View Full Version : Anime anime anime anime anime anime

01-05-2013, 07:00 AM
Hey guys,

Do you watch animes? If u do, what's ur favourite?
Mine are fairy tail , bleach, beelzebub etc.i watch those in animax and they're awesome!

01-05-2013, 07:27 AM
I'm not that big of an anime fan.

DBZ was my favorite show as a child tho.
And I have watched Full Metal Alchemist completely.

01-05-2013, 08:27 AM
The only I've really watched was One Piece, if you'll count that. great show.

Sent using spray paint on the city walls.

01-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Evangelion, Tokyo Godfathers, Ponyo, Spirited Away, etc.

01-05-2013, 02:07 PM
Hmm all my favorites are
Black lagoon
Samurai champloo
Soul eater.
.that's all I can think of right now:)

01-05-2013, 02:20 PM

01-05-2013, 04:06 PM
Wolf's Rain :)

01-05-2013, 04:18 PM
only can remember dbz n one peice oh and of course naruto lmao

01-05-2013, 07:49 PM
Never had a chance to watch one piece :(

01-07-2013, 05:23 PM
I love bleach, naruto, dbz and more :D

01-07-2013, 05:38 PM

U MAD BRO?:beaten:

01-07-2013, 08:10 PM
I'm not that big of an anime fan.

DBZ was my favorite show as a child tho.
And I have watched Full Metal Alchemist completely.
DBZ kewl

01-08-2013, 02:28 AM

U MAD BRO?:beaten:
Wow D:

01-09-2013, 12:00 AM
Evangelion, Tokyo Godfathers, Ponyo, Spirited Away, etc.
Gawd I remember ponyo, I loved it
favorite is Sword Art Online and The World God Only Knows
I watch a lot more then just these of course, but I really love these 2

01-09-2013, 12:12 AM
Hai miguel

01-09-2013, 12:13 AM

01-09-2013, 04:17 AM
FairyTail ftw!

01-09-2013, 07:00 AM
FairyTail ftw!
I love all it's opening!

01-09-2013, 07:01 AM
Deep sea cheese :/

01-10-2013, 12:26 AM
Deep sea cheese :/
I like cheese, the laugh is what kills it In my opinion

01-10-2013, 12:29 AM
too bad every popular anime was milked so hard it makes african kids look like kings

01-10-2013, 04:47 AM
if you like mystery,psycopath,horror
i recomemnd

-deadman wonderland
-maria nikki


one piece
fairy tail


01-10-2013, 12:46 PM
its all about my lil pony >:) lol

01-11-2013, 01:18 AM
too bad every popular anime was milked so hard it makes african kids look like kings
I don't think naruto or twgok is, but some have been, some shouldn't even last 12 episodes >.<

01-12-2013, 09:52 PM
Anyone watches hunter x hunter or the new anime K?

01-12-2013, 09:52 PM

02-09-2013, 01:26 AM
On going ones right now
One Piece
Fairy Tail
Naruto Shippude
Hunter x Hunter

Finished Animes
Fate Stay Night/ FZ (bit too emo but I sat through it like a man)
Gundam Seed/Destiny
Code Gease & R2
Ouran H.S. Host Club
School of Rumble
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
D.Grayman (wish they didnt stop it)
Tsubasa Chronicles
Eureka Seven
Sailor Moon
Soul Eater

and and and SWORD ART ONLINE!!!

plus i'm a big merchandise collector..mainly buy scaled figures and cute chibis lol

02-09-2013, 02:34 AM
Why you's all so mainstream :O

The fillers are enough to put anyone off for life, prefer to read the Manga. (Guess it's the security of knowing the Anime is on-going :p)

Few of my Fav's that haven't been mentioned

Air Gear
Angel Beats
Kenichi (World's Strongest Desciple)
Tenjoh Tenge
Trinity Blood

02-09-2013, 02:53 AM
Why you's all so mainstream :O

The fillers are enough to put anyone off for life, prefer to read the Manga. (Guess it's the security of knowing the Anime is on-going :p)

