View Full Version : The Non-Healers

09-21-2010, 08:22 PM
So in trying to level my bear I've noticed there's a shortage of competent healers.. When I'm tanking I seem to have to spam health pots to stay alive on some bosses, and when I'm holding several mobs. Meanwhile the healers just use their auto-attack, ignoring my health bar (oblivious to the fact that when I die, they do too). I can't seem to ever find a decent PUG anymore. Just today, I died halfway through a level. The response to my 'Rez please' was 'I don't have rez'...
Mainly, the question is, why play a support character if you're not going to support because you're too busy spamming your auto attack? Honestly the heals are more beneficial to the group than the miniscule damage your staff is doing compared to the birds. I know there are players who seem to play the Mage right, and when I'm in groups with them the levels are a breeze and I rarely have to pot.
Which is why, way back in April, I tried a bear, and switched to enchantress almost immediately - there was a shortage of people that healed. Basically, I died too much as a bear for my liking, much of which could be avoidable with teamwork. After a break from the game, I returned, starting up a strength bear. It's a fun character, but only when I am in a group with a skilled enchantress. Otherwise, I need to spam pots, which isn't cost effective, or die and let my teammates die as well. Asking the mage to "Heal more often please" more often than not leads to nothing. Playing my bear has now become frustrating because of this.
This isn't a complaint, more of a rant, and I don't expect anyone to do anything about it. Kind of an, "I was the healer for a while. Now I wanna play a new class, but I can't find anyone to heal me." I know most of the people here on the forums are the more competent players, so this probably doesn't apply to anyone here. I know everyone can play as they want, so if you don't wanna heal, you don't have to. The game really goes faster when you do, because I the tank don't die, thus losing aggro and likely killing you as well.

Thanks for the read; opinions welcome.


09-21-2010, 08:35 PM
I totally agree with you and I realized it me too with my L28 warrior :P

09-21-2010, 08:36 PM
incompetents tend to think they can play Mage.
my Mage is pvp pure, and so I don't have Rez, but with my 200hp heal spam I'll make sure I never need to use it :)

just like you, things that make me mad:

not healing when team is obviously hurt
not rezzing immediately but just trying to rambo and kill everything beforehand... guess what, you can't.
not knowing that heal cures negative status effects. unfreeze, mend, fearless.... no one seems to know these anymore.

09-21-2010, 08:38 PM
vulgar, seems like you are #2 on the enchantress kdr ranking.

09-21-2010, 08:38 PM
vulgar, seems like you are #2 on the enchantress kdr ranking. :p

did it change?
oh well I better get working on it then!

09-21-2010, 08:40 PM
vulgar, seems like you are #2 on the enchantress kdr ranking.

word, right under ME!

09-21-2010, 08:40 PM
when fighting bosses my eyes aren't on the action but on the tiny little bars to the left lool. sequence for perfect backup mage/pally= buffs (also means self armor and crit), debuffs, fire combo (if applicable) and heal all the rest of the way... if you die in my party, blame yourself and possible distractions heheh. I even go back for the fallen!
if I personally am the one getting hit i don't immediately use heal, i use drain health, just in case :D

edit: lol, there were no comments while writing this

09-21-2010, 08:40 PM
vulgar, seems like you are #2 on the enchantress kdr ranking.

word, right under ME!

09-21-2010, 08:41 PM
word, right under ME!

don't think I won't catch up :D

09-21-2010, 08:42 PM
don't think I won't catch up :D

lol, dont worry...i could care less.

lvl 28 btw...

09-21-2010, 08:43 PM
lol, dont worry...i could care less.

lvl 28 btw...

it took me 2 days to get top.
kill farm ftw

09-21-2010, 08:44 PM
i call ye both on charges of too much rant. borderline trolling here. my sig makes me... agghh...

09-21-2010, 08:48 PM
Here's the thing, there are also a ton of bears coming up that don't know how to tank, and birds comiing up that don't know how to debuff or target the most strategic mobs. Mages who don't heal are just the easiest to recognize, and a full team can get away with poor tanking and random targeting for the first few campaigns, but with regen completely gear based and scarce at low levels, healers are really needed much earlier (though pots are an option, but can get expensive for a warrior especially). Th point is, there are two issues IMO. New players don't know how to play, and sometimes need some tips. Also mages are expected to burn much more mana than other classes much earlier and must fund this with gold since regen is impossible to come by.

09-21-2010, 08:49 PM
incompetents tend to think they can play Mage.
my Mage is pvp pure, and so I don't have Rez, but with my 200hp heal spam I'll make sure I never need to use it :)

just like you, things that make me mad:

not healing when team is obviously hurt
not rezzing immediately but just trying to rambo and kill everything beforehand... guess what, you can't.
not knowing that heal cures negative status effects. unfreeze, mend, fearless.... no one seems to know these anymore.

Dude, they never know it.

These people that make you mad are noobs! They're just plain simple nooby noobs.

09-21-2010, 08:52 PM
not rezzing immediately but just trying to rambo and kill everything beforehand... guess what, you can't.
there are so many rambos out there... and they always rez AFTER the fight after they get all the items...

09-21-2010, 09:07 PM
there are so many rambos out there... and they always rez AFTER the fight after they get all the items...

Buncha thieves!

09-22-2010, 02:38 AM
honestly if the game was built so healers were needed, people would heal.

as they say, "don't hate the player, hate the game"

09-22-2010, 03:06 AM
u obiviously have not played with me.... INCHING~!

09-22-2010, 03:21 AM
how do i heal?
How do i make char?
Whats an ab?
How do you put in attribute points?
Whats skill?

09-22-2010, 03:42 AM
With my paly I once had a run with a bear tank and dex bird and it was beautiful, I swear to god, he would run forward gather some mobs, I be right on his butt, he'd taunt and drag the mobs in then weakness, stomp (nightmare) then icestorm, stomp, (shattered), then thornwalls would hit from the bird and I'd lightning and (nature strike).

Rinse and repeat, damn to hell if I remember who either of them were, but we were almost psychic in our play.

Edit I forget to mention not much healing went on as we just pwned.

Oh there was two others doing something during this plasma run, mainly desperate to keep up and we were not rushing.

09-22-2010, 10:44 AM
A group that works is a beautiful thing. But yeah, along the lines of the Mynas Gen threads and the funny noob stories, this is the same thing: There are just a lot of people who do not know how to play and cannot be bothered to learn. And sorry to say this, but every (online) game has these. They're the leechers, the follow-you-arounders, the jump-in-right-as-the-mob's-about-to-die people. Only thing you can do is laugh, shake you head, try to give them hints, watch them for a bit and then go play elsewhere and make sure to NOT friend them. There are players who want to learn and then there are those who could care less. I try to play with the former and avoid the latter.

By the way, not ALL the lazy leechers are noobs. Some of them have alts that are higher level, etc. but since this is their lowbie or whatever, they're too lazy to contribute. Again: Watch, suggest, go join a different game or start one when it gets too frustrating.

09-22-2010, 02:40 PM
when fighting bosses my eyes aren't on the action but on the tiny little bars to the left...
IMHO, Ursans should also watch the little bars on the left. Tanks should keep an eye on the squishies to make sure they aren't being pounded. If the squishies are being pounded, beckon/stomp/taunt the badguys away from them....

To the OP: My enchantress alt will heal you. Unfortunately, I've been levelling my tank. :o But he's lvl 45 now, so I'll start playing Atropos again, and maybe we'll run into each other! :)

09-22-2010, 05:08 PM
BTW, I'm not new to the game. I agree that there are not enough great healers out there. However...

From my experience:
When I first started playing in May, I didn't even know that "Rez" means "Revive". So, my immediate answer was "I don't have Rez." I was asking people in towne for help and no one responded whatsoever. This shows you how helpful players are. I laugh about it now but not when it happened.

I totally agree with what Royce posted. It's annoying to play with a "tankable tank" or someone who runs around the levels like a lost puppy or a DEX bird trying to be a tank and at the same expecting to be heal/revive all the time.

For the past weeks, I've been playing at Frozen Nightmare and have seen some of the worst players to play with. Heal... heal, revive me, rez, rev, heal pls... "Yes, definitely. Now, be a warrior and get them off me." The response I usually see is "I'm alive so let me kill the boss and get my loot. Forget the mage that just healed and revived me." If mage is a support character for all, a tank is a mage support.

But more importantly, why are experienced players always hating on the new players. If anything, we should be helping and welcoming them. Without new players joining the game, this game wouldn't be successful. Don't Hate, Appreciate!!!

09-22-2010, 05:43 PM
But more importantly, why are experienced players always hating on the new players.
like who? i don't actually mind healing or reviving. i heal or revive them, they say ty and life goes on.

09-22-2010, 05:55 PM
OK, here's a sarcastic answer, don't take it seriously:

Wha!? Why do I have to heal you? You got potions, don't ya? What, are you too cheap? I paid for this map with plat just like you. Nobody ever heals me. I can play however I want. If you don't like it, go play with someone else. I'm only in it for the pinks, don't kid yerself. I'ma gonna sell me pinks. I kite the boss away from yer corpse, you can respawn your own bad self and get back before I kill him or you lose out. That's the way we do things here. You got any idea what it's like to be mage? Everyone else can just storm the bad guys, but I'm supposed to watch your health and his health and hers, too. When do I get to have fun? Just cuz I got a mage, don't mean I gotta heal you. I'm so sick of everyone saying Rez me, heal me, mages heal, and calling me noob. Gar! Why doncha just go play your own game.

blah blah blah that's actually how some people think

09-23-2010, 08:10 AM
If mage is a support character for all, a tank is a mage support.
QFT. Actually, a tank is supposed to support the whole party. We keep the bosses stunned, pinned, and otherwise occupied while everyone else kills them. We're the meatshields. Hide behind us! :)

09-23-2010, 03:41 PM
"Supposed to be"... IMO, more mages heal and revive (great or not) than tanks actually keeping "bosses stunned, pinned, and otherwise occupied while everyone else kills them". LMAO...

