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View Full Version : Guide to All Skills!

01-11-2013, 08:38 PM
Hello guys! This is a guide for the skills of the archer, warrior, enchantress, ranger, and the paladin! Each skill will have the level one stats. There are also combos listed here.

Blast Shot: Lv 1: 20 mana, 6 sec. cool-down, 12m range
200-213 damage, 2m target area blast. Description: Shoots a powerful arrow that hits the enemies, to do lots of damage. It is an AoE[Area of Affect] Skill. Can be combined with Shattering scream to createa combo, Cruel Blast

Blast Shot: Lv 1: 15 mana, 8 sec. cool-down, 3m area effect
194-237 damage, knock-back + 3 sec. stun. Description: You let out a scream that has a very low range [They have to be almost next to you] that damages them, knocks them back, and stuns them for 3 seconds.

Thorn Root: Lv 1: 20 mana, 6.25 sec. cool-down, 10m range
3 sec. root, -5 DODGE % debuff. Des: Roots an SINGLE enemy in their places while decreasing their ability to dodge your attacks. It also damages them a little. This is NOT the same as Thorn wall.

Focus: Lv 1: 25 mana, 30.5 sec. cool-down, self-target
20 sec. buff, +5 hit chance, +5 crit chance. Des: Increasing you ability to hit [your attacks dont miss much] while at the same time increases your chance to give a critical hit to an enemy.

Meditation: Lv 1: 10 mana, 45.5 sec. cool-down, self-target
3 sec. buff, +12 mana regen rate. Des: Increases mana regneration for a few seconds.

Restore: Lv 1: 15 mana, 16.25 sec. cool-down, self-target
Heal 13-17, +5 health regen for 5 sec. Des: Heals you and increases your health regeneration for a couple of seconds.

Evasion: Lv 1: 25 mana, 30 sec. cool-down, self-target
10 sec. buff gives +4 dodge. Des: Increases your chance to dodge the enemy attacks and also boosts your armor, depending on skill level.

Break Armor: Lv 1: 15 mana, 5 sec. cool-down, 12m range
10 sec. debuff reduces armor 4 pts. Des: Shoots a sharp arrow that damages the enemy and decreases their armor, so you and your party can damage them more.

Shattering Scream: Lv 1: 20 mana, 5.5 sec. cool-dow, 8m range
Reduce DMG -4, ARMOR -4. Des: You give out a scream at a good range that damages enemies nearby and reduces their armor. It can also be combined with Blast shot to make Cruel Blast.

Repulse Shot: Lv 1: 15 mana, 7.5 sec. cool-down, 12m range
183-188 damage + knock-back (no stun). Des: Shoots a strong arrow that knocks back the enemy and damages it.

Blinding Shot: Lv 1: 25 mana, 7 sec. cool-down, 12m range
171-214 damage plus 5 sec. hit debuff. Des: Shoots a piercing arrow that damges the enemy and reducing their chance to hit you.

Thorn Wall: Lv 1: 30 mana, 11 sec. cool-down, 6m area
3 sec. root, 6 target damage per sec. Des: An AoE attack that roots several enemies in their places, as well as damaging them.

Vengeful Slash: Level 1: 5 mana, 4.5 sec. cool-down, 4m range 160 - 186 damage + knock-back chance. Des: Deals damage and can knock back the enemy.

Stomp: Level 1: 6 mana, 5 sec. cool-down, 4m area 186 - 200 damage + knock-back + stun. Des: A powerful stomp that knocks back the enemies and stuns and can lower the hit% of them. It can be used after beckon to create a combo, Smash!

Taunt: Level 1: 0 mana, 6sec. cool-down, 12m area Taunt + 12sec. buff (+2 dodge). Des: Shifts the enemies attention to you and increases you dodge%.

Crippling Slash: Level 1: 5 mana, 6sec. cool-down, 3m range 100 - 172 damage, root target for 5 sec. Des: Damages the enemy and root him in his places for a short while.

Rage: Level 1: 20 mana, 28sec. cool-down, self-target 20sec. buff increases crit chance 5%. Des: A very powerful buff. it increases your critical, damage, and dps.

Super Mega Slash: Level 1: 8 mana, 4sec. cool-down, 4m range 160 - 200 damage + 20 to 90% chance of stun. Des: It deals lots of damage and stuns them. I have also noted it has a knock back chance more than vengeful slash and decreases armor.

Crushing Blow: Level 1: 4 mana, 4sec. cool-down, 3m range Reduce DMG -10, DODGE % -5. Des: Reduces dodge and damage of enemy. It also does some damage.

Restore: Level 1: 15 mana, 16.25 sec. cool-down, self-target Heal 11-14, +5 health regen for 5sec. Des: Restores health

Iron Blood: Level 1: 20 mana, 32.5sec. cool-down, self-target 12sec. buff increases armor + 8. Des: Increases Armor depending on level.

