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01-10-2013, 06:31 AM
Will we ever be able to check players gear out? I wish this was in the game!

01-10-2013, 04:40 PM
yes +1

01-10-2013, 04:44 PM
Ikr I second this!

01-10-2013, 09:53 PM
seeing other peoples stats is enough as it is and i think should be disabled come pvp. why would you want to see every little detail about a player? planning on copying their build or something? the only reason i bought vanity is for this, to at least keep my armor private. if you want to, suggest an option where you can flaunt out all your equips for everyone to see, but don't make it mandatory for everyone.

01-10-2013, 10:38 PM
seeing other peoples stats is enough as it is and i think should be disabled come pvp. why would you want to see every little detail about a player? planning on copying their build or something? the only reason i bought vanity is for this, to at least keep my armor private. if you want to, suggest an option where you can flaunt out all your equips for everyone to see, but don't make it mandatory for everyone.

Seeing as you can do this in pretty much EVERY mmo ever, why would it hurt this one?

01-10-2013, 10:52 PM
REALLY? EVERY mmo ever (you really needed to all-caps that ever? REALLY??) why would it hurt? WHY WOULD IT BENEFIT? What the heck are those vanities for? You can already see the armor and weapon of a player by default. If you know how to do math, you can also check if its either 20 or 21. The only thing that are hidden right now are the accessories. Can't we even keep that private? Do you REALLY need to know everything? Will you be also asking to be able to check others skill build next? How bout our total gold? Would you like to check it as well?

01-10-2013, 11:07 PM
I actually agree with parnaso. Besides if you now someone well enough they will tell u.

01-11-2013, 08:15 AM
I'd never want players to be able to inspect my whole gear build.

Hence the other point of wearing Vanity, only for Helm/Armour but that's enough knowing Ring/Pendant isn't showing either.

01-11-2013, 09:42 AM
REALLY? EVERY mmo ever (you really needed to all-caps that ever? REALLY??) why would it hurt? WHY WOULD IT BENEFIT? What the heck are those vanities for? You can already see the armor and weapon of a player by default. If you know how to do math, you can also check if its either 20 or 21. The only thing that are hidden right now are the accessories. Can't we even keep that private? Do you REALLY need to know everything? Will you be also asking to be able to check others skill build next? How bout our total gold? Would you like to check it as well?

I'm an open book.

My gear stinks, my skills probably don't make much sense and I'm broke.

01-11-2013, 09:45 AM
I just don't see why people would care about players seeing your build. What is the harm in them knowing what you are wearing? My goodness.

01-11-2013, 10:18 AM
I just don't see why people would care about players seeing your build. What is the harm in them knowing what you are wearing? My goodness.

There are people with very personal PvP build that would rather they were secret.

01-11-2013, 10:40 AM
I just don't see why people would care about players seeing your build. What is the harm in them knowing what you are wearing? My goodness.

There are people with very personal PvP build that would rather they were secret. Hmm really didn't think about the pvp perspective but hmm. Youre right I would never want someone know my pvp build. Pve doesn't really matter.

01-11-2013, 01:06 PM
In ffxi when people would check me id change gear to close their window

01-11-2013, 01:38 PM
why does it matter if they see your gear? are you ashamed? if they message you, you can ignore or block them. If helping people with gear questions makes the game community better then i'm glad to share. They aren't inspecting your talents, that seems more private than gear. especially since there are basically 2 different types of gear per slot, dodge/+armor for helm/armor. Maybe keep rings private if you want, but really who cares. 9/10 you don't know someone is inspecting you anyways.

plus they put in the ability to gear swap, so when you are just standing in town, swap to a joke set of gear that no one will ask you about or you Nude set

01-11-2013, 03:27 PM
why does it matter if they see your gear? are you ashamed? if they message you, you can ignore or block them. If helping people with gear questions makes the game community better then i'm glad to share. They aren't inspecting your talents, that seems more private than gear. especially since there are basically 2 different types of gear per slot, dodge/+armor for helm/armor. Maybe keep rings private if you want, but really who cares. 9/10 you don't know someone is inspecting you anyways.

plus they put in the ability to gear swap, so when you are just standing in town, swap to a joke set of gear that no one will ask you about or you Nude set

If they want to know your gear they can ask. I only tell my guildies and close friends I want to keep it that way.

01-11-2013, 05:58 PM
Some of us do tons of testing and experimentation in order to figure out what kind of gear and build we want. I don't think it's fair that just anyone can see what we have chosen.

01-12-2013, 10:44 PM
Some of us do tons of testing and experimentation in order to figure out what kind of gear and build we want. I don't think it's fair that just anyone can see what we have chosen.

Right. And when enough people do it and find out which gear set is the best for PvP. Then cookie cutter builds will be what everyone has. So in the end it just doesn't matter.

01-12-2013, 11:17 PM
Right. And when enough people do it and find out which gear set is the best for PvP. Then cookie cutter builds will be what everyone has. So in the end it just doesn't matter.

