View Full Version : Leaderboard opinions

12-29-2012, 05:32 AM
Hello all and sorry for a bit grammar
so as you all think..lb should be showing the best players in game..well i dont think so, it seems that lb is showing players with most platinum.. why is that?
half of archivments depends on platinum, auctioneer, not mentioning the pet collection.. dart, nexus , malison and few other that are platinun only pets or very expensive in gold. and half of archivments i cannot remember of now. other players such as mysef, that cannot afford platinum due to our country currency or any other reason we are not mach for players that can afford a pile of it, it just seems unfair too why would players that spend alot of real money on a game be the best players in game... i hope you understood my point and hope this is clear.
cheers friends

12-29-2012, 09:11 AM
Qq qq

12-29-2012, 10:36 AM
yes you are low Quality thnx for heads up spam elsewhere

12-29-2012, 10:55 AM
I support this, perhaps, it should be considered 'Pure version' of Top players, without plat pets needed.
p.s. I actually have all plat pets, but being Top for plat is not fun.

12-29-2012, 02:27 PM
I agree with this dude, but that's how the world spins, money. Sad isn't it? People spending hundreds on this to be on top of a LB... What do they win? Nothing, hope they have fun wasting cash...

12-29-2012, 02:40 PM

Dear STS,
Make a squid buddy pet for AL.
Sincerely, everyone.

12-29-2012, 06:06 PM
But only one section of the Leaderboards require plat, the one that counts APs. All the other ones can be done without plat : pve kills, timed runs, enhanced timed runs (combo elix is a common drop from ally). How can STS pay for development cost and employees if everything is free? Doesnt even make sense. So greedy and self serving and not thinking about the people that actually put time into making a game you can play for free, all because there is one tiny portion of the game that you cant achieve because it costs money.

Do you want them to mail you an iphone too cuz,not everyone can afford a smart phone to play?

12-29-2012, 06:32 PM
People just have different mentality. Some people don't mind providing support by paying for things they are using and some people try to milk as much free stuff outta others as possible.

01-01-2013, 03:28 PM
As a matter of fact, games that use the "free-to-play but premium items available" model should be awesome for those people who don't want to pay a cent-- because the premium players are picking up the tab for such a well-polished game. If it was 100% free, you wouldn't have new content, expansions or even bug fixes.

And to be honest, you said it yourself-- there is nothing in game that can't be bought without gold, now that all pets come egged. Respecs just have to wait until free respec weekend. Until then, I'm rather glad the enhanced half of the leaderboard exists to keep STS funded.