Hell Scream: Level 1: 10 mana, 5sec. cool-down, 8m area Reduce DMG -5, HIT % -5. Des: A Loud scream in a decent range that reduces hit and damage.

Evade: Level 1: 10 mana, 30sec. cool-down, self-target 20sec. buff, +2 dodge chance. Des: It increases your chance to dodge attacks.

Beckon: Level 1: 10 mana, 7.5sec. cool-down, 12m range Pulls targets to you, 50% chance of stun. Des: Pulls enemies toward you depending on rank. It can also stun. Can be used before Stomp to create a combo, Smash.


Heal: Level 1 — 16 mana, 3 sec cool-down, 8m area, Heal 41-85, Clears negative effects. Des: Restores you and your team mates health and also clears away affects [such as rooted, frozen.].

Frostbite: Level 1 — 12 mana, 4 sec cool-down, 12m range, 56-72 Damage, 2 - 6 sec. freeze. Des: Attack that freezes an enemy in their places and also does damage. Use this before Firestorm to create a single target combo, Hot Flash!

Lightning: Level 1 — 16 mana, 3 sec cool-down, 8m area, 70-91 Damage, 3 - 11 sec. armor debuff. Des: A damage skill that reduces the enemy`s armor and damages them.

Ressurect: Level 1 — 45 mana, 6.5 sec cool-down, 12m area. Des: Revives your enemy. if you increase skill thenit will only reduce mana cost.

Firestorm: Level 1 — 20 mana, 5 sec cool-down, 8m range, 63-91 Damage +knock-back. Des: You send out a huge fire wave that does AoA[Area of Affect] damage. Use this after Ice Storm or Frostbite to create combo, Hot Flash! [With Frostbite its single target combo, while with Ice Storm, it creates AoA combo]

Ice Storm: Level 1 — 24 mana, 6 sec cool-down, 6m area, 35-72 Damage, 2 - 6 sec. freeze. Des: You send out a ice wave which freezes many enemies in place. Use this before Firestorm to do an AoA Combo, Hot Flash!

Drain Life: Level 1 — 32 mana, 12 sec cool-down, 12m range, Steal 90-130 health points from your target. Des: You steal the enemy`s health to heal yourself.

Weakness: Level 1 — 24 mana, 10 sec cool-down, 8m area, Reduce DMG -5 & Hit chance -5. Des: Reduces your enemies` hit and damage.

Nightmare: Level 1 — 24 mana, 8 sec cool-down, 6m area, Reduce ARMOR -5, DODGE% chance -2. Des: Reduces your enemies` dodge and armor.

Magic/Mana Shield: Level 1 — 20 mana, 29 sec cool-down, self target, 12 sec. mana shield, buff armor 4 pts. Des: When the enemies attack you, instead of your health going down, your mana goes down. Also gives armor to yourself.

Blessing of Vitality: Level 1 — Party buff: 25 hp +2 h/s for 120 sec. | Self Buff: +8 armor for 12 sec. Des: Gives health to your team members, and also gives them more health regeneration. Also gives armor to you.

Blessing of Might: Level 1 — Party buff: +5 STR, +1 armor for 120 sec. | Self Buff: +5 damage, +10 crit for 20 sec. Des: Gives Str and armor to your team mates and gives damage and critical to you.


Rabid Bite: 12 mana, 4 sec. cooldown, 8m range. Leap in to cause 43-61 damage. Des: Leaps to the enemies and bites it, damaging it. Use this before Hamstring, making the combo, Slam!

Vixen Kick: 20 mana, 3 sec. cooldown, 8m range. Leap in to cause 59-68 damage, +knockback. Des: Leaps to the emeniy, kicks it [lol] and knocks it back.

Poison Needles: 15 mana, 8 sec. cooldown, 8m cone. 52-89 damage, knock-back + 3s. poison -5 h/p per sec., -65% speed. Des: Throws a wave of poison needles that damages them, knock them back, poisons them for couple of seconds, taking damage each second, and slowing their movement speed.

Evasion: 10 mana, 5 sec. cooldown, self-target. +3 sec. buff breaks root effects, +5% dodge, +5 armor. Des:A buff that increases your dodge and armor for a few seconds.

Fury:15 mana, 30.5 sec. cooldown, self-target. 10 sec. buff, +10% hit chance. Des: You let out your fury against the enemies, increasing your hit.

Hamstring: 15 mana, 5 sec. cooldown, 3m. +3 sec debuff reduces -10% dodge, -6 h/p per sec., +20% stun chance. Des: You strike your enemies, causing them to lose dodge and and lose health every second. They also have a chance to be stunned. Use this after Rabid Bite to create a combo, Slam!

