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12-17-2012, 01:43 PM
I have seen a lot of posts on people putting intelligence on a fox and I just don't see the point. In ~theory~, intelligence is what ups your poison needle damage but it does not actually work out that way in practice. During the free respecs around level 50, I figured I would check it out, and pure dex actually has slightly higher needle damage then pure intelligence. This is because the points dex puts into pure damage goes straight into skills and is higher then what the intelligence puts in. It of course also has A LOT higher damage on the other skills which benefit from both the dex and the dex damage. Other then M/S which can be gotten from gear at higher levels or a couple bucks in gold for pots there is no reason for intelligence on the fox.

12-17-2012, 01:53 PM

This is what Sam said



12-17-2012, 02:00 PM
Agreed on what Sam said, which is true in ~theory~. The skill damage part of the poisons scale with Int and not dex. Difference is:
Actual Skill Damage = Skill Damage + Base Damage.
With Dex compared to Int the character base damage scales up faster then the skill damage part making the actual skill damage on poisons higher when using Dex. Wish I posted this yesterday when people could test it for free.

12-17-2012, 02:08 PM
I'm with you, Fluff! Everything I tested indicated that int on fox would be of no extra use.

12-17-2012, 02:11 PM
Full int crafted 70 set with elite staff gave the same, or better, stats than 70 crafted elite ship set. The dodge proc is helpful too, and around the exact same skill damage. But dex works better due to dodge. Although str with beastly set is beastly :P great damage, armor, health and dodge.

12-17-2012, 04:31 PM
Well if you want your fox to keep guzzling pots dont do int. Started using int gear at l25 and still havent bought any more pots (l43) Either way as long foxes dont start getting treated like int bears. As a int fox is very handy over when i tried pure dex

12-18-2012, 02:38 AM
I wanna see someone own in int fox.

Kind of like how I was the only int bird, and owned.

(and people think int birds were underpowered)

12-18-2012, 09:13 AM
@mike and D I am not arguing against using int as a secondary stat to equip certain gear, I am only saying that dex should be the only primary stat, since it benefits the fox the most.

12-18-2012, 09:46 AM
@mike and D I am not arguing against using int as a secondary stat to equip certain gear, I am only saying that dex should be the only primary stat, since it benefits the fox the most.

I was talking full int or int with 67 dex for dex ring. Tried both with elite staff with the free respecs and stats were the same or better than phantom/ship set in pure dex. But still think pure dex was better.

12-18-2012, 10:27 AM
What do u think about str/dex fox? Any good? I think this would do just fine..

12-18-2012, 10:28 AM
What do u think about str/dex fox? Any good? I think this would do just fine..

Ssshhh! Don't give away the secret! No one understands the concept of giving weak characters survivability! It will be our secret ;)

12-18-2012, 10:43 AM
I was talking full int or int with 67 dex for dex ring. Tried both with elite staff with the free respecs and stats were the same or better than phantom/ship set in pure dex. But still think pure dex was better.

If you are going for equipment, I would put all extra points into dex since that boosts the stats you need the most.

12-18-2012, 10:47 AM
What do u think about str/dex fox? Any good? I think this would do just fine..

This seems the most natural since the fox has to get in close for its melee strikes. Tried it out in 56 pvp and the issue I ran into was 12 armor buff and 36 damage debuff was not enough to keep me alive against birds and mages. It is never going to be a tanking class so you need a way to end the fight quick which means a higher damage output. Still trying to figure out the balance.

12-18-2012, 10:57 AM
This seems the most natural since the fox has to get in close for its melee strikes. Tried it out in 56 pvp and the issue I ran into was 12 armor buff and 36 damage debuff was not enough to keep me alive against birds and mages. It is never going to be a tanking class so you need a way to end the fight quick which means a higher damage output. Still trying to figure out the balance.

Im a pure dex for now but im thinking about going str/dex. We will see. Maybe with dodge buff lasting long will do the diference
Thank you for this useful info :)

12-18-2012, 11:31 AM
I am minimum strength for beastly and rest dex. Has amazing damage and survivability.

12-18-2012, 11:50 AM
Lmao I read what the devs were suggesting & put intelligence too but it doesn't do squat for poisons. I respecd too to dex/str

12-18-2012, 11:17 PM
Full str fox with max fury skill (+90% hit rate?) = OP. kakaka.

12-18-2012, 11:42 PM
I have to say, enough int to equip your gear an rest dex isn't a bad build...

Wands are one of the strongest one handed weapons and they are ranged. You do lots of base/skill damage without having to go close and your m/s is good....what's the point of goin pure dex for amazing base damage when you never have the int to use your skills :/

It's not a horrible build, but it's equivalent to being an int bird, except int in the build doesn't dramatically change the skill damage :)

12-19-2012, 01:21 AM
I had my fox at 75 on Saturday and respecced many times. I noticed the same as the OP for the INT part. Most valid builds seem str/dex, or pure dex.

