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View Full Version : Warriors need a Buff!

12-28-2012, 12:17 PM
Ok everyone with all the posts I have read, the questions I have asked and overall the time I have spent playing my warrior I have come to the conclusion that we are underpowered! I'm not posting this to complain or whine about warriors because fact of the matter is this is the only class I enjoy playing! Although, while playing my warrior as a tank I believe STS should either rework the taunt ability or just give us a taunt based skill! I also believe as a tank I should have considerable more armor than the dps classes! I have roughly 900 armor atm, I know that isn't the best but I hate seeing a rogue walking around with over 200 dps and 700 armor! Please STS I love this game and I'm not here to whine but I am here to make a suggestion that for me would improve my playing experience! In all seriousness STS Warriors need some help tanking and maybe dps wise for the people that wanna go damage warrior! As for me and my experiences the "TANK" role definitely needs some improvement because as of now it's doable but it's definitely not enjoyable by any means!

Thanks everyone for reading this and hopefully something can be improved on for Warriors! Good day all :)

12-28-2012, 12:30 PM
Call me crazy, but with 4 taunt skills, I am mostly happy with my warrior. Only thing it really needs is for a taunt to last longer, as it's annoying when an aimed shot crit hits right after a taunt and there is nothing that can be done. Perhaps make it so a taunt guarantees aggro for like 1-2 seconds.

The only other piece is the armor disparity at new levels. Warriors used to be capable of much more armor than the other classes, but now it's less of a difference. I'm fine with tank spec warriors doing no damage, as long as they soak damage and keep aggro.

The one thing I would say could be done is a buff to juggernaut. It's useful as is, but for it to truly be a required tank skill it either needs a 30 second cooldown or a mechanical change. Personally, I say leave the 45 second cooldown but make it so that for the full 15 seconds it's active, the warrior maintains constant aggro. If this can't be coded in, just make it taunt every 1 second instead of every 3.

12-28-2012, 12:37 PM
totally agree! Don't get me wrong i fully enjoy my warrior but i know that if there were changes made the tank warrior would be way more efficient! ATM i'm using your tank build and it works wonders for me in terms of holding aggro and actually tanking! i do believe by cutting down the cooldown for jugg, tank warriors would become significantly better! Once again though I'm not sure how they should fix it but I'm also not the most knowledgeable by any means! Like I stated above though, don't get me wrong I love my warrior a ton and it's really the only class I play, it's just I wish we could be more efficient than we currently are atm!

12-28-2012, 03:37 PM
I find it funny any time someone complains about warrior damage... if you wanted to be a damage dealer play a rogue or a mage. It's a high armor and high health class which just screams tank. If it had remotely close dps with that innate survivability, it would be the only class used!

In fairness, if sts wanted to make warriors dps builds possible, they could create a skill called kamikaze. Reduce armor and health by 50% and increase damage output by 100%. Perhaps as a passive just for warriors with 10%/20% per point.