Poison Dart: 20 mana, 7 sec. cooldown, 10m range. 42-55 damage, 3 sec. poison -5 h/p per sec., -65% speed. Des: You shoot a large dart that damages them, lose health every second, and reduce their movement speed.

Armor Shredder: 15 mana, 5 sec. cooldown, 3m range. 65-70 damage, 10 sec. debuff, -4 armor. Des: Much like Break Armor from the archer, it does damage and reduces their armor.

Fox Howl: 20 mana, 5.5 sec. cooldown, 8m area. 76-82 damage, +5 sec. target debuff reduces -6 damage. Des: Like Shattering Scream and Hell Scream, you let out a howl that damages nearby enemies and makes them do less damage.

Bandage: 20 mana, 30 sec. cooldown, self heal health and mana +16-30, 12 sec. buff mends addt'l. 50% per sec., damage cancels. Des: You use your ablilities to recover health and mana. But beware, if you take any damage it will stop.

Hypnotize: 10 mana, 7.5 sec. cooldown, 12m range. 57-66 damage, +pull, +3 sec. stun. Des: Much like Beckon from the warrior, it pulls the enemies towards you, damaging them and stunning them.

Rage Tonic: 30 mana, 28 sec. cooldown, self-target 20 sec. buff +5% crit chance, +10 damage. Des: You increase your critical and damage.


Archer: Shattering Scream+ Blast Shot= Cruel Blast!

Enchantress: Frostbite+ Firestorm= Hot Flash![Single Target]
Ice Storm+ Firestorm= Hot Flash! [AoE Attack]

Warrior: Beckon+Stomp= Smash!

Ranger: Rabid Bite+ Hamstring= Slam!

Paladin: Charge!+ Redemption= Juiced!



Thorn Root+ Lightning+Nature Strike! [Single Target]
Thorn Wall+Lightning+Nature Strike! [AoE Attack]


Frostbite+Stomp= Shattered![Single Target]
Ice Storm+Stomp= Shattered![AoE Attack]
Weakness+Hell Scream=Terror!


Shattering Scream+Hell Scream= Terror!
Break Armor+Crushing Blow=Crushed!


Fox Howl+Hell Scream= Terror!


Nature Strike+Hell Scream= HELL STORM!!

Archer uses Thorn Wall or Thorn Root,
Enchantress uses Lightning which equals Nature Strike,
Warrior uses Hell Scream which equals, HELL STORM!!

Shattered+BreakArmor= PULVERIZED!!

Enchantress uses Ice Storm or Frostbite,
Warrior uses Stomp, making Shattered,
Archer uses Break Armor, Whihc all equal to PULVERIZED!!!
A Whole bunch of boulders fall on the enemy!

Crushed+Drain Life= PWNED!!!

First Archer uses Break Armor,
Then Warrior uses Crushing Blow, making Crushed,
Lastly, Enchantress uses Drain Life to Make A Mega, PWNED!!!

01-11-2013, 09:31 PM
At least this one is relatively complete

01-11-2013, 09:41 PM
Once u lock a thread can u edit it?

01-11-2013, 10:08 PM

01-11-2013, 10:39 PM
This is better, good job broski

01-12-2013, 02:26 AM
That's a List not a Guide.

01-12-2013, 03:43 AM

Is that to me or the poster?

That's a List not a Guide.

I guess a guide list

01-12-2013, 12:16 PM
That's a List not a Guide.

Look at chickenrunnns guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?67928-GUIDE-Promo-Codes-LIST! and cokes guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?82088-Towne-NPC-s

01-12-2013, 05:06 PM
Look at chickenrunnns guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?67928-GUIDE-Promo-Codes-LIST! and cokes guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?82088-Towne-NPC-s
at least they explain how to achieve it .

01-12-2013, 09:59 PM
Look at chickenrunnns guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?67928-GUIDE-Promo-Codes-LIST! and cokes guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?82088-Towne-NPC-s

Chickenrunns is useful. He deserves every thanks he gets.

Cokes shouldn't exist, nobody needs to know the NPC's names, they can figure that out in the game.

This List (not a guide) is quite frankly useless, anyone can go ingame and see these skills. Don't make Lists just to get thanks, it gives you a bad reputation.

01-12-2013, 10:01 PM
Look at chickenrunnns guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?67928-GUIDE-Promo-Codes-LIST! and cokes guide http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?82088-Towne-NPC-s

Chickenrunns is useful. He deserves every thanks he gets.

Cokes shouldn't exist, nobody needs to know the NPC's names, they can figure that out in the game.

This List (not a guide) is quite frankly useless, anyone can go ingame and see these skills. Don't make Lists just to get thanks, it gives you a bad reputation. Gotta agree. Peeps do this a lot, and make good boy threads to "try and get" GOA.

