View Full Version : New Town, Connecticut Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you!!!

12-16-2012, 02:03 PM
For a town in morning over such a horrific tragedy we are thinking and praying for you here in Canada! Our hearts go out to you!
I wanted to post this to show people still care in this world! Please add a thoughtful, positive response to show you care too!

May Angels lead you in little ones and brave ladies!!!

12-16-2012, 02:07 PM
I myself live about 10 miles away from the tragedy. I pray for the loss children and give the families all the strength and courage I have. Rest in peace children.

12-16-2012, 02:13 PM
I pray that they may have peace.

12-16-2012, 02:42 PM
yes may god be with them

12-16-2012, 02:58 PM
Having a little girl in Kindergarten myself, I...

Honestly I can't even come up with the words. The whole thing brings tears to my eyes and twists my stomach in a knot. Like, I feel physically ill when I think about it. I can only imagine what the parents of those little ones are going through right now.

I pray for the victims, their families, and all those involved in this horrible tragedy.

12-16-2012, 02:59 PM
It's nice that people are still caring even over a game. I am praying for them aswell.

12-16-2012, 04:38 PM
Its nice you made this but theres already another thread about this same thing :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

12-16-2012, 06:36 PM
Its nice you made this but theres already another thread about this same thing :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

*blinks* *Facepalm*

An event that saddens me with to the core of my being... every time I try to ponder it a little further I get a shiver of... I dunno.. guilt? Guilty by association of a member of the same species truly the depth of our darkness is bottomless..

Prayers are a quaint gesture at most... what rationale person could think God was there that day?

12-16-2012, 10:20 PM
Just thinking about something like this makes me think for hours

12-17-2012, 06:12 AM