View Full Version : READ/List of REAL issues that are very faustrating!

01-05-2013, 04:44 AM
So I have a list of issues that I have been holding in for too long & have been dealing with maybe this post should be in suggestions and feedback but well I thought they were issues to so look
-Pots cant be traded
-Lord madrome health should not be restored due to player running from him/she (some players run away because they dont know or listen)
-Lil mages on tower of madrome should not be able to knock us back because of trying to attempt to get chest for instance It took me 2 mins & pots to grab my banded elite gold chest
-Getting killed while watching animation on Arcanum grounds boss
-Health pots dont press fast enough when you get attacked by mobs
-No solo button asking guild mates is desturbing and sometimes annoying
-Chest on Arcanum castle when opened are empty
The most annoying issue is elixers running at the same time instead of adding togeather for example>>>>> (I get a loot reroll elxir from ally in windmore for 15 mins & then get a 30 min loot reroll from klass) Instead of them adding togeather or waiting for one to run out they run at the same time which is a waste!

01-05-2013, 10:26 AM
I agree with the others except,
-can I ask why only lord M? All of the bosses, including minions restore when you run away from it.
-if STS remove the knocking back effects of the lil mages, it will just make the run easier and I don't see a reason why they should do it.
-you can skip the cut scene by double tapping the screen.
-Spamming of pots can't be any faster I think . Maybe it's just that you have lower healths perhaps?

01-05-2013, 12:52 PM
-Lord m is like one big room unlike other bosses like on mother jarl bael antee krunch and the rest its common sence to not run away or their health will restart
-They do not have to remove the knock back effect they can make it weaker so its not as bad trying to grab your chest
-True you can skip the cut scenes
-When attacked by big mobs say by your self or when you have their attention your health disapears so fast I have the pots and gold to use just cant press them fast enough