View Full Version : 1v1 Match

Aqp (A Quarter Pounder)
01-13-2013, 01:48 PM
Great game dude.

01-13-2013, 03:07 PM
Aqp, ease up on the rated m stuff. Yeah, we have our cute little rivalry in game and on forums, but you're getting a little too caught up with it. If they decide to be immature, just ignore them.

01-13-2013, 03:12 PM
Ima thank this when I has moar thx

01-13-2013, 03:16 PM
Not a good move bro. It's all good that you won, but it's not a reason to bring it over here. There like 100500 threads like this already. Or this makes your ego grow to the sky? You was rude in game and immature, trying to insult everyone in our team all the time and now bring this on forums? You have to learn what respect is, protectmyneck never did anything, no single word from him. I can go ahead and post how you called him in game and also send report to support, I heard sexism is bannable. Keep forums clear, people doesn't need to see all the stuff what happens in game, have a respect. If u don't like someone - mute.

01-13-2013, 03:28 PM
Also i wanna add that u did a rly good job editing how the match and well.... Changing pretty much everything. Lol poor aqp must be lonely. Do u need a hug buddy? Anyway where's the screenie of our latest match i won? Must have forgot how u got owned the 2nd match. All in fun tho but rly bro are u so insecure in your life u feel the need to post something like this? Do you feel better now? Kk and if anyone wants to witness a rematch im always dtf. Dont worry about that gold i loaned u either aqp... I gots plenty :)

01-13-2013, 03:30 PM
you guys argue a lot its just a game calm down

01-13-2013, 03:31 PM
and btw, when you beat someone, you need a better catchphrase you kinda sound like a cowboy

01-13-2013, 03:34 PM
Very entertaining. Poor aqp. Btw what does aqp stand for? I saw a post somewhere that its "a quarