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View Full Version : Changing Your Class

12-22-2012, 12:37 PM
i did see many games that have an option to change your class, i mean im stuck at a class that doesn't interest me anymore with 37 Pets owned missing 2 token story's pets , lvl 21 + Guild master. im willing to pay 1000 Plat to change my class -.-.

also ... the skills layout on the down right corner must be at the bottom line to fit more skills.

12-22-2012, 06:36 PM
Pretty sure u cant do this. At least not in pl so i would assume the same goes for al

12-22-2012, 06:43 PM
Well sorry bud I'd guess that you can be only one class once you've chosen it and btw its good man nearly got all the pets just wait up for next expansion.

12-22-2012, 06:47 PM
Sts would lose money

12-22-2012, 07:58 PM
And this is why I have 3 toons, one for each class. I don't care about leader boards and I just play whichever class I feel like that day. They all got gold, gear, and decent pets, up in lvls... Keeps me entertained.

12-22-2012, 08:23 PM
I have one toon in AL on one account and made another toon on another account. Its frustrating to have to do that. I feel like I wasted time on a class that doesn't quite fit me. -.- Wish we could switch classes and keep the level of the class the first toon was in along with all the stuff... cuz starting over really sucks. Just seems like AL is a money hungry game with commie "stuff" to get us to buy.

Its a P2P game with free registration so might as well add this option for 500 or 1k plat for ppl that want it. Doesn't effect anyone else's game play anyway.

12-23-2012, 06:17 AM
same i had bought a plat pet, the champions bundle on one of my class then i decided to change class so now i have a new class but still lost those plats on pet and bundle about like 110 plats were wasted but good thing i made a new class 2 days before the expansion so no biggie for me.

i dont think sts will have that option just yet probebly like in a year or so they might so if u think u picked the wrong class i say change.now will the cap is low else u'll regret it big time in future