View Full Version : Camera Angle Movement

12-26-2012, 12:57 PM
Well, people tell me that they can turn the camera to whatever angle they want, the way you can in SL, but when I try to move the camera, nothing happens. Not sure if it is true or not, but if you can, please tell me how, or if my screen is bugged or not.

12-26-2012, 02:15 PM
You cannot. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a liar.

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

12-28-2012, 04:39 AM
IT'S TRUE! Every word! That Deathpunch wrote. :D
So. No, You can't move/turn the camera. It's fixed. The dungeons/towns were made the way that You don't need to rotate the camera to play.
Except a few trees that hides all of the enemies and the whole level when it would be important to see what's happening.

12-30-2012, 04:26 PM
anyone heard*like from a dev or at least a reliable person from the forums* if camera control will be coming in a future update? I realize all the maps are made where u can run them without changing the camera angle. but as you noted there are at least a few incidents where a tree or a part of a castle or some such does get in the way of the camera. I really like arcane legends and will probably play even if they stick with this very limited camera control. but every time I am trying to get a friend to play with me as soon as the realize you cant move they camera they put their phone back in their pocket and turn on their xbox/pc/ps3. admittedly I know little about making a game but it seems it would be easy enough to put in considering it is in all the other legends games. and it would go along way toward showing off how much better al looks than the other legends games.

12-30-2012, 04:32 PM
Adding an option to unlock the camera is not currently planned.

12-30-2012, 04:50 PM
dag.*my go to word for not being censored in game* thank sam for the quick response... right after I posted this I was digging more on the forum and found where you said it wasn't possible because the rest of the world isn't rendered and such ... so I do now understand why its not possible ... and I guess I am willing to trade off 3d camera for the nicer than nice graphics of al*maybe ... just being honest* ... I guess I need to start coming up with other suggestions to bring back the immersion of the other legends games :) .... as of so far this is what ive been doing to combat my lack of 3d immersion ... I zoom up the camera all the way and keep up with where I am on the map using the actual map ... it makes me feel a little more "in the game". hope that helps anyone that still feels like something is missing from the immersion factor of al.

12-30-2012, 07:50 PM
I don't see how a fixed camera limits immersion.

The most immersive MMO I've ever played, as in got completely taken in to where I could truly "tune out" of my immediate physical surroundings, was Ultima Online back in '97/'98. It was all 2D, top down view, no zoom, no camera control. Just a bunch of low-res sprites running around a flat, 2D world. At it was freakin' glorious!

I've still yet to find an online game that has provided as much of a "get completely lost in the game" level of immersion as Ultima Online did. None of these newfangled 3D games with fully controllable cameras come anywhere close. But then, I grew up with Atari and NES, so I suppose the younger generation growing up on today's technology are so used to controlling the camera that once they can't do it, it breaks their immersion. It's the exact opposite for me. Once 3D games started coming out, I found that having to move the camera around, separate from my character's own movements, was immersion breaking to me. I'm used to it now, of course, but I do still appreciate (and prefer, depending on the genre) fixed camera games these days.

12-31-2012, 12:10 AM
I don't see how a fixed camera limits immersion.

The most immersive MMO I've ever played, as in got completely taken in to where I could truly "tune out" of my immediate physical surroundings, was Ultima Online back in '97/'98. It was all 2D, top down view, no zoom, no camera control. Just a bunch of low-res sprites running around a flat, 2D world. At it was freakin' glorious!

I've still yet to find an online game that has provided as much of a "get completely lost in the game" level of immersion as Ultima Online did. None of these newfangled 3D games with fully controllable cameras come anywhere close. But then, I grew up with Atari and NES, so I suppose the younger generation growing up on today's technology are so used to controlling the camera that once they can't do it, it breaks their immersion. It's the exact opposite for me. Once 3D games started coming out, I found that having to move the camera around, separate from my character's own movements, was immersion breaking to me. I'm used to it now, of course, but I do still appreciate (and prefer, depending on the genre) fixed camera games these days.

well first off it is only an opinion. mine is it adds to the immersion. yours is it doesn't. that's ok that we have different opinions right?

ultima huh? I guess I wan playin Zelda oot, Mario kart, ff7, and such in 97-98. and I was highly immersed in all of those. but my ability to be immersed in a video game world did not only extend to those 2 years. long b4 those years I was highly immersed in the worlds of ff2 and ff3 for snes shadowrun for sega genesis or honestly I could go back further and talk about how immersive Metroid, kid niki, and the wizards and warriors series were for me back on the nes days. it did not end in the years 97-98 either. after those years we would get gems like shadow of colossus, killer 7, resident evil4 and later still there would be borderlands, bastion, batman, no more heroes , the castlevaniaroids(ds)games, kid Icarus,and all the sts games so far. and that is by no means a comprehensive list.

all that was to let you know im not really part of the younger generation :) heck my daughter plays legends games with me nowadays. actually now that I think about it I have loved quite a few fixed camera games. its just jarring to play an sts game with out it ... im sure ill adjust since it is not changing ... just like I did when they added cool downs to pl ... I hated it ... I've adjusted *actually now that I think about it I guess I never did get used to it in pl ... quit playing that shortly after ... but that could be blamed on sl*

anyway since you read this and cared enough to comment im going to ask if you tried my "zoom up so I can see the pretty graphics even with out camera control" method? and if so what did u think? and yea I can take if you didn't like it ... I don't expect it to be a good enough fix for most ppl... also im a bit old school so sometimes I play with double pixel on just so it feel more like an 8 bit game ... does that make me weird?

