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View Full Version : Help Me to Decide

Arvin Ramirez
12-21-2012, 03:53 AM
i know that this thread should not be here and can be lock anytime but i hope they understand.. free respec will be gone soon and i need to decide... so please help

This is my level 21 Rogue build.

Stats: 1:5:0

Str: (20)
Dex: (100)
Int: (0)



Shadow Piercer: 2,4 (Shadow Absorption) (Leading Dagger)

Razor Shield: 1,2,3 (whirling Razor) (Bleeding Cuts) (Increased Duration)

Aimed Shot: 1,2,3,4, (Accuracy) (Critical Shot) (Deadly Focus) (Shatter Armor)

Combat Medic: 1,3 (Effective Packs) (Extra Packs)


5 on Agility +25

Some player don't use combat medic, i also have a build for that



Shadow Piercer: 2,4 (Shadow Absorption) (Leading Dagger)

Razor Shield: 1,3 (whirling Razor) (Increased Duration)

Aimed Shot: 1,2,3,4, (Accuracy) (Critical Shot) (Deadly Focus) (Shatter Armor)

Shadow Veil: 1,3,4 (Masked Presence) (Shadow Absorption) (Lingering Fumes)


5 on Agility +25

Please help me to decide which of this two build should i use.. give good reason why to choose that...