Few of my Fav's that haven't been mentioned

Air Gear
Angel Beats
Kenichi (World's Strongest Desciple)
Tenjoh Tenge
Trinity Blood

well if you really enjoy the anime, even the fillers are very enjoyable

O btw did you watch airgear? They stopped production on it like a few chapters in but I heard the mangas still going

02-09-2013, 02:58 AM
well if you really enjoy the anime, even the fillers are very enjoyable

O btw did you watch airgear? They stopped production on it like a few chapters in but I heard the mangas still going

Fillers can be, Fairy Tail fillers I can watch and enjoy, but Naruto/Bleach etc just don't seem worth it, when they decide to do it right about the time it starts to get interesting. (Story related)

Naruto more so than Bleach, Naruto fillers from a made up story when they were Genin's when as far as grown up in Shippuden gets boring easily. (Maybe just me? Lol)

I watched AirGear but they stopped due to small DvD sales (like most non-mainstream), though I still read the Manga and the same for Kenichi. Kenichi is a must see/read if you haven't already (:

02-09-2013, 03:01 AM
Naw I stay miles away from manga.

But I agree... filler wise Bleach ones to me were the worst, naruto lol remeber that 100+ episode filler streak before shippuden

02-09-2013, 03:12 AM
I think Bleach content wise fillers were worse, close to unbearable, but because I love/d Naruto so much I just wanted them to get on with the story/next arc already haha.

Why?? Lol Manga can be great, but I guess it's a bad idea if you don't wanna spoil the story in things like Naruto/Bleach/Fairy Tail lol.

Oh god, don't remind me! I was watching it at the time (weekly) so to wait a week and sometimes 2 weeks for 1-2 episodes and them being fillers wow.. No wonder it didn't drive me insane! Ha

A lot of the times I try to forget about them, and then catch up a few weeks later. Sounds silly, but I get to watch 5+ episodes in one go then :p

02-09-2013, 03:26 AM
fairy tail (i like natsu's spirit, he won't give up for his guildies and friends, his strong, but mostly, he won't give up to evil, like pvp ;)), gurenn lagann, and hunter x hunter. Beelzebub too cause Fukuichi is too funny to be true ;)

02-09-2013, 03:28 AM
and guys, u missed saoo and black butler ;)

02-09-2013, 03:31 AM
@doodle, i watched k ;) i like when the sword user fights another teenager using skateboard

02-09-2013, 03:32 AM
and guys, u missed saoo

Gundam/Sabre mentioned it :p

02-09-2013, 03:36 AM
ooh nvm :p

02-09-2013, 03:36 AM
I think Bleach content wise fillers were worse, close to unbearable, but because I love/d Naruto so much I just wanted them to get on with the story/next arc already haha.

Why?? Lol Manga can be great, but I guess it's a bad idea if you don't wanna spoil the story in things like Naruto/Bleach/Fairy Tail lol.

Oh god, don't remind me! I was watching it at the time (weekly) so to wait a week and sometimes 2 weeks for 1-2 episodes and them being fillers wow.. No wonder it didn't drive me insane! Ha

A lot of the times I try to forget about them, and then catch up a few weeks later. Sounds silly, but I get to watch 5+ episodes in one go then :p

Man I almost gave up on Naruto back then. Always had my hopes high near the end of a filler arc...a dreadful year indeed

And SAO was mentioned
Hopefully i'll live till the day when we get a real game like SAO

02-09-2013, 03:42 AM
Man I almost gave up on Naruto back then. Always had my hopes high near the end of a filler arc...a dreadful year indeed

And SAO was mentioned
Hopefully i'll live till the day when we get a real game like SAO

Same! Haha, was definitely a slowwww process.

And if they made a game like SaO, I'd never leave it! Man I'd live in there more than the real world.. surely couldn't be a good thing ha

02-09-2013, 03:42 AM
lol imagine when saoo comes real

02-09-2013, 03:44 AM
I watch everything on animax, sadly they only launch out very old animes ( they launch animes at half of the anime episodes), bleach ftw! I hate filters tho.

Currently watching the white invasion arc!

