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View Full Version : 71 pvp

12-27-2012, 11:10 PM
It's...just...totally messed up now :(

From the start of the new blacksmoke mountain gear, bears were already OP with the scythe, but at least they were still killable with skill

Now..with these new rank 9 skills, bears also have OP buffs and could already easily kill mages or birds in 71 gear unbuffed themselves, I tried it out myself as a 71 beastly bear.

So OP makes me sick...

12-27-2012, 11:56 PM
Lol my 70 bear can slay them 71s

Bears I guess (;

12-28-2012, 12:18 AM
My l70 walker bear used to kill l71 beastly bears all the time before lv9 skills.

12-28-2012, 03:27 AM
But from a mages or birds perspective its near impossible:/

12-28-2012, 11:17 AM
Psshht, birds would trash them

12-28-2012, 12:46 PM
Complain moar pls?