View Full Version : Suggestion adding an constant auto attack option onto PL.

09-20-2010, 02:55 AM
Before I place my suggestions on here, I want to thank Spacetime Studios for creating this mobile MMO! I understand this is probably in beta stage but it's pretty entertaining so far and I'm sure there's a bright path ahead for you guys.

Allowing the character to retaliate when being attacked instead of having to press auto attack again. This should be an option that can be turned on and off.

09-20-2010, 03:20 AM
I personally don't like this idea. I thought of it, and thought it through. While playing the game, you'll just have to hit 1 button, and boom, you will be getting kills like crazy, and it would be lame in PvP, I don't like the idea, it just seems lazy, and seems like it would be weird. Some people only want to target 1 or 2 enemies and not the rest believe it or not.

09-20-2010, 06:52 AM
to do this just switch to another enemy before the current one dies, leaving him for the team to finish off.

09-20-2010, 08:19 AM
to do this just switch to another enemy before the current one dies, leaving him for the team to finish off.

Nice suggestion, I find myself doing this a ton.

09-20-2010, 08:25 AM
We actually had it implemented like this at one point. It seems like a cool option, but really what happens is the game just plays itself. And it was no fun :(

09-20-2010, 08:51 AM
We actually had it implemented like this at one point.

This cannot be true. At all.

09-20-2010, 08:59 AM
This cannot be true. At all.

First of all, why not? Second, I'm pretty sure it was like that for a while...

09-20-2010, 08:59 AM
What we need is smart tabbing, not auto-auto attack.
No, pally, not the mummy on the other side of the room. Yes, that djin that just took out half your hp. Well done. :/

09-20-2010, 09:48 AM
You mean you want the game to bot its self for you?

Lamest idea I've ever heard.

09-20-2010, 09:52 AM
First of all, why not? Second, I'm pretty sure it was like that for a while...

We initially had it like that when we were developing the feature.

09-20-2010, 10:12 AM
Oh the possibilities! Since level 45's warriors can't die in the re spawning Sarcophagus the exploits would be off the charts. Just click auto once, then go to bed! Yeah, enough exploits already in that level as there are. BTW, quick suggestion for that level, instead of having those two mages spawn, spawn a couple guys that break armor. That could solve the AFK problem as they would enable the bosses to kill the 'napping' characters. Also, so they don't make it insane for level 25's, give them low armor / health themselves so if you are actually paying attention they are easy to kill, even for appropriate level characters.

09-20-2010, 10:26 AM
Oh the possibilities! Since level 45's warriors can't die in the re spawning Sarcophagus the exploits would be off the charts. Just click auto once, then go to bed! Yeah, enough exploits already in that level as there are.

Lol, but what if one of the mages, that like to back up as you attack, backed all the way out of the room, and then your autoattack took you all the way down the hall to the beginning of the map? :D It might be kinda fun to watch what happens like cellular automata or something.

09-20-2010, 02:04 PM
zombie homicide. punto.

09-24-2010, 10:24 AM
You guys fail to realize people with iPhones and iPod touch have to deal with loads of lag, specially when attacking mobs. I failed to mention this should be a 'retaliate' option, meaning your character attacks when attacked.

I've played many games similar to Pocket Legends before and all offer or automatically have a retaliate option if attacked, these games are very successful. Not to mention MMO's out there now a days have a system if the game detects no human movement for a long period of time, it automatically kicks the player out for being AFK. I know PL can develop such tool and kick players out of the game to prevent people from using bots. This would prevent players from having accidental deaths in a game or trying to bot or auto the game.

Like I mentioned before if people don't want to use this, it should be an option that you can turn on and off.

09-24-2010, 10:28 AM
I play on a 1st gen iPod touch, so I'm not failing to realize anything there lol. I am just completely opposed to any further automation in this game. It's too easy to play as it is. Leave at least a couple things for the player to have to actively do ;)

09-24-2010, 10:32 AM
My girlfriend has the 1st gen of the touch and she deals with loads of onscreen lag, I have an iPhone 3g and my brother has the iPhone 4 plus my sister in law has an iPhone 3gs. We have all played together and have experienced on seperate wi-fi connections this lag at the same time. Meaning, the animations are probably overloading the device.

Then again, can you explain to me why are games like WoW, Runescape, and Fiesta so successful if they provide these options?

09-24-2010, 10:35 AM
1st part, have you tried unchecking "high quality" in the options? That helps me significantly with lag.

2nd part, people like to do nothing and be rewarded for laziness. Just because other games are successful allowing people to do that, doesn't mean PL should give in, and reduce the experience of playing this game, to be just like other ones ;)

09-24-2010, 10:40 AM
Oh, there's high quality in this game? lol. Sarcasm btw. Yes, I've done that yet large mobs still over load the device.

2nd, you're sitting on your butt playing a game. If I wanted to be rewarded for doing 'something' I would go out side and do 'something' and be rewarded. I mean come on you're just using your finger to auto attack, don't tell me that takes loads of ATP.

Actually, like I mentioned before and you didn't probably read, this is an "option".

