View Full Version : Apocalypse PvP Tournament structure and guidelines

01-02-2013, 06:18 PM

*** This tournament will be a guild vs guild DM tournament.* The first portion ov the tournament will be structured as a round Robbin tournament, meaning each team will have to face off against each team, where all results will be logged in terms ov wins, kills per player, as well as captures per player.* This will allow us to balance the bracketed portion ov the tournament more fairly, so as not to put really good teams against those that may not do so well, to increase the 'fairness.'* Determination as to which team faces which team, in this section ov the tournament, will be completely random as every team will eventually have to face every team.
*** After the first portion is complete, we will structure the second portion ov the tournament as a bracketed tournament.* We will place teams that are more evenly matched together, based on the results ov the first portion.* This part ov the tournament will be structured so that if a team loses they will be moved to a 'loser' bracket to compete for 3rd and 4th places.* That being said, if any team loses twice they will be eliminated.* The 'loser' bracket slots will be filled in accordance to that teams position on the main bracket.* I will create a template as an example to show the exactitude.


*** Each team that competes can have a maximum ov 4 players, (and players cannot overlap teams, once you are on a team you are there for the duration ov the tournament,) to allow the two open slots for judges to collect statistics at the end ov each round.* Teams are also required to have a name they associate with, and as it is a predominantly guild based tournament we would encourage teams to show their loyalty to their guild.* We do however realize that having only one team ov 4 per guild is quite benign, so we will allow a maximum ov 3 teams per guild. If there is more than one team per guild they will be expected to have an associated team name other than the guild associated with.
I will be creating a spreadsheet to log all information pertaining to who is on which team, which teams are facing off, kills by each player, and captures by each player. This will, in the end, help us determine the MVP for the entirety ov the tournament.* I will also be posting the results daily so that everyone else can keep track ov their own as well as others' progress.* This tournament may take a few days to complete, depending ov course on the length ov the matches.
*** Judges ov the tournament are expected to wander the game to monitor players activity/involvement, ie. players roles, (example: runner, goalie, etc.,) as well as capture a screenshot ov the results to log.* ( Note that screenshots ov all ov the players must be taken during final results. Don't forget to scroll down to collect them all!) The judges ARE NOT allowed to assist or interfere with players in any way!* This includes taking hearts or speed buffs, relaying information to members competing, attacking any member, using any stage traps, (like windows and doors,) etc.* Any judge that is found to be doing this will be immediately removed and replaced, as well as the match will have to start over.* Exceptions can be made if a judge is knocked into a buff or if some form ov unintentional action is made, but let's try to keep it to a minimum.* Judges will potentially die while monitoring, but no one is to actively seek out a judge to farm their kills.* Which brings me to another point, kill farming.
*** Kill farming may potentially happen, and there is at the current moment no need to try to coagulate or resolve teams from doing it.* That being said though, be mindful ov the length ov which matches run to help hasten the progress ov the tournament, as it may take a couple to a few days to complete as it is.* I understand that teams may be fairly evenly matched at times, which is why kill farming has no real way to be monitored.* But please, if we could try to keep it, (kill farming,) to a minimum it would be greatly appreciated.


*** At the current moment, we only have a few judges.* Since there is unfortunately no way to view the matches as a spectator, we will be offering a couple ov positions as a judge to be in games.* If you are competing within the tournament you cannot be a judge as well.* Anyone who would like to volunteer to be a judge will be expected to follow the rules afore mentioned, as well as be able to supply me with a screenshot with the results ov the match they were moderating.* To apply for a position as a judge one only has to PM me on DL (if I am on), on the DL forums, or if you have kik messenger, I am visibledarkness on there.* Volunteer slots may fill up quickly so I will go predominantly on a first come first serve basis however, there may be additional screening added a little further down the road depending on the number ov requests.


With the original post on forums I did say that if there were those ov you whom had regular teams that they associated/played with that you could form a team outside ov your guild. After some thought, I am pulling this option and reverting back to only guild teams may enter. The reasoning for this is that by forming teams with members outside ov your own guild, players are not supporting their own guild and ultimately draws strength away from that guild. We would also like it if members ov teams were not only temporary guild members either.


I would like to thank all ov those that will be participating in the tournament in advance. With the absence ov an update for DL, the game has gotten rather mundane. We are hoping that this brings in some new excitement for the time being, as well as show some thanks to those avid and dedicated DL players. Also this tournament would not be possible if not for the four horseman ov the apocalypse guild, whom are graciously donating the gold reward ov 1 million to the winner. So once again, thank you to you all!


As far as a date to when this tournament will be happening, there isn't one yet. It will however be in the month ov January and at the VERY latest early February. At this time though we will begin the registration ov teams. So contact me with your team's members, name, guild, and also time zone or best availability. I will begin to set up the round Robbin section ov the tournament shortly thereafter. It would be preferable to have this registration process completed by Sunday January 13th to begin the tournament soon after.

Internally yours,
Horseman ov The Apocalypse,

01-02-2013, 06:56 PM
This is like my post for AOTA Guild Battle .. Well whtever but why u need judges .. First of you should have 5 main people and 2 subs >.< Look at my thread in Dark Legend Contest Link: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?78656-Angel-Of-The-Apocalypse-Guide-Battles

BTW!! You should post your team and subs

By: Unknowable The Ctf officer of AOTA

01-02-2013, 07:15 PM
Haven't ever seen that post ov yours. It is a great concept. I am having only 4 so judges can log all info at the end ov match. If you would like so as not to offend you, we could do a DM tournament instead for now?

01-02-2013, 08:47 PM
So I was under the Wrong Impression. This tournament will be a Death Match Tournament. It will still follow the same structure but is not a CTF yet...That is next.

01-03-2013, 01:05 AM
Do we post registration in this thread?

01-03-2013, 01:12 PM
Can either post registration here, pm me on forums here, kik me, email me, pm me on DL however you want to do it.

01-03-2013, 05:15 PM
So I was under the Wrong Impression. This tournament will be a Death Match Tournament. It will still follow the same structure but is not a CTF yet...That is next.

Thanks for the clarification. Might be a good idea to remove mention of tracking captures in the first post. When I read that, I wasn't sure if this was for DM, CTF, or both.

01-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Is it safe to assume that this tournament will only be for higher levels (lvl 29-31)? Thinking so since that's the only way they can all compete against each other. But as a level 16...have to ask.

01-03-2013, 06:53 PM
Hmm, looks like this is going to be an interesting tourney. Good luck everyone!