View Full Version : Am I missing content?

12-19-2012, 05:05 PM
Like another poster, I went through it all in about 30-40 minutes with random pugs for the first time...and was hoping there would be much more.

I guess I need to remember this is a phone app, not a computer app - but I imagined they could add a few dungeon instances with tons of mobs to grind. The mine is ok but not that different than above ground zones and those were pretty much the same as ones we have, just new skin + pumpkins.

Wanted to just make sure I'm not missing anything. It almost seems if you want to grind xp, you'd just do what you did from 15-16 for pure XP. The new content is better if you want pink drops for your level though.

What part of the new content are you repeating?