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View Full Version : INT mage or Paladin

09-21-2010, 04:23 AM
I want to discuss if a full int mage, a 145int (rest go to dex) mage and a Paladin (145str and the rest go to int), which one would be the best for PVP:confused:

Full INT Mage
Has the highest damage but the crtical, hit % and the armor is low........

145 INT Mage
Has high damage, solved the problems of low critical and hit % but... suffering from low armor

145 STR Mage
They are so called Paladin, with high armor like bear does! Holding a lance or even spear can kill within seconds but usually their skill damage is low and they have very low crtical and hit%

:rolleyes: so which one would you choose for PvP?

**ps. By the way, I have just raised a new mage and the name is Magejoe :cool:

09-21-2010, 05:04 AM
a paladin would have been the obvious choice for pvp but because of the new skill update, i'm not so sure. i haven't yet played any good int mages since the new update. but i would still say paladin!

09-21-2010, 05:20 AM
just switched to pally from pure.
Don't regret it.


145 INT Mage
Has high damage, solved the problems of low critical and hit % but... suffering from low armor

145 STR Mage
They are so called Paladin, with high armor like bear does! Holding a lance or even spear can kill within seconds but usually their skill damage is low and they have very low crtical and hit%

i think a pally would be 14x str and rest dex. same crit and hit as 14x mage

09-21-2010, 07:56 AM
Thanks guys. :) Lets talk in other post (I have opened the same thread at PvP):

;) Jsaiealge / Magejoe

09-21-2010, 11:42 AM
Why did you make a duplicate thread? This is just as appropriate a place. Anyway, I found it here so I will answer it here. A paladin is still your best bet, particularly with a Djinn spear (or trident at lower levels). High armor, still plenty of skill damage, and the break armor proc of those melee weapons will stack with nightmare and lightning, allowing you to reduce your opponents armor to nearly nothing. If you are going Int mage, don't go 142 Int, or max int, just build enough Dex in to get to 125% hit.

09-21-2010, 05:23 PM
royce says 125% hit because there are debuffs which lower your hit% by 25%. so if you have 125% hit then you will have 100% even with the debuffs.

09-22-2010, 04:13 AM
Thanks very much!!!

I have switched to paladin now.... but i am weak in pvp...

Here's my gear

Mynas helmet of Thoth
Djinn spear of Thoth
Mynas Plate mail of Thoth
Pharaohs shield of Thoth

I put 145 points into Strength while I put the rest into Dex.....

Any comments about my Pally build?

09-22-2010, 04:21 AM
well 142 str and the rest into dex will actually be better but it will be a minuscule difference.
you are probably weak in pvp because you haven't had much experience, yet. i have my own special combo so try and find your own.

09-22-2010, 04:37 AM
Is this the pvp or pve thread can't tell on iPhone also to OP, fail for duplicate thread :)

09-22-2010, 06:40 AM
I really think I am lack of experience, I was a pure dex eagle and now I needa re-train myself for the pally.....

09-22-2010, 09:36 AM
Try to buff, then debuff, get some spear pokes in if possible, then unleash the damage skills. What's your skill build look like?

09-23-2010, 04:05 PM
i personally prefer a pally because i just like having the good armor and being able to know ill be able to resist some attacks. mages are very powerful and don't get me wrong, they are very good; and people have very good strategies. the second although a mage is vulnerable...well they're screwed.

09-23-2010, 05:23 PM
the second although a mage is vulnerable...well they're screwed.
totally. with or without bracer and wand. cannot even do some lower level bosses sometimes.

09-28-2010, 06:57 AM
Personally, i was a pure INT mage untill lvl 40, then decided to go pally since i seemed to be dieing alot because of low defence :mad: being a pally works very well after level 40 with thoth items- you have high defence, high attack, and can basically keep using your spells as fast as they regenerate ;) as for skills and stats i went for Violentsaint's pally / battlemage build which is very effective :D

09-28-2010, 09:06 AM
oh btw i saw new build of ninjaMage 142dex 87int.
pretty pwning @PvE but needs confirmation of PvP usage

09-29-2010, 06:55 AM
thanks guys, i have built and trained with the skills on my pally, i think.... it's as good as i tihought

pallies with no buffs or manna shield can't survive in front of a bird's spells or crazy combo shots

pallies used all the spells or skills can't really take down a tank...

so......... :(