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View Full Version : Need help :p...

01-07-2013, 04:17 PM
Well, lemee start off by saying... It's not very dramatic lol. However, it's still a hard decision I have to make ;)... And I need this "family" of mine's help! So... Been doing high school... Going well... Hard classes, but easily manageable and I can even play PL xD!!!

I need to choose which classes to take... I've already got this for sophomore year:

Ap Biology
Spanish 3+
Advanced placement Math (2 years of math in 1 - School lets you do up to Calc 2... I'd be doing trig and Alg2 in one year)

If those were the only hard classes I'd be taking... I'd laugh my *** off and say sophomore year come at me! Sadly, that's not the case :/.. I've had experience with AP courses... Doing one as a freshman booyah! They're difficult, but again, I can still manage time. Bad news is... That's only 1 AP lol. My dean says she stronglyyyy recommends taking 2 AP's next year, and only 2... Problem is...

I'm planning:
AP Biology
AP Language and Composition
AP US History

I just had a talk with my English teacher and she really wants me to do AP Lang/Comp... I also want to do AP USH though :(... Tell me what you guys think!

APUSH or AP LANG/COMP? Maybe... Both? If I'm taking 3 AP's, good bye PL lol xD!

Parth, I know we already had a discussion about this, but my dean and my teacher >_>... Yeah...

01-07-2013, 05:26 PM
2-3 APs are the way to go.

If you can take on four while still maintaining a healthy extracurricular schedule & still do the things you enjoy in life (PL, eating rice, etc) then go for it.

I'd recommend AP Bio and AP Lang, as they'd be most applicable in college. APUSH is just nice for familiarizing yourself with your country's origins.

01-07-2013, 05:29 PM
So complicated.

No wonder ur school system sucks.

01-07-2013, 05:31 PM
So complicated.

No wonder ur school system sucks.

No wonder indians & asians do schooling in there homeland then come to America for good jobs and get rich!

01-07-2013, 05:33 PM
2-3 APs are the way to go.

If you can take on four while still maintaining a healthy extracurricular schedule & still do the things you enjoy in life (PL, eating rice, etc) then go for it.

I'd recommend AP Bio and AP Lang, as they'd be most applicable in college. APUSH is just nice for familiarizing yourself with your country's origins.

Most helpful thing I've heard in awhile... Ty so much >_>... You are my go to person lmao xD! And I like rice a hella lot ;)...

So complicated.

No wonder ur school system sucks.

Math and Americans xD!

No wonder indians & asians do schooling in there homeland then come to America for good jobs and get rich!

Easy for you to say :D

Suentous PO
01-07-2013, 09:01 PM
No wonder indians & asians do schooling in there homeland then come to America for good jobs and get rich!

Well let them know 'murica has began sending all jobs overseas, so no need to travel now.

01-07-2013, 10:16 PM
Language Comp > History (unless you plan on being a historian of some sorts.) Parth said it best, tho: Make time for extracurricular activities and family time and you will be fine. It is good to strive to be your best, but remember you only have one childhood.

01-07-2013, 10:20 PM
where do you live?

to even been in the top 9% of my high school, which would guarantee you a place at a uc, you needed at least a 4.83

everyone took all APs

01-07-2013, 10:26 PM
AP Comp and AP USH shouldn't be too difficult, just lots of writing. If you have lots to say, it shouldn't be a problem.

AP Bio and AP Alg2/Trig could be difficult, depending on your math skills. If you're generally comfortable in math, they shouldn't be difficult. The bio labs might be time consumers if you have lots of clubs at the same time. AP Calc2 should be more interesting.

No AP languages? Do an AP language too.

If you do these all with your friends, it goes by pretty fast.

01-07-2013, 10:55 PM
AP Comp and AP USH shouldn't be too difficult, just lots of writing. If you have lots to say, it shouldn't be a problem.

AP Bio and AP Alg2/Trig could be difficult, depending on your math skills. If you're generally comfortable in math, they shouldn't be difficult. The bio labs might be time consumers if you have lots of clubs at the same time. AP Calc2 should be more interesting.

No AP languages? Do an AP language too.

If you do these all with your friends, it goes by pretty fast.

I'm planning on doing AP Spanish by Junior year... Or at least I hope. Math is easy for me... Never study lol xD! Asian meh! I'm planning to do some extra-curriculars... And gotta go for being the "leader" of those groups for those colleges to even recognize me.

where do you live?

to even been in the top 9% of my high school, which would guarantee you a place at a uc, you needed at least a 4.83

everyone took all APs

I live in Minnesota if that helps... Our school has like... A schedule for us. Of course you don't have to follow it, but you better be world's most persuasive person for them to let you go beyond. I'm taking the hardest classes right now, and the max GPA for a freshman is 4.17. I have a 4.11 because of an A- :(!!!!! I've been asking my smartest friends and... Well... I'm kinda top >_>... Honors aren't weighted, which is why I can't get close to the 5. And remember... Ap credits and GPA aren't the only thing they look for... As Parfee told me :)!

Max AP's they'll let you take:
1 each semester in Freshman
3 for each semester in Sophomore (Only 2-3 kids ever did that in the school... They weren't very "social")
And juniors and seniors is whatever... If you take like 6 APs, you're probably just overloading yourself or going with the easy APs like AP Psychology/AP Art etc.

Language Comp > History (unless you plan on being a historian of some sorts.) Parth said it best, tho: Make time for extracurricular activities and family time and you will be fine. It is good to strive to be your best, but remember you only have one childhood.

Yeah, money can't buy childhood :)! -tell that to Asian father-

01-07-2013, 10:57 PM
I live in Minnesota if that helps... Our school has like... A schedule for us. Of course you don't have to follow it, but you better be world's most persuasive person for them to let you go beyond. I'm taking the hardest classes right now, and the max GPA for a freshman is 4.17. I have a 4.11 because of an A- :(!!!!! I've been asking my smartest friends and... Well... I'm kinda top >_>... Honors aren't weighted, which is why I can't get close to the 5. And remember... Ap credits and GPA aren't the only thing they look for... As Parfee told me :)!

UCs only count soph/junior year, and A-, A, A+, all the same 5.0

01-07-2013, 11:54 PM
UCs only count soph/junior year, and A-, A, A+, all the same 5.0

Well... that might help -_-...


GPA in classes now:


01-08-2013, 03:08 AM
I still have no idea what u r talkin about.

Still, I'm from the country which school system makes ur poopoo school system jelly :))))

01-08-2013, 07:15 AM
I still have no idea what u r talkin about.

Still, I'm from the country which school system makes ur poopoo school system jelly :))))

:'D lmao

01-08-2013, 07:16 AM
I have absolutely no idea what u guys are talking about xD

Don't look down us Asians! :P

01-08-2013, 07:34 AM
I still have no idea what u r talkin about.

Still, I'm from the country which school system makes ur poopoo school system jelly :))))

I guess Will and I are very jelly.

01-08-2013, 08:25 AM
I guess Will and I are very jelly.


01-08-2013, 08:46 AM

Nothing is the same except we only start school at 7 xD

01-08-2013, 10:42 AM
Nothing is the same except we only start school at 7 xD


01-08-2013, 04:48 PM
Pfft we get nap time xD!

01-09-2013, 07:05 AM

01-10-2013, 03:59 AM
I want some jelly