09-23-2010, 10:09 PM
a good mage shouldn't be too concerned about auto attacking but moving around to stay outa boss range. run in to heal/ use aoe spells.

09-23-2010, 10:37 PM
One of my chars is a Mage. I spend a lot of my time spewing healing spells. Bear in mind, oh friendly bruins, that it takes mana. So while you're saving on healths, I'm sucking down the mana potions at a high rate. It's a nice trade-off for the muscle and I don't really mind. What I do mind are level 1-3 fighters in areas where they don't really belong yet (Fathom Crypt, for example), charging headlong into crap and screaming for revives and healths constantly. Sometimes I'm trying to stay alive and support the folks who know what they're doing-- the baby bears are just a dangerous distraction. "Younger" avians seem to be more clueful....maybe that's just because they're cooler. ;)

09-23-2010, 11:38 PM
One of my chars is a Mage. I spend a lot of my time spewing healing spells. Bear in mind, oh friendly bruins, that it takes mana. So while you're saving on healths, I'm sucking down the mana potions at a high rate. It's a nice trade-off for the muscle and I don't really mind. What I do mind are level 1-3 fighters in areas where they don't really belong yet (Fathom Crypt, for example), charging headlong into crap and screaming for revives and healths constantly. Sometimes I'm trying to stay alive and support the folks who know what they're doing-- the baby bears are just a dangerous distraction. "Younger" avians seem to be more clueful....maybe that's just because they're cooler. ;)

i always do mana conservation as a pally. combo out. find a weak mob target to melee (sometimes ), wait for mana regen while looking at the health bars/mana bars.

the only time i have to chug massive amounts of mana pot is when it's a boss rush and we decide to clear the djinns as well.

09-24-2010, 12:46 AM
This thread is pointless. there is not one single thing in this game my Ursan can't solo. The game is designed so that not only is healing a secondary feature, but its completely unnecessary. Plus most times you need a heal, its cause your about to get 1-2 shotted, or ganged stomped instantly, in which case a heal is gonna come to late or not save you anyway.

If you need heals, you probably don't belong on the map you are at... or you should just buy some pots. If your gonna come to the forums and claim not healers are noobs, ya might want to L2P instead. If your running an map where you actually need a heal, say your a avian and 2 manning it with a elf, then just ask for heals in advance if you really don't want to shell out for pots.

Sure id like for healing to be an integral part of the game, but it ain't. Bout the only time players should heal and they don't generally, is in PVP.

09-24-2010, 01:16 AM
Damn I heal so much its like my auto attack :D

I love beeing a mage and specially when we do some crawls and some of the warriors suddenly say:
-Damn you are a good healer!

I love that feeling, and im only 400 XP to make lvl 45 :D
I also play with my lvl 45 archer and then I usually need to drop healing potions like a child is eating candy... That was why I started my mage because the support from other mages sometimes sux.

09-24-2010, 07:18 AM
Damn I heal so much its like my auto attack :D

I love beeing a mage and specially when we do some crawls and some of the warriors suddenly say:
-Damn you are a good healer!

I love that feeling, and im only 400 XP to make lvl 45 :D
I also play with my lvl 45 archer and then I usually need to drop healing potions like a child is eating candy... That was why I started my mage because the support from other mages sometimes sux.

That's much the reason why I made my pally. Being a bear people don't heal all that much cause mages hide behind me and don't take damage, with a pally I barely loose health, and I can spam heal all the time with 3 or 4 Thoth equipped, this helping all the other bears in a party from needing to spam pots quite so much.

09-24-2010, 08:41 AM
That's much the reason why I made my pally. Being a bear people don't heal all that much cause mages hide behind me and don't take damage, with a pally I barely loose health, and I can spam heal all the time with 3 or 4 Thoth equipped, this helping all the other bears in a party from needing to spam pots quite so much.

apart from heal, i make sure to use the steal life skill as to have have a heal in case a boss changes aggro to someone else, usually some over-bold bird that gets too close.
bears... do not always need healers. but don't pretend you don't want a good one.

09-24-2010, 02:25 PM
there is not one single thing in this game my Ursan can't solo.

