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View Full Version : Starting a warrior

01-07-2013, 02:08 AM
Just wanted to ask wat is the 4 best skills i need for lvling up with upgrades if you can name them aswell please ^^

01-07-2013, 10:13 AM
Anyone??? Come on..

01-07-2013, 10:28 AM
Id propably say the windmill, the healing horn thing lol, chest splitter and any one you think suites you. :) hoped this helped.

01-07-2013, 04:30 PM
it's like asking what the best food is..some will say fries, some will say chicken..it depends on your taste and gameplay style..check out some guides in the forum before jumping onto subject of "what's best"

01-07-2013, 04:35 PM
Majority of those guides are tank crap for lvl 20 and 21 its not something hard to answer lol ive done it for rogue and mage so far and ppl answered fine im simply lookin for the 4 good skills that is good for the simple purpose of lvling and the upgrades needed

01-07-2013, 05:23 PM
For leveling, vengeful, windmill, skyward smash, and horn of renew... as far as upgrades, apply logic.

01-07-2013, 06:01 PM
warrior is meant to be a "tank" in case you haven't noticed..it's just the matter of being a pure tank, or something in the middle..i'm not a pure tank..
as for your question; best 2 skills are horn of renew and vengeful blood..the other 2,up to you..mine is chest splitter and windmill..

01-07-2013, 09:27 PM
Yup i know its meant to be a tank but wat im sayin majority of the guides ive seen are pure tank builds for lvl 21 spec just for endgame thiers not really a guide on wat i should lead up to getting as i lvl

01-07-2013, 09:46 PM
Again... for leveling the ideal build is vengeful, skyward smash, windmill, and horn of renew. I guess I need to explain it...

Skyward - AoE attack with a low cooldown and the ability to hit as many targets as in range.

Vengeful - No brainer for a leveling build. Heals, doubles your DPS (when factoring in damage, crit, and str together, as I know it's a 25 boost to each), and makes it so you don't need mana pots.

Horn of Renew - Don't use the taunt for leveling... but the heal and shield is awesome to save health pots and keep you alive.

Windmill - Hits 3 targets and does lots of damage compared to other skills since it hits a lot. I personally like CS better so you can keep auto attacking, but the general consensus is that windmill is better.

01-08-2013, 05:36 PM
Again... for leveling the ideal build is vengeful, skyward smash, windmill, and horn of renew. I guess I need to explain it...

Skyward - AoE attack with a low cooldown and the ability to hit as many targets as in range.

Vengeful - No brainer for a leveling build. Heals, doubles your DPS (when factoring in damage, crit, and str together, as I know it's a 25 boost to each), and makes it so you don't need mana pots.

Horn of Renew - Don't use the taunt for leveling... but the heal and shield is awesome to save health pots and keep you alive.

Windmill - Hits 3 targets and does lots of damage compared to other skills since it hits a lot. I personally like CS better so you can keep auto attacking, but the general consensus is that windmill is better.

HoR is pretty useful indeed, but in terms of speed leveling, I'd opt out of HoR and go with CS. It does a decent AoE with the fastest cooldown for warrior and solid damage.

01-08-2013, 05:58 PM
personally I use windmill, skyward smash, chest splitter, horn of renew. I got windmill for the obvious reason of it is the hardest hitting attack a warrior has and hits more than one to boot. I got chest splitter for it for its agro grabbing ability and it quick cooldown time ... oh and it hits multiple targets. I use skyward smash mainly as a speed boost and being a tank it helps me get the drop on the mobs and get their agro b4 my team mates catch up and accidently get too many mobs agroed on them. also it hits multiple targets ... always handy when trying to keep everyone's agro. and horn of renew because it heals and shields and taunts ...

now that I am 21 and playing more and more ... I am really considering switching skyward sword for vengeful ... I never really tried it but everyone here seems to be a believer

oh also I throw in a flapjack pet for mana regen and the stun attack ... im only half a warrior with out my flap jack.

01-09-2013, 07:10 AM
skyward sword

Someone plays Zelda! Hehe. :)