12-31-2012, 03:59 AM
well first off it is only an opinion. mine is it adds to the immersion. yours is it doesn't. that's ok that we have different opinions right?
Perfectly ok! :) Sorry if I came across as otherwise.

ultima huh? I guess I wan playin Zelda oot, Mario kart, ff7, and such in 97-98. and I was highly immersed in all of those. but my ability to be immersed in a video game world did not only extend to those 2 years. long b4 those years I was highly immersed in the worlds of ff2 and ff3 for snes shadowrun for sega genesis or honestly I could go back further and talk about how immersive Metroid, kid niki, and the wizards and warriors series were for me back on the nes days. it did not end in the years 97-98 either. after those years we would get gems like shadow of colossus, killer 7, resident evil4 and later still there would be borderlands, bastion, batman, no more heroes , the castlevaniaroids(ds)games, kid Icarus,and all the sts games so far. and that is by no means a comprehensive list.

all that was to let you know im not really part of the younger generation :) heck my daughter plays legends games with me nowadays. actually now that I think about it I have loved quite a few fixed camera games. its just jarring to play an sts game with out it ... im sure ill adjust since it is not changing ... just like I did when they added cool downs to pl ... I hated it ... I've adjusted *actually now that I think about it I guess I never did get used to it in pl ... quit playing that shortly after ... but that could be blamed on sl*
Sounds like we have some common gaming experiences in our backgrounds. :) Yes, Metroid... dear, sweet Metroid. I'm not ashamed to admit I never could finish that game legitimately, lol. But man, now THAT was an immersive game for the 8-bit generation! And Super Metroid was such a phenomenal masterpiece that I still give it a play through every now and then. Same with Metroid 2 on the Gameboy, but a lot of people considered that one a bit of a flop (not me!).

Funny you should mention Wizards & Warriors. I was at Chuck E. Cheese for my daughter's birthday recently and they had a Doodle Jump arcade there. We were taking turns playing it because it was an easy 50 tickets, and I was so reminded of that stupid bouncy knight hopping up the side of a castle, lol.

I notice that you didn't mention anything from the pre-NES days, so I'm guessing you might not go back as far that that. You named Zelda: OoT, but not A Link to the Past, so I'm thinking your main age of influence, as far as it pertains to video games, came during the n64 era. I actually skipped the entire n64 generation, so I think you might have been more initiated into 3D gaming than me, since you dove into that first generation of them, while I skipped it entirely. Not really sure where I'm going with all that... Guess I'm just trying to pinpoint the differences in our history to better understand our differences in opinion today. If that makes any sense.

anyway since you read this and cared enough to comment im going to ask if you tried my "zoom up so I can see the pretty graphics even with out camera control" method? and if so what did u think? and yea I can take if you didn't like it ... I don't expect it to be a good enough fix for most ppl... also im a bit old school so sometimes I play with double pixel on just so it feel more like an 8 bit game ... does that make me weird?

I haven't tried playing zoomed in, but I will now. I would assume it to be a hinderance, since you can't see as far around your character. But if you're managing to play like that ok, then maybe it's not as bad as I imagine. I'll give it a shot and see what it's like.

And no, double pixel doesn't make you weird. I do it sometimes, too, heh.

12-31-2012, 09:54 AM
Jeez how old are you ppl? O.o I feel so young having been born I to the game boy era. I'm 16 btw so I sort of know what you're talking about, but honestly, I was a darn baby! Lol so how does it feel transitioning from 8-bit Mario to the amazing graphics we have today? Always been curious to ask that question to an old gamer *no offense*.

12-31-2012, 09:59 AM
-.- adding a unlock camera function will certainly bug the whole arcane legend

12-31-2012, 10:29 AM
Well, people tell me that they can turn the camera to whatever angle they want, the way you can in SL, but when I try to move the camera, nothing happens. Not sure if it is true or not, but if you can, please tell me how, or if my screen is bugged or not.

They are lying.

12-31-2012, 10:31 AM
Jeez how old are you ppl? O.o I feel so young having been born I to the game boy era. I'm 16 btw so I sort of know what you're talking about, but honestly, I was a darn baby! Lol so how does it feel transitioning from 8-bit Mario to the amazing graphics we have today? Always been curious to ask that question to an old gamer *no offense*.

