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View Full Version : If new chests were in plat store, rather than dropped...

01-12-2013, 02:00 PM
... then people wouldn't be complaining so much.

Folks needs to realize these are plat chests.

Many seems to be comparing them to the elte legendary drop gear, when they should instead be comparing them to the store-bought plat gear. These new chests are simply a new way to deliver plat chests.

I posted this earlier in the announcement thread, but I think it might help some folks get a better perspective:

Not sure what all the fuss is about. You can spend 10 plat on a CHANCE for a legendary that is not as good as elites, or you can spend 15 plat for a GUARANTEED legendary that is not as good as elites, but better than the 10 plat ones. Seems like the price model is on point, to me.

The fact that the chests drop, rather than are purchased straight from the plat store, gives players a way to make gold off of STS selling plat chests. Imagine if every time a plat chest was sold from the store, some random player got a chunk of gold put in their inventory. That's pretty much what's happening with these new chests. It's an awesome improvement over the standard store-bought plat chests.

Consider these the "in-between" items of the current plat gear and elite legendary drops. People expected too much out of these, and are now upset at STS because their expectations were too high. When has plat gear ever beaten out elite gear? The fact that a level 5 can find these chests in normal brackenridge should have been an obvious sign of what these are.

These are the new plat chests, and they are trying out a new method of distribution. Do players make gold off of people buying plat chests from the store? Nope. But with this new style of distribution, they do. "How dare STS adjust how they sell plat chests in a way that gives non-plat spenders a way to earn more gold!", am I right? Exactly. STS just handed you guys a bone, and all I see are complaints.

I, for one, thank STS for trying out a new method for plat chests. It's earned me 130k so far. Plus the new sword & shield set is much nicer than my arctic ward. :)

01-12-2013, 02:15 PM
The devs call it elite gear. It's supposed to be equal to the elite legendaries but with alternative stats for some diversity. Unfortunately, the way attributes are currently set up, there isn't really any reason for variety. Sorcerers don't need gear with Dex for instance. Otherwise I agree with you in general. The one thing I really like about the concept (if not the execution) of these chests is that they would remedy the issue of elite gear for each cap becoming discontinued. Without any elite gear still dropping, the eventual twink market would be insane. If they can make these actual desirable elite pinks, then that wouldn't be a problem. I don't understand some of the economics of what they were expecting with this (majority if gear will be worth nothing very soon, and the few good items won't be worth opening chests for when the average value drops below the the plat to gold conversion rate of 15k), but I do think it's an interesting way of deploying plat chests.

01-12-2013, 03:24 PM
I sort of agree. Just curious, the Dark Watcher's Sword is not the only new warrior item? There's a new sword/shield too? That would be awesome!

01-12-2013, 03:34 PM
When its said like the i understand now. I started thinkin this.was.gettin to be a pay to play game

01-12-2013, 03:34 PM
I sort of agree. Just curious, the Dark Watcher's Sword is not the only new warrior item? There's a new sword/shield too? That would be awesome!

Yeah, the new shield set is "of grace" so you get DEX and dodge (much better for tanks than potency and will) and it has a chance to proc a 15% dodge buff. It's pretty nice. I don't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure I found it when searching "watch". It's selling for cheap, too. Got mine for 30k off the CS yesterday.

01-12-2013, 03:36 PM
Yeah, the new shield set is "of grace" so you get DEX and dodge (much better for tanks than potency and will) and it has a chance to proc a 15% dodge buff. It's pretty nice. I don't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure I found it when searching "watch". It's selling for cheap, too. Got mine for 30k off the CS yesterday.

Awesome. Thanks. I'll go have a look.

01-12-2013, 06:40 PM
Yeah, I think folks are going to realize in a hurry that these chests don't really have much value by themselves. They simply cost 15 plat to open, and that's all. No different than the plat chests in the store (which BTW cost zero gold), and you only pay the plat to open them.

01-12-2013, 07:14 PM
Awesome. Thanks. I'll go have a look.

I'm sure you've found it by now, but it's actually called "protector of grace".