And guys, it's kinda a necro.

02-09-2013, 03:46 AM
lol imagine when saoo comes real

minus the dying irl part? or would people be perfectly fine with that o_O?

02-09-2013, 03:47 AM
double post but im curious...

Is it "legal" to torrent animes from a subbing group?
If it's not legal do people really get sued for it by funimation, etc

02-09-2013, 03:47 AM
No matter what age, if it was ever possible in my life time I'd have to play it, or at least try it out! Hopefully still into gaming then tho.. (Disturbing image.. but oh well)

02-09-2013, 03:55 AM
I watch everything on animax, sadly they only launch out very old animes ( they launch animes at half of the anime episodes), bleach ftw! I hate filters tho.

Currently watching the white invasion arc!

And guys, it's kinda a necro.

Necro's under a month, are perfectly fine.. plus we have brought life to the thread :p

minus the dying irl part? or would people be perfectly fine with that o_O?

Hmmm, a tough one.. I filled in this generator thing that asks a few questions and gives an idea of how long you would stay alive and the lvl you'd become.

Mine was like Level 10 but survive until the end. (Guess I'd be a Twink char for life :p)

02-09-2013, 03:56 AM
No matter what age, if it was ever possible in my life time I'd have to play it, or at least try it out! Hopefully still into gaming then tho.. (Disturbing image.. but oh well)

and meet a girl like Asuna <3

02-09-2013, 04:14 AM
If you are at the saoo world, I recommend you to not die ........LOL

02-09-2013, 04:31 AM
If you are at the saoo world, I recommend you to not die ........LOL

Dual Swords? Front lines? The glory!


02-09-2013, 05:12 AM

02-09-2013, 05:13 AM
Although I like Fairy tail more than the cruel world of saoo

02-09-2013, 08:04 AM
I used to watch a lot but now...i read from time to time some manga.

Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2, X, Princess MOnonoke, Wolfs rain, Noir, Claymore, xxxHolic, Ghost in the shell, Hellsing, Devil may cry, Fullmetal alchemist, Full metal panic, Samurai Shamploo, Naruto - i loved but fillers ugh i stoped after few parts of shippuden, same with Bleach. Only long anime i was able to watch till end was DBZ.

I dont have patience to watch or read something long and still ongoing. Someone mentioned disciple Kenichi.. was thinking abt to read but that length and ongoing scared me lol. So when i see oneshot or only few capitols and complete i know thats smth for me :biggrin:

02-09-2013, 08:20 AM
Kenichi has it all! Haha you have to read it man (:

and meet a girl like Asuna <3

Hell yesh! (Part of the disturbing images I had.. Lol 60-80+.. O.o)

That's pretty good the way they added that little scene where they make them appear as they are in RL haha, nearly all had drastic changes in age/sex/appearances made me "lol".

02-09-2013, 09:20 AM
Hm ill think abt it.

And im a girl :)

I just remembered on collage we used to watch some of the series lol. Small "club" was fun :).

02-09-2013, 10:35 AM
Hm ill think abt it.

And im a girl :)

I just remembered on collage we used to watch some of the series lol. Small "club" was fun :).

Whoops, we say "man" in just a general sense in the UK, but didn't know you were a girl so good for future references :p (Instead of a super fail haha)

Hmm, not sure about any other Manga that are short term atm and you'd prob read them anyway.

02-09-2013, 11:30 AM
Guys, I have a silly question but what's DBZ or shortened for?

02-09-2013, 11:31 AM
I always wondered the meaning if its general or direct so thx for explanation :)

Not many short out there true not many good too. I just read from time to time just to kill the time. (Haha so many times :p)

02-09-2013, 11:39 AM
I always wondered the meaning if its general or direct so thx for explanation :)

Not many short out there true not many good too. I just read from time to time just to kill the time. (Haha so many times :p)

No problem hehe. And if you find any "un-missable" one's give me a heads up :D

Guys, I have a silly question but what's DBZ or shortened for?