It is up to us individually to exercise some sense of balance. Just because your level 45 Ursan with Thoth and Isis items can play anywhere and never buy another pot, doesn't mean you should.

People who take overpowered characters into low level maps tend to have poor habits. Level 45 mages in Lost Expedition do not need bears to tank, it is true. And the devs will not limit content, that is also true. But if you yourself were to limit your own play to take a character that is the same level as the loot that drops, you will find a new level of challenge.

I'm not talking right or wrong, I'm talking about personally upping the level of challenge on yourself.

Since you feel you have reached a point where this game does not challenge you, you have to challenge yourself.

When you play elite maps with characters the same level as the loot drops, you might find that this game is interesting again, after all.

And this thread, which is about mages playing their role in a group game IS RELEVANT to those of us who play that way.

09-24-2010, 02:37 PM
Its the idiots who think they they are causing sooooo much damage with their stupid staffs, that they dont need to heal. Mages pure power come from magic.

09-24-2010, 02:44 PM
Oh yeah, somehow yesterday my mage waded right into a mob of aliens but everyone else stayed outside...

What was I thinking! ... pink and yellow blessings before rushing in... Bears before ladies... and spam those heals.

When the mage is dead in the first five seconds, it's not going to turn out well. "got healpots?"

It still embarasses me, LOL! What me? Mr. smartypants? Dead mage at the start of the fray? How embarassing!!!

09-24-2010, 02:57 PM
i just remember that one reason i switched to pally was so that when half asleep and playing the game on some sort of auto-pilot, i do not die after running madly into the enemy... xD i play half asleep a LOT.

09-24-2010, 03:59 PM
So in trying to level my bear I've noticed there's a shortage of competent healers.. When I'm tanking I seem to have to spam health pots to stay alive on some bosses, and when I'm holding several mobs. Meanwhile the healers just use their auto-attack, ignoring my health bar (oblivious to the fact that when I die, they do too). I can't seem to ever find a decent PUG anymore. Just today, I died halfway through a level. The response to my 'Rez please' was 'I don't have rez'...
Mainly, the question is, why play a support character if you're not going to support because you're too busy spamming your auto attack? Honestly the heals are more beneficial to the group than the miniscule damage your staff is doing compared to the birds. I know there are players who seem to play the Mage right, and when I'm in groups with them the levels are a breeze and I rarely have to pot.
Which is why, way back in April, I tried a bear, and switched to enchantress almost immediately - there was a shortage of people that healed. Basically, I died too much as a bear for my liking, much of which could be avoidable with teamwork. After a break from the game, I returned, starting up a strength bear. It's a fun character, but only when I am in a group with a skilled enchantress. Otherwise, I need to spam pots, which isn't cost effective, or die and let my teammates die as well. Asking the mage to "Heal more often please" more often than not leads to nothing. Playing my bear has now become frustrating because of this.
This isn't a complaint, more of a rant, and I don't expect anyone to do anything about it. Kind of an, "I was the healer for a while. Now I wanna play a new class, but I can't find anyone to heal me." I know most of the people here on the forums are the more competent players, so this probably doesn't apply to anyone here. I know everyone can play as they want, so if you don't wanna heal, you don't have to. The game really goes faster when you do, because I the tank don't die, thus losing aggro and likely killing you as well.

Thanks for the read; opinions welcome.


Lets .. be Self sufficent!

09-24-2010, 08:04 PM
It is up to us individually to exercise some sense of balance. Just because your level 45 Ursan with Thoth and Isis items can play anywhere and never buy another pot, doesn't mean you should.

People who take overpowered characters into low level maps tend to have poor habits. Level 45 mages in Lost Expedition do not need bears to tank, it is true. And the devs will not limit content, that is also true. But if you yourself were to limit your own play to take a character that is the same level as the loot that drops, you will find a new level of challenge.

I'm not talking right or wrong, I'm talking about personally upping the level of challenge on yourself.

Since you feel you have reached a point where this game does not challenge you, you have to challenge yourself.

When you play elite maps with characters the same level as the loot drops, you might find that this game is interesting again, after all.

And this thread, which is about mages playing their role in a group game IS RELEVANT to those of us who play that way.

I am a strong believe in never gimping myself in order to play the game as it should be played. Thats the developers job.
Its an mmorpg, the whole idea is to continue progressing forward, not backwards. Sure i could start another character, but i have already max leveled 3 characters, why would i want to do that yet again to play through content i've already beaten hundreds of times. Ya got to keep in mind that the people who have played since april have spent up to 2 months on each map already.

my job = level, kill in pvp, get the best items, use the best items (and at times wear a pimp suit)
devs job = make the game fun and challenging.

Needless to say, this doesn't change the fact that pots are 100 times better than a mage healing.