View Full Version : party invite bug

01-11-2013, 12:08 PM
If you invite someone to a party and they don't click yes or no and just quit the game you are then stuck in limbo and every game you play afterwards will be solo until you quit game and rejoin. If the person that you invited logs back on they still have the notification that they were invited to a party even though that was long ago. Some reason the game isn't resetting when someone just quits without choosing if they want to join the party and the game assumes you are in a party with that person even thought you are alone. We have reproduced this multiple times its not a one time thing and it happens across multiple devices just figured I would let someone know.


01-11-2013, 12:33 PM
I am experiencing this as well. seems like your join status is set to 'party' instead of 'public' until the person you invite either accepts or declines.