Dragon Ball Z, I watched the whole series (DB/DBZ/DBGT) on Cartoon Network when I was younger so it was Dubbed in English, watched the Japanese version for giggles but the voices put me off :p (Being so used to dubbed voice actors lol)

02-09-2013, 11:54 AM
Oh lol, thx bod, and I watched it too when I got nothin else to do................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................................when I was young.

02-09-2013, 11:55 AM
N for romantic stuff, I watched Maid Sama and Hayate the combat butler.. Lololol jkay :D

02-09-2013, 12:10 PM
Dragon Ball Z, I watched the whole series (DB/DBZ/DBGT) on Cartoon Network when I was younger so it was Dubbed in English, watched the Japanese version for giggles but the voices put me off :p (Being so used to dubbed voice actors lol)

I watched german dub when i heard original japanese i was like wtf that voice was soo funny :D

N for romantic stuff, I watched Maid Sama and Hayate the combat butler.. Lololol jkay :D

U should try tsubasa chronicle.. i couldnt watch it all was too much

02-09-2013, 01:21 PM
I watched german dub when i heard original japanese i was like wtf that voice was soo funny :D

Haha glad it wasn't just me then xD

I usually can't watch Dubbed Anime, has to be Sub lol

02-09-2013, 02:35 PM
Dubed only german.. other eng sub. Kinda helped me with learning the both languages heh

02-10-2013, 04:47 PM
I read manga, rarely watch anime for the sole reason that I am an impatient fellow. I do watch some good anime that the manga can't match though. My favorite so far is Durarara. The plot is really good. Others are Naruto, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist :) I used to like one piece, and If it weren't for Dragon Ball, I wouldn't have gotten into anime in the first place. These were shows I liked before they became mainstream for the record.

oh ya, neon genesis evangelion, inuyasha, crap.. what else. lol

02-10-2013, 05:54 PM
Watched a ton of DBZ for "research" purposes on a game I never made.

02-10-2013, 07:04 PM
While we're messing with fantasy... Martial Legends? :D

02-10-2013, 07:33 PM
Watched a ton of DBZ for "research" purposes on a game I never made.
Saiyan Legends? Super Legends? Super Saiyan Legends????

02-11-2013, 10:30 AM
Over 9000!!!!!

02-11-2013, 07:29 PM
Watched a ton of DBZ for "research" purposes on a game I never made.

Dragon legends. Nuff said

03-29-2013, 02:09 PM
One Piece
Death Note
Eyeshield 21
One Piece
One Piece
One Piece.

03-29-2013, 02:45 PM
Dragon legends. Nuff said

*shifty eyes*

03-29-2013, 04:10 PM
for all u dbz fans watch dragon ball z abridged by teamfourstar. its hilarious and worth watching ;)

03-29-2013, 11:45 PM
Soul Eater
D. Gray-Man
Black Butler

There are more but those omg are just awesome

03-30-2013, 12:36 AM
The only one i ever watched in my life is Naruto. It's pretty awesome.

03-30-2013, 04:25 AM
Well, @.@ not a fan of never-ending shounen anime here...
My favorite animes are mostly in the romance/slice of life genre...>.<
A few really good ones I've watched are CLANNAD and CLANNAD AS(lol this. Is. Epic.) , Angel Beats, SAO and Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo. Maid-sama was also really sweet. GOSICK has a really bad plot but the development of the female lead just got me hooked on the entire series.

04-05-2013, 12:41 AM
Voltes V

Yuyu Hakusho
Hajime no Ippo

04-05-2013, 07:15 AM
I love anime ^_^
My favourite anime is Durarara!!
Following are Black Butler, Inazuma Eleven, Gakuen Alice, Soul Eater & Death Note.

Lol I've watched so much anime xD

04-07-2013, 09:35 PM
I <3 anime. Since I was a kid! :)

Some of my favs (in no order) are: Akira, G.I.T.S., Cowboy Bebop, Gungrave, Mnemosyne, Elfen Lied, Blood: The Last Vampire, Texhnolyze, FLCL, Bleach, Naruto, Spirted Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Technoman, Appleseed, Sekirei, Afroman, and many many more. :)