View Full Version : XP Threat Level fluctuations?

01-05-2013, 01:07 AM
So i'm doing the long grind from Lvl 75 to 76 when i decided to run with a thrasher once.

I experimented between going from Lost Valley to Dragon Run on the basis that Lost Valley enemies have a white dot next to their name, while I always though Dragon's Nest runs had yellow dots (1.5xp?). I wasn't sure if this multiplier was enough to make Dragon's Nest better than Lost Valley, but near the end, i noticed that the Dragon's Nest enemies were showing up as white as well!?

When my thrasher ran out, i saw that the Nest mobs were yellow again, meaning 1.5XP.

Did i just imagine it, or do threat level (XP gain) changes depending on if you are on thrasher or not?

And if not, can anyone confirm whether Dragon Nest runs on yellow dot mobs is faster XP than Lost Valley white mobs?

01-05-2013, 02:18 AM
From personal experience, I have always found Lost Valley to be the best place for xp in the BSM campaign. Mobs will respawn fast enough to get a good amount of xp. As for the threat level part, I never really paid attention to that, so can't help there.

01-05-2013, 03:01 AM
Threat level depends on the level of your team I think

01-05-2013, 02:12 PM
Threat level depends on the level of your team I think

ahhh, that makes sense.