What's your catch? Seriously. You want to see all the other players equipment, down to their accessories. What the #$^# for? You keep on pushin for it like its your right. Do you pay for our accounts? Do you supply our gold for pots and equipment? What we wear and who knows what we wear is our @#%^$@# right, so if you want to show yours, shout it in chat or show it in trade if that's what will make you smile at the end of the day, DO IT YOURSELF.

01-13-2013, 12:13 AM
Right. And when enough people do it and find out which gear set is the best for PvP. Then cookie cutter builds will be what everyone has. So in the end it just doesn't matter.

You make no logical sence. If you can see top players equipment your one more step closer to cookie cutter than if you couldn't.......... I don't see your point.

01-13-2013, 03:08 AM
Listen people, you can have the best gear in your class and still be a crappy PvPer. Its not the gear amd stats that matter, its how you use them.

Stop worrying about players checking out your gear & stats. If you can't handle a challenge from another player with the same build (stats & gear as yourself), then you should practice more or find another match for you to fight in.

Im tired of people acting like "omgz i bestezt!!!" just because of their gear & stats, or even because of their KDR. What makes a player GREAT or hell even GOOD to begin with is how they use their toons. What they have equipped merely compliments how a player shows their skills through strategies. Also, just because someone has a high KDR, doesn't always mean they're a great team player. Could just mean they are all about the LB & don't give a crap about anyone in their teams except for themselves.

THOSE are the reasons why I believe inspecting gear on another player isn't really a big deal.

01-13-2013, 07:27 AM
Listen people, you can have the best gear in your class and still be a crappy PvPer. Its not the gear amd stats that matter, its how you use them.

Stop worrying about players checking out your gear & stats. If you can't handle a challenge from another player with the same build (stats & gear as yourself), then you should practice more or find another match for you to fight in.

Im tired of people acting like "omgz i bestezt!!!" just because of their gear & stats, or even because of their KDR. What makes a player GREAT or hell even GOOD to begin with is how they use their toons. What they have equipped merely compliments how a player shows their skills through strategies. Also, just because someone has a high KDR, doesn't always mean they're a great team player. Could just mean they are all about the LB & don't give a crap about anyone in their teams except for themselves.

THOSE are the reasons why I believe inspecting gear on another player isn't really a big deal.

Hi Thren :) Just because you are alright with other people seeing your entire gear, like what the thread starter is suggesting, doesn't mean everyone should comply with it. Implementing what he suggests, and what you support, removes the freedom of players to keep their equipments to themselves. Let STS implement an option where others can see your ENTIRE gear, and let's see if a lot of people will activate that option. Bottom line, if someone wants to know everything there is about my equipment, ask me yourself, I won't hesitate to tell a friend. This option removes that freedom, and THAT IS WHAT I DON'T SUPPORT.

01-13-2013, 11:51 AM
Listen people, you can have the best gear in your class and still be a crappy PvPer. Its not the gear amd stats that matter, its how you use them.

Stop worrying about players checking out your gear & stats. If you can't handle a challenge from another player with the same build (stats & gear as yourself), then you should practice more or find another match for you to fight in.

Im tired of people acting like "omgz i bestezt!!!" just because of their gear & stats, or even because of their KDR. What makes a player GREAT or hell even GOOD to begin with is how they use their toons. What they have equipped merely compliments how a player shows their skills through strategies. Also, just because someone has a high KDR, doesn't always mean they're a great team player. Could just mean they are all about the LB & don't give a crap about anyone in their teams except for themselves.

THOSE are the reasons why I believe inspecting gear on another player isn't really a big deal.

I agree with everything but the last line. Well said!

01-13-2013, 01:11 PM
Gear is nothing hard to research. It is all very clear what the best gear is. I can understand people wanting to hide their builds because they respecced 50 times to get it, but hiding gear is a joke. Most times people want to see what gear u have is because it looks cool and want to know e name of it. I agree 100% with lady pebbles

01-13-2013, 01:18 PM
In the end, wars will go for whatever gives +26 str, sorcs will go for +26 int, and rogues will go for whatever gives +26 dex. Secondary stat for war is int, for sorcs is str, and for rogues will be a combination of str and int. Beer is 100% correct. Hiding gear is kind of pointless because let's face it, we're all wearing the same thing. :p Builds and skills are another story.

I don't really have an opinion on this either way, but I guess Stig's option would make everyone happy. Not mandatory, but optional.

Hi Thren! Your bold purple text just increased my glasses prescription by +25 lol.


The cookie cutter gear thing will certainly change with PvP. That's when people are going to get creative with mixing up stats.

01-13-2013, 03:15 PM
Totally agree to this idea! Instead of asking everytime what gear it is to peeps!

01-13-2013, 05:11 PM
Need an option to hide what size underwear I'm wearing. So embarrassing.

01-13-2013, 11:22 PM
To the people that have never played world of warcraft or any other mmo. The ability to check others gear is in those games and the PvP is the best of any MMO. You guys are outrageous. God forbid anyone sees my gear!

01-13-2013, 11:26 PM
They should do that but do what they did in PL and put a option to hide stats also.