and gang up on you and call u a dumb noob when u were 3v1 spawn killed, but i still hav fun when u are just spamming(or tapping) restore for that xtra heal and mass regen can be a good tention builder and wen u get killed your like " AHHHH!!! Almost had him!!!" and you ask the guy was it close and he/she says "almost had me" give u a little excitment in your day. but overall pvp is fun at low lvl lik 4-10 but then start getting exciting and sometimes piss you off at 11-19.