I tried both PvP and PvE. In PvP I seem to have a better chance (mainly tested vs INT mages) when being pure dex with talon set. I tried a ton of different skill specs and combo's and it seems that if I can break a mages' shield with the combo attack, it's almost a sure kill. The problem is that the combo attack doesn't always seem to combo at all, leaving the mage shield intact.

It's kind of a weird class IMO. Most skills bring you right in the opponents face and spells like break armor have a measly 3m range, making it feel more like a melee class. The 3seconds evade seems also a bit short, but it's long enough to get hypnotize (only 12m spell) to land, which stuns the opponent, with a fair chance to dodge their drain. This leaves you with a 3 sec window (3-4skills) to finish off your opponent. but, as said, if you don't manage to break that shield it's really hard. The main thing I noticed is that in STR gear the Dmg output suffers too much making you unable to finish the opponent off quick enough.

So yeah, for now I respecced back to pure dex. I have to try it out more but it doesn't seem like the best class for PvP at the moment. Maybe it's because I don't have an elite ring, or maybe I just suck at PvP.

For PvE it's also kind of a weird class. It does nice Dmg output as pure dex, but you need to get up close to the enemies, which as a pure dex character is generally not something you want to do.

So yeah, all in all I haven't found a place for the class yet. For Dmg in PvE I'd go for a bird with elite bow. For PvP probably too. Maybe if I get to 76 and can use the elite bow, things might change but somehow I doubt it.

Looking forward to reading more people's experience with the class.

12-19-2012, 10:35 AM
JaytB, That sounds perfect. I thought maybe it was just me testing that noticed that about foxes. Very excellently put. I agree with everything you said.

12-19-2012, 11:56 AM
I had my fox at 75 on Saturday and respecced many times. I noticed the same as the OP for the INT part. Most valid builds seem str/dex, or pure dex.

I tried both PvP and PvE. In PvP I seem to have a better chance (mainly tested vs INT mages) when being pure dex with talon set. I tried a ton of different skill specs and combo's and it seems that if I can break a mages' shield with the combo attack, it's almost a sure kill. The problem is that the combo attack doesn't always seem to combo at all, leaving the mage shield intact.

It's kind of a weird class IMO. Most skills bring you right in the opponents face and spells like break armor have a measly 3m range, making it feel more like a melee class. The 3seconds evade seems also a bit short, but it's long enough to get hypnotize (only 12m spell) to land, which stuns the opponent, with a fair chance to dodge their drain. This leaves you with a 3 sec window (3-4skills) to finish off your opponent. but, as said, if you don't manage to break that shield it's really hard. The main thing I noticed is that in STR gear the Dmg output suffers too much making you unable to finish the opponent off quick enough.

So yeah, for now I respecced back to pure dex. I have to try it out more but it doesn't seem like the best class for PvP at the moment. Maybe it's because I don't have an elite ring, or maybe I just suck at PvP.

For PvE it's also kind of a weird class. It does nice Dmg output as pure dex, but you need to get up close to the enemies, which as a pure dex character is generally not something you want to do.

So yeah, all in all I haven't found a place for the class yet. For Dmg in PvE I'd go for a bird with elite bow. For PvP probably too. Maybe if I get to 76 and can use the elite bow, things might change but somehow I doubt it.

Looking forward to reading more people's experience with the class.

All dex is what you should be works out for me. Getting up close is what you want to do to. For me I can break a mages ms by hitting them until they have no mana which takes about less then a second. Fox is fun to play, takes some skill but not that much if you know what your doing. Idk about endgame but I recommend a bow set for endgame to kite the bears so they dont debuff you to -1 attack. To me Fox is the best class for pvp

12-19-2012, 01:18 PM
All dex is what you should be works out for me. Getting up close is what you want to do to. For me I can break a mages ms by hitting them until they have no mana which takes about less then a second. Fox is fun to play, takes some skill but not that much if you know what your doing. Idk about endgame but I recommend a bow set for endgame to kite the bears so they dont debuff you to -1 attack. To me Fox is the best class for pvp

I was talking about end-game PvP/PvE (75+).

At end game you'll die with a bow before you can get close enough. Mages nuke you with their 12m spells as do birds. Kiting with a bow that has a 10m range (non-elite crafted lv75 bow), is also impossible unless vs a bear. But when a bears' Beckon stomp hits you, the only thing you can do is say 'GF'.

The only spell that can give you a chance to win vs a mage is hypnotize, IF it hits and IF you're lucky to be able to get down a mages' shield, and at end-game, unlike lower lvl PvP might be, that's no easy feat. As for birds, due to their evade skill (+45 dodge at end-game at skill lvl9 + dodge from gear), there's a fairly high chance to miss hypnotize. And I guarantee you, that without hitting your only 12m spell to paralyze your opponent in order to get close enough, there's almost no chance vs a pro bird to get any of your skills to hit.

But yeah, they might be good in lower lvl PvP. I Haven't tested that.