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12-18-2012, 12:31 AM
Hey everyone, I'm Sproodle (not my ign) and Ive been playing sts games for a while now and I figured it was about time to get on the forums and there is no better time than now with the new game and all. Hope to see some of you ingame. Psst if anyone knows how to make one of those signature things i would appreciate some advice on how to get one.

12-18-2012, 04:25 AM
Hey there Sproodle and welcome to the forums!

I assure you that you would have a blast reading different topics that are the current talk of the town in the General Discussion area, different guides on each class, the various items for sale in the Trader's place, and pretty much everything about Arcane Legends.

As for your query about the signature, you could check out the AL Fan Art Section as players there would be willing to help you create your personalized signature for free! Here's one from Tilax's thread: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?75943-Tilax-Signature-s-Free-D. Don't hesitate to ask anyone if you have any concerns! ;)