Well... its not like we were playing NES then the nest day we playing PS3. Gradual enough that you didn't notice it. Until you go back and play some of the NES or even Atari games on emulators.

12-31-2012, 01:28 PM
Well... its not like we were playing NES then the nest day we playing PS3. Gradual enough that you didn't notice it. Until you go back and play some of the NES or even Atari games on emulators.

it did take like 20-25 years to get from nes to where we are today... but there were big jumps ... the first time I saw ff3 or Zelda lttp or donkey kong country for the snes I was pretty blown away.. then next gen we had Mario64 and ff7 ... both of those were eye opening moments... nowadays graphics don't impress me as much as just being fun to play ... when all my peers were playing 360 and ps3 I stuck with my wii and ds games ... at least until I got an iphone ... now a days I play mainly ios games ... but I also give my 3ds a good work out when a new game comes out for it about every 2-3 months *like kid Icarus, re revelation's, kingdom hearts, paper Mario, and man I can't wait for that castlevania* ... also I bought a ps3 recently to play borderlands 2 and re 6... but other than that I don't really touch it.

also mike im 31 I grew up with nes *I was 4-5* snes genisis gamegear sega cdx Gameboy n64 ps1 ... I was starting to hit adult hood pretty good by the time ps2 and gamecube were coming out.

01-01-2013, 04:19 AM
Camera rotation won't ever be implemented, Justg stated this a million times sheesh.

01-01-2013, 08:48 AM
Jeez how old are you ppl? O.o I feel so young having been born I to the game boy era. I'm 16 btw so I sort of know what you're talking about, but honestly, I was a darn baby! Lol so how does it feel transitioning from 8-bit Mario to the amazing graphics we have today? Always been curious to ask that question to an old gamer *no offense*.

8-bit Mario? Lol, I cut my teeth on the atari 2600, where your character was a block. Tank? Block. Superhero? Block. At the time, I was rather impressed with the NES and how awesome the games were.

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

01-01-2013, 02:37 PM
8-bit Mario? Lol, I cut my teeth on the atari 2600, where your character was a block. Tank? Block. Superhero? Block. At the time, I was rather impressed with the NES and how awesome the games were.

Oh, come on now, it wasn't that bad... Ok, maybe it was, but some of the later games had some awesome graphics, like pitfall and stuff. You could actually see both of his legs while he ran! :p

At least you didn't have to deal with cassette drives. My first system was a commodore VIC 20, and it was the biggest piece of crap, lol. We would spend 20 minutes loading up a game of clowns. I actually found a video on YouTube of the game (this was actually the best game I had on the VIC 20, if that tells you anything). I was so happy when I finally upgraded to a 2600, lol.


01-02-2013, 05:29 AM
anyone heard*like from a dev or at least a reliable person from the forums* if camera control will be coming in a future update? I realize all the maps are made where u can run them without changing the camera angle. but as you noted there are at least a few incidents where a tree or a part of a castle or some such does get in the way of the camera. I really like arcane legends and will probably play even if they stick with this very limited camera control. but every time I am trying to get a friend to play with me as soon as the realize you cant move they camera they put their phone back in their pocket and turn on their xbox/pc/ps3. admittedly I know little about making a game but it seems it would be easy enough to put in considering it is in all the other legends games. and it would go along way toward showing off how much better al looks than the other legends games.

I seriously believe this postis full of crap, any serious gamer will look past something futile like camera movement, ever played torchlight on ur xbox?

01-02-2013, 04:27 PM
I seriously believe this postis full of crap, any serious gamer will look past something futile like camera movement, ever played torchlight on ur xbox?

you know considering the last 3 sts games had it i don't really think it is a huge stretch to expect it to be in the newest one. now considering that you quoted the question and not sams answer or my response to his answer am i to assume you didn't read down the page that far? well incase you didn't what happened was sam explained that it is not coming and i found out on another thread why it is not coming ... i understood and the conversation moved on ... im really quite surprised at how upset some of us*sts forumers* got when this question was asked. its just a question man ... arcane legends doesn't come with an instruction manual*and if it did im sure ppl would still have questions* ... if a new gta or assassin creed comes out with a fixed camera you can bet your @$$ ppl will notice. luckily sts knows what they are doing and arcane legends is still fun as H377 ... camera control or not ... but man can you imagine how cool it would be ...

as for your question about torchlight ... no i don't own an xbox anymore i had 2 and neither one last 6 months ... so i quit buying them ... but i have heard great things about this torchlight game ... there are 2 of them right ? a sequel also i think ... but yea id love to play that game it sounds pretty amazing ... do you know if it is available for ps3 ? or on steam or something ? *you don't really have to answer that i am going to google it in a minute ... im mainly trying to be polite and end the aggression that keep popping up in this thread*

01-02-2013, 06:29 PM
Yes its on steam. get 2 in that case. :fox:

01-03-2013, 12:11 AM
I love the locked camera! It's one thing less for my already speeding fingers!