Just saying. Dont take it personally, but I have to say, you wrote the same thing the skills ig says - didnt put in ur own words, no point of reading on forums cuz ur gonna forget. Theres already a guide on combos And L1 skills are not useful to anyone cuz nobody twinks under L2. Again no hard feelings mate, just sharing some experiance with ya.

01-12-2013, 11:02 PM
GoA....oh yeah that thing. I really dont know about it and not interested in it. im trying to help out people. People might want to make a new character but want to see the characters skills first. Not everyone can get to lvl 22 or 24 immediately. People will want to see skills of that character to see if they want it. And I didnt look up the description. What I know about it I put it. I didnt copy the description.

01-12-2013, 11:05 PM
I have not seen anyone post the combo between warrior and ranger before.

01-13-2013, 01:14 AM
Ive seen people do this to become a GOA.

You can deny it all you want, but almost everyone basically knows you are.

01-13-2013, 02:10 AM
Ok seriously, theres nothing to be a GOA. Sure people will like you and you get that shield, but really there isnt anything else. Pocket legends is a game and I dont put my life into it. Please dont argue.

01-13-2013, 03:07 AM
Shadow dont let them fool u, just make more guides pleaseeeeeeee



01-13-2013, 04:25 AM
Common sense, everyone wants that cool and sick looking GoA shield. Don't even try to deny it. :D
It's normal, and not a bad thing to have in your mind. :)

01-13-2013, 12:23 PM
I cant really argue with you guys can I?...lol

01-13-2013, 12:25 PM
And honestly griffinfan, almost every single Post I make, you make a negative comment, even if my post was sarcasm. Please stop doing that.

01-13-2013, 02:31 PM
And honestly griffinfan, almost every single Post I make, you make a negative comment, even if my post was sarcasm. Please stop doing that.

If you stop postimg to get thanks then I will.

The Happiness
01-13-2013, 02:45 PM
And honestly griffinfan, almost every single Post I make, you make a negative comment, even if my post was sarcasm. Please stop doing that.

It's not just your posts ....don't take it personally!

01-13-2013, 02:49 PM
Theres no paladin skills and the taunt for paladin and hell scream make terror too

01-13-2013, 05:05 PM

Well written and easy to read but I have few improvement suggestions though.

We already have a skill guide (for archers, bears and mages) so at this moment the fox and rhino parts are the only new part. Therefore to make this guide a brand new guide I suggest u to add the progress of skills up to lvl 9, with the info about as an example Bird's Evasion. "Birds Evasion skill gradually upgrades 5 points Dodge per lvl and in lvl 9 it gives 45 dodge". It gives Armor as well but I don't remember the exact values of it.

01-13-2013, 05:12 PM
Nice guide, btw who wants a recolored angel shield?

01-13-2013, 05:20 PM

Well written and easy to read but I have few improvement suggestions though.

We already have a skill guide (for archers, bears and mages) so at this moment the fox and rhino parts are the only new part. Therefore to make this guide a brand new guide I suggest u to add the progress of skills up to lvl 9, with the info about as an example Bird's Evasion. "Birds Evasion skill gradually upgrades 5 points Dodge per lvl and in lvl 9 it gives 45 dodge". It gives Armor as well but I don't remember the exact values of it.
So are you saying I should post the lvl nine stats for each skill?

01-13-2013, 05:24 PM
And honestly griffinfan, almost every single Post I make, you make a negative comment, even if my post was sarcasm. Please stop doing that.

If you stop postimg to get thanks then I will.
Not just that. In cokes list of npcs I said I saw a million new people trying to attack npcs, but I was being sarcastic. I meant I saw a lot of people. But then you actually took that seriously. And what happens if you get lots of thanks? I don't know. And I'm not trying to do it just for thanks. I know I won't be GoA and I will never be GOA I promise.

01-13-2013, 06:04 PM
If you stop postimg to get thanks then I will.

That might take a while.

01-13-2013, 06:15 PM
So are you saying I should post the lvl nine stats for each skill?

What I'm saying is post how the skill increases gradually. How much more dmg from lvl 1 to lvl 2 skill, how much it gives u buffs compared to previous lvl etc.

Guys don't be mad at Shadow. He put rly much effort into his guide.

01-13-2013, 06:24 PM
What I'm saying is post how the skill increases gradually. How much more dmg from lvl 1 to lvl 2 skill, how much it gives u buffs compared to previous lvl etc.

Guys don't be mad at Shadow. He put rly much effort into his guide.



01-13-2013, 06:32 PM
Stop bashing him. He's just trying to help, and if you're under the impression he's trying to make useless guides to get GoA (which he isn't), then you're just as bad, if not worse for bashing a fellow forumer.