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View Full Version : skill allotment

12-29-2012, 10:29 PM
So i am rogue class in AL (obviously). I have been putting my stat points mostly in dex and a little in strength and intelligence; with a ratio of 5 or 4 points into dex at each level up and the remaining into either int or str. I would like to know whether this is right. Also sometimes i feel that my mana is running out too soon (especially in the tombs). How much points of int does a rogue need? I can't put too many points into int to "completely" overcome my mana issues because that would mean sacrificing str.

Another dilemna i've been having is in which skill to choose for my 4th slot. I currently have aimed shot 5, noxious bolt 2, razor shield 3. I don't prefer medic but maybe if i did i could skip some str points to invest into dex instead. Some suggestions on that point would be highly appreciated. And i'd also like an idea about the other skills and preferably which ones are viable for me (i'm trying to go for heavy dps). Please help!!!! :)

12-29-2012, 11:09 PM
IMO ditch the strength. I no longer have use for strength stat points b/c now Dex adds a bit of hp. If strength boosted our armor then i would reconsider but they don't. All they do is add hp so pull your str points over to int cuz u said you seem to be short on mana. 4th skill go for shadow veil that's what most dps rogues are going for.

12-30-2012, 02:27 AM
Go for pure Dex, you can make up for the STR and INT using equipments. (each dex/int point gives 3 HP)
As for skills you can't go wrong with Aimed Shot and Shadow Veil. The other two slot depends on your play style.
If mana a issue try using Flap Jack pet (+15% Damage, +8 HP & MANA regen) helps alot when doing elite map.