09-24-2010, 10:45 AM
You're not really respodning to my points at all. Yes, auto-attacking is too easy. It would be great if they got rid of that as well. I am just opposed to any more automation whatsoever in this game. Anyway, I'm not a fan of the attitude so I'm going to move away from this thread. You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, I just happen to disagree entirely, and it sounds like the devs do too. I think it will take more than a snippy attitude and an argument of "WoW does it" to convince them...

09-24-2010, 11:16 AM
Actually I did respond to your points.

This game is not just famous enough for people to even bother to make bots since there basically a few to no one who is willing to spend real currency on a level 45 character. The game has a little to no market, it's understandable it's brand new and the market is barely picking up. Wait another year when the game finally gets going and expands to other mobile phones. I bet there's a couple of people who make real currency out of bots willing to bot this game.

I'm in no way promoting bots, I'm actually against it and I empathize with the Devs and even you about bots. I've seen many great games on consoles and computer be ruined by bots such as Runescape go from once amazing/fun game to a manipulated market/little to no freedom MMORPG. Yes bots do ruin games but I honestly fail to see how this will make the game feel less, specially when you want to focus on other areas of the game instead of getting attacked and watching your character just stand there and not retaliate due to the major lag and large mobs lagging your device. As far as bots go, no matter what they do, this game will eventually end up with bots.

P.S. I did state "successful games, never stated "WoW" towards the Dev's but to you I did, then again you're not a Dev. :/

Not being snippy, just pointing out facts. May be you just don't enjoy reading. :(

Thanks for your time, have a nice day. :)

09-24-2010, 11:22 AM
Actually I did respond to your points.

specially when you want to focus on other areas of the game instead of getting attacked and watching your character just stand there and not retaliate due to the major lag and large mobs lagging your device.

Just want to get this straight. You are suggesting adding ~ai~ to your character to respond properly to threats and you believe this will reduce lag?

09-24-2010, 11:36 AM
Not reduce lag but at least know your character will not die because you will finish off an AI who has little to no health left. Or if kept the same it will kill you because you lagged may be you lost a couple of packages in your wi-fi connection or for some unknown reason may be receive an unexpected text/call from a friend or relative, etc.

Also this would deal with the issue of bots, meaning the only time your character would retaliate would be if and only if attacked by an AI, not transition by attacking AI's. I did some how make it seem like that and I do apologize. I just posted my thread because I was in a hurry and barely had until now to fix.

I know it won't reduce lag or the overloading of your device. At least you know if you lag your character won't just stand there like a useless sack of dirt while being attacked. Like I stated before this should be optional.

09-24-2010, 11:39 AM
Aside from that, does any one find it kind of difficult to read bosses names on The Lost Expedition? May be just change the color to red or purple? Something visible.

09-25-2010, 07:25 AM
I personally don't experience lag at all. Ever. I'm using 3rd gen Ipod Touch and this is at home but I'm only stating this because it brings up the possibility of your area or region. And this is compared to the PL server obviously, which doesn't always mean distance, as I've found UK servers in other games work better for me than US ones, and I'm from Iowa :-P And I thought the same thing about having an auto-retaliate and/or auto-attack when I started playing PL Artomos. It made sense, and if implemented with other features would work. And your totally correct, who would bot this game for real world trades? (I play RS... I know right? lol)

But, people on PL do abuse the system and farm for items and skills using various techniques. In all honesty I don't even know how they do, but my point is that people totally would abuse auto-attack, and even auto-retaliate (as every monster that I've met so far attacks on sight. So either way, someone could just stand in an area with monsters and auto-attack with the right parameters so that they wouldn't die and eventually get what they wanted, as long as they checked there inventory every so often, which wouldn't be frequent, I believe, with higher level drops. This all goes without mentioning it would make the game play a lot of it automatically, as a lot of the real world skill to playing is knowing when to hit attack, targeting NPCs, and knowing who is attacking you. (Although that auto-tab feature sounds nice. Turn the aggressor red or have a red dotted line going toward ranged attackers, and maybe put a little button above their head so they are easier to click.)

So, maybe your suggestion could be altered; have an auto-retaliate when not looking at the in game screen, or to solve your problem, if the app gets minimized or anything like that, have auto-retaliate turned on. Lag though is something that is hard to combat, considering it's infrequent(ish, considering your situation) and that it happens only for a few seconds. Have you ever died from lag? I know I haven't, though I have died from being on a different screen and the red flashy thing not working. (Whats up with that, anyway?)

For the app and code to identify when your having lag, I would think, wouldn't be simple to do. I'm 100% sure it's possible, but it can't be a little 100-line code update. They could alter some options or engine mechanics etc. to help with lag on certain machines or areas. The only thing I could think of to help with your issue developer wise would be... Actually I'm not sure!! LOL Maybe log you out when your ping or FPS drops below a certain rate for a certain time.

Hope this helped communicate what Royce was saying. It seems he's pretty well respected around here and VERY knowledgeable about the game and related topics, so I'd take his words with that in mind. :-)