View Full Version : Are you prepaired?

12-23-2012, 02:32 AM
Hello, i am a Kinemortophobic. For you who do not know what that is, Kinemortophobia is the fear of zombies. Why i am telling you this is because i want to share my over thinking of what to do.

Zombie survival basics.
-Have copies of i.d. of each person who will be with you.
-Have a escape plan.
-Have a sleeping schedule.

-1-6 or more knifes.
-Bats and/or golf clubs.
-Guns with a well supply of ammo.
-1-2 melee weapons (swords)

Sleeping items.
-One pillow.
-Spare blanket.
-Sleeping bag.
-Sleeping schedule.

Basic items.
-Bag to hold items.
-Long lasting food.
-water bottles.
-First aid kit.
-2 lighters.
-Matches (water proof)
-Fire starter kit.
-Emergancy blanket.
-Flash light.
-Duckt tape.
-Local maps.
-Rope and string.
-Small shovel.
-lock cutter.
-Ear plugs.
-Garbage bags. (for water proofing)
-Crow bar.
-Walkie talkie set.
-Sanatation anf hygine items.
-Mess kit. (small pots and pans)
-1-2 cars.
NOTE: You will want to spread items out evenly through you crew members so you all can stay light.

How do i kill a zombie?
There is no defenate way to kill a zombie yet because it has not happened yet. From the legends and now new movies it says to go for the head, blow it apart or take it off should be the way to kill it.

Who can i trust?
You should only trust family members and close friends. Do not trust strangers, if you have seen walking dead, the man tells them where they were hiding, so they kill them and his team to take there supplies.

Where should i stay?
The two safest places to stay are high on land or out at sea, but both of these have a down side. High on land you can get cornered more likely and out sea you will be likely to have to go to land to get supplies. You will want to find some where that you will feel safe, wether it be a underground bunker, your attic, doesnt matter but you will want to feel safe. Moving around may also be a good choices because you lower your chances of getting surrounded by zombies.

Should i stay in one place?
If you can handle taking out the zombies and got the supplies, then why not. If you dont want to have zombies pileing up then no.

Should i go to a store for supplies?
This is a hard question, i thinks its a yes and no question. Yes because there could be supplies such as food, ammo, shelter, etc that you may need. No because someone may have already broke in the place and took all that they needed or they are using the place for shelter, and if you go in there they may kill you.

New topic.

Are you prepaired?

Thank you for reading this, if you have any questions please let me know. If you have any ideas please share!


12-23-2012, 02:54 AM
No sleeping bags
If you get surprised while I'm one of them you won't be able to get pit by the time a zombie is upon you

12-23-2012, 03:00 AM
In an emergency situation in which you are caught running from zombies, try to get as many shopping carts between you and them as possible, because as we all know, zombies can't get over shopping carts.

If there are no shopping carts around, run downhill because much like bears, zombies don't have a good balance going downhill.

If there are no hills, serpentine, zombies don't corner well.

12-23-2012, 03:03 AM
In an emergency situation in which you are caught running from zombies, try to get as many shopping carts between you and them as possible, because as we all know, zombies can't get over shopping carts.

If there are no shopping carts around, run downhill because much like bears, zombies don't have a good balance going downhill.

If there are no hills, serpentine, zombies don't corner well.

Love it lmao

12-23-2012, 04:42 AM
Time to run 'dem "rape trains"!

12-23-2012, 09:55 AM
Haha :) i need to add a few things

12-23-2012, 10:01 AM
Time to run 'dem "rape trains"!


12-23-2012, 10:23 AM
Zombies won't be coming bro.

But good guide for if they would! :D

The Happiness
12-23-2012, 11:02 AM
Wow! You've really thought about this....you have everything except....food! Going to eat the zombies or your family? Just saying...

12-23-2012, 11:22 AM
Wow! You've really thought about this....you have everything except....food! Going to eat the zombies or your family? Just saying...
Dont know how i forgot that xD thanks!

Suentous PO
12-23-2012, 11:35 AM
I'll be fine. Now that the world is bored with the teenage vampire genera, I have created the first teenage zombie romance novel.
Zombies won't hurt me cuz I caused teenage girls and middle aged women to flock towards them.

12-23-2012, 01:24 PM
I'll be fine. Now that the world is bored with the teenage vampire genera, I have created the first teenage zombie romance novel.
Zombies won't hurt me cuz I caused teenage girls and middle aged women to flock towards them.


12-23-2012, 02:52 PM


12-23-2012, 03:04 PM
zombies will never exist imo unless some retard makes it


12-23-2012, 03:23 PM
Make sure if you stay in a house you always rebuild the windows when the zombies break it down, run rape trains, always have spare monkey bombs so you revive anyone that is down, and always have a MYSTERY BOX around you and do your best to get a RAY GUN!!!

12-23-2012, 03:32 PM
Make sure if you stay in a house you always rebuild the windows when the zombies break it down, run rape trains, always have spare monkey bombs so you revive anyone that is down, and always have a MYSTERY BOX around you and do your best to get a RAY GUN!!! lmao i just knew someone would bring up call of duty zombies

12-23-2012, 03:33 PM
Make sure if you stay in a house you always rebuild the windows when the zombies break it down, run rape trains, always have spare monkey bombs so you revive anyone that is down, and always have a MYSTERY BOX around you and do your best to get a RAY GUN!!!

Ew no thundergun?

12-23-2012, 03:37 PM
Read Rot & Ruin, it's a good zombie book. It says zombies are more likely to be on low land because the gravity attracts them there.

12-23-2012, 05:12 PM
Make sure if you stay in a house you always rebuild the windows when the zombies break it down, run rape trains, always have spare monkey bombs so you revive anyone that is down, and always have a MYSTERY BOX around you and do your best to get a RAY GUN!!!
Nope, a house is the worst option for permanent shelter. In a post apocalyptic world houses will be among the first things to get looted and as society breaks down people will be much less hesitant to take out their fellow man for survival. Your best bet is to go as far away from highly populated areas as possible and to stay on the move. Travel light, travel fast, travel often.

And yes, i'm aware of the CoD joke :p

12-23-2012, 05:29 PM
Get a boat because zombies can't swim. They have enough trouble walking

12-23-2012, 05:35 PM
Zombies aren't coming...y'all crazy.

12-23-2012, 05:43 PM
Zombies aren't coming...y'all crazy.
Tell that to the guy who got his face eaten in Florida ;D

12-23-2012, 06:25 PM
Zombies aren't coming...y'all crazy.

You wait man. Just wait. We will live!

The Sadness
12-23-2012, 06:41 PM
I'm pretty sure you can buy brain... well I know you can buy cow heads and the brain is still in there.

Zombie pet anyone? Just toss 'em a cow head and you're good to go. Or an ex-girlfriend will suffice as well.

12-24-2012, 02:28 AM

12-24-2012, 03:24 AM
Whatever guys :D don't be paranoid.

The Happiness
12-24-2012, 10:52 AM
I'm pretty sure you can buy brain... well I know you can buy cow heads and the brain is still in there.

Zombie pet anyone? Just toss 'em a cow head and you're good to go. Or an ex-girlfriend will suffice as well.

Ex-boyfriends do too? Better stay in my good books :)

12-24-2012, 11:24 AM
Might wanna carry 1 or 2 gas cannisters.

Also if you are interested in zombie games as well, check out the game called: The WarZ

It's a zombie apocalypse type of game that takes place in colorado (more maps to come) and the goal is to survive. You gather supplies and meet other players... which can be allies or ennemies.. Anyways it'S really cool, check it out.