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View Full Version : time to revisit elite weapons

01-07-2013, 11:00 PM
Now that they've been out for a while, it's time for STS to revisit the design of the elite weapons in BSM. Specifically, they need to reevaluate the decision to make int and str requirements so high on branch and boulder.

The community's rejection of these weapons is clear and unambiguous. You can buy either in CS for around 100k, give or take. I recently finished spending about 25 hours of play time capping in BSM runs, and during that time I saw exactly one of these weapons in use: a bear with the boulder. I never have seen a branch in the wild.

The problem is that going pure int or str just has way too many disadvantages. These weapons are nowhere near good enough to justify such a build. (I can't even imagine what stats they'd have to be to tempt me to go full str with my bear.) If you ever want these items to see any significant use, you'll have to adjust their requirements to something more in line with a reasonable stat build. I'm glad you put forth the effort to make elite items to strive for, but you really missed the mark here. You need to go back and fix them so they serve an actual purpose.

01-08-2013, 06:20 AM

The Burning branch is not really useable. You lose so much defence and other stats that a simple bump up in dmg cannot overcome the losses.

01-08-2013, 11:04 AM
I wouldn't mind if they took a second look at the non-tradeable elite lev71 weapons from the ichor quest in the temporary Fire Forest dungeon, too. These weapons look AWESOME, and have nice procs, but for my Dragonet's Xfire Bow, the proc fails to compensate for stats which are unilaterally worse than the pink level71 Flying Recurve. I don't get how any elite item can have worse stats than a pink of the same level.... And since it's now clear that having a proc isn't a defining aspect of an "elite" weapon, I find it very much worth asking - What does the dark pink "elite" category mean? Unlike all other rarity categories, it clearly doesn't mean "superior to more common rarities."

01-08-2013, 02:22 PM
I agree that the 300 base req. has a literally "what the heck is this *censored*?!" -factor (like i had).

If you compare the Base requirements of the crafted weapons like savage scythe or fiery cepter with the boulder and branch they have entirely 143 points difference! (300-157)

while humania crafted weapons had only 3 points difference to the Elites (163-160).
My one and only suggestion is to limit those lv 76 base req. from 300 to (at least) 200.

And even it's not enough of blamage , they do not even have a PROC unlike the old Elite items (beside egg) , but it could be balanced if the items are good enough in stats , but they are not , only the bow (as mentioned in countless posts) is worth to purchase.

01-09-2013, 10:52 PM
wouldn't it be nice if a wand and a 1 handed sword would drop that would contribute to the overall set bonus.