View Full Version : Some help with my rogue please

12-24-2012, 08:13 AM
I actually am a begineer in this type of games and this is my first mmorpg played.
I have a level 18, almost 19 rogue and i couldn't help notice that my rogue is much weaker than other rogues.
I Lately tried to find as many chests as i could, sell them, and i managed to get 50k gold.
Please, if there is any pro here, give me some advices about What dungeons should i run, What passives should i invest skill points into, What items should i Try to buy etc
Here are my specs:
Dex: 164
Bonus dmg : 182
Dodge : 14,76
Critical : 7,92
Damage: 75,7
Intelligence: 53
Mana: 655
DPS: 136,3
Pet: cerella


12-24-2012, 10:44 AM
To learn more on the different guides on your Rogue, visit this link: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?119-Rogue-Class-Discussion

Now in my personal opinion, first thing you should do is reach the elite level cap. With your current stats, it's possible to get to the elite cap providing you find a great party and motivated when grinding. It may be monotonous in the long run but hey, without persistence there would not be any favorable results.

You have two places to grind exp: Watcher's Tomb located in Traveler's Outpost and Kraag Tombs. I personally prefer Watcher's Tomb IV as this contains a huge number of killable mobs and most of those trying to reach the elite cap would be situated near its entrance. You can be easily invited by different parties or you can just find a random party in an instance. Remember to bring potions with you as Warriors would not always be there to protect your back. :)

To get decent items, there is one true secret for this: Farming. Once you reach level 20, you can already enter and join Elite maps. There are two places that I farm from: Elite Blackenridge Village and Dead City Outskirts. Killing Jarl and Ann would randomly give you a chance to get Elite chests, and opening them would randomly merit you items. The items would vary on its rarity: Trash, Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. If you ever get a legendary item for your class and has the potential to boost your stats, use it. However, if you find a Legendary item that is not suitable for your class, sell it. Check the auction house and base your prices there. You can either list your item in the auction house providing you pay taxes, or if you're really short in gold: Chant around Kraag with your sales :) Just don't spam!

Farming really is the key to get gold or if you are willing to earn gold the easy way, you could always purchase gold using platinum. Though I suggest that if you ever get hold of platinum, use it for vanities and exclusive platinum-only pet ;) Aesthetics is a plus point to this game. Just never give up, every player is given a random chance at legendary items, it's just a matter of who gets lucky and who farms the most! Good Luck! ;)

12-24-2012, 11:05 AM
Limsyoker has pretty much all points covered. Great advice. Level to cap ASAP, or at least 20, where you can start the real farming. Gear upgrades from 17 to 19 are just gold thrown away.

As for passives/points to invest in, it's really about preference. Personally, I went the cookie cutter full DEX route and just built my gear around that to fill in voids at HP and MP, while maintaining damage and DPS stats.

One reason why other rogues might appear stronger than yours is because they might be "old 16s" who leveled to cap farmed good gear before the expansion. It's kind of funky, but almost all of the top tier 16 items are better than anything you would find from 17 to 19.

12-24-2012, 11:05 AM
You don't need to hit the elite cap unless you really want that blue flag, or desperately need those 5 stats and skill point.

The fastest way to make money is by getting to level 20 and running either brackenridge, or tower of madron [elite] maps. I usually alternate every run unless I have a party. Elite maps force you to learn your class, or you will not survive, but offer great rewards in the form of elite chests.

The banded elite chests are tradeable with the new expansion, and gold chests are selling from 120-180k. The elite chest II, which you'll find in brackenridge, aren't tradeable, but opening them will give you a chance at an elite endgame item worth millions.

Once you're able to run these maps you can farm gold, or gear, and make your rogue a lot stronger. You should get to know the CS and the items for your character so you can easily determine if something is undervalued.

There should be another free respec when pvp is released so dont stress too much on your stats, you'll be able to try out a bunch of new builds and see what suits your play style.

12-24-2012, 12:43 PM
You don't need to hit the elite cap unless you really want that blue flag, or desperately need those 5 stats and skill point.

I'd generally agree with this, but being at cap gives you the ability to get level 21 items from chests, along with the usual level 20 ones. It's only a day or two of good XP'ing to go from 20 to 21, so why not? Stat-wise there is a minimal difference between level 20 and level 21 pieces, but it does add up if you count all of the pieces on your toon.

Then again, who am I to talk? I've been stuck at 20 myself since I spend too much time farming chests. :p

12-25-2012, 01:17 AM
As for pets, you might want to pick the best: Granite for a decent bonus to Dexterity or if you have platinum- Malison. Swapping pets help a lot in saving money as feeding the same pet over and over again would cost you a huge amount of gold depending on its level. With 3-4 pets, you're pretty safe.

When using your chosen pets, do know the situation beforehand. Would the farming and grinding cost you a a huge deal of damage from mobs? If so, I suggest you go for a pet which has the ability to increase your defense and boost your damage reduction %. If the situation requires for you to need to kill a boss faster, go for the pet which likely can improve your dexterity and damage percentage.