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01-09-2013, 09:24 AM
so i'm curios as to how many people actualy have been doing the daily bards tale everyday since they started playing and how many tokens most of you have. oh and haunlet coins who still runs the hauntlet everyday? i have 89 haunlets and 193 tokens i dont run the haunlet alot.

01-09-2013, 09:39 AM
Since the release of the game first offered for Android users, it's safe to say that the first batch who managed to purchase Colton were among these users. For iOs I know a handful too who have been farming daily tokens since the game was made available.

As for the hauntlet tokens, players like Cyzi, Avshow, Hustlin, Shima and I are among those who get hold of these tokens a lot since we conduct daily practice runs averaging from 30-50 per day in line with maintaining our leaderboard status. Apart from these, I also do know players who farm for the tokens as well. ;)

01-09-2013, 09:39 AM
so i'm curios as to how many people actualy have been doing the daily bards tale everyday since they started playing and how many tokens most of you have. oh and haunlet coins who still runs the hauntlet everyday? i have 89 haunlets and 193 tokens i dont run the haunlet alot.

I think everyone will do the daily bards tales because its limited to four each day. And there are three pets you can buy with story tokens are , deston, meep moop and Colton . I regret for not doing it at the start of my game cause I was lazy :( but now I do it daily. As for hauntlet , it's much more different because u can run for the HC anytime anyday. IMO it's better to use the time to farm then to run hauntlet over and over for the HC to purchase the pets, because take it as a average run is 2mins per run. In 60mins, you only get 30HC. So for me , it's better to use the time to farm jarl and sell the loot and use the gold to buy those pets. It's just my opinion (:

01-09-2013, 09:46 AM
well i had about 10 and 1 hauntlet

01-09-2013, 10:01 AM
iOS user here. I run the four bard dailies and the two hauntlet dailies every day. I didn't really run them much while leveling, though, just while capped at 16 and now 21. I think I'm at 106 wrote tokens and 102 hauntlet coins, last time I looked.

01-09-2013, 11:23 AM
Android user, missed a few days but pretty consistently been doing bard. Have 198 story tokens.
Can't wait for Colton :) I think those who got Coltlon very early were lucky enough to play the
game pre-release in the US. Just a tip for those of you who want all three story token pets without
paying gold for them: farm story tokens with three toons. Buy the eggs with your story tokens,
don't redeem them in the stable, and transfer them to them to the toon you want to have them.
Doing this with three toons, I will have all three pets in the next few days without paying gold for
them :)

01-09-2013, 11:39 AM
How do you transfer story tokens??

01-09-2013, 11:54 AM
How do you transfer story tokens??

Can't transfer story tokens. Can only transfer the eggs you buy from the story tokens. You can
buy the eggs from the person who is standing next to the bard. Interestingly enough you can
also buy potions with your tokens, but I don't know who would ever want to do that :)

01-09-2013, 12:05 PM
oh ya i never thought about using more than one to for the pruose of farming story tokens. i never made any other toons because im too lazy to lvl them

01-09-2013, 12:23 PM
Just a tip for those of you who want all three story token pets without
paying gold for them: farm story tokens with three toons. Buy the eggs with your story tokens,
don't redeem them in the stable, and transfer them to them to the toon you want to have them.

Great tip! I never even considered that, heh. Now I have more incentive to play my alts! Thanks! :)

01-09-2013, 01:49 PM
Hehe...man, I was excited.... 197 on my mage and 40ish on my warrior (sold a Meep-Moop).
Guess I have to wait till tomorrow for Colton!

01-09-2013, 02:21 PM
Hehe...man, I was excited.... 197 on my mage and 40ish on my warrior (sold a Meep-Moop).
Guess I have to wait till tomorrow for Colton!

woah, nice

01-09-2013, 07:23 PM
used to do daily until i accidently bought potions with my story tokens..

01-09-2013, 07:38 PM
used to do daily until i accidently bought potions with my story tokens..

That sucks. Why is that option even there? 15 tokens for 25 pots? Absurd.

01-09-2013, 10:04 PM
I'm an Android user.
Just bought a Colton today with 1 token left.
As for the Hauntlet tokens, I have 109. I usually do 2 runs to complete the daily quests, and I round up 4 tokens, but I haven't been doing it recently.

01-09-2013, 11:32 PM
11 hauntlet :/

around 47 story tokens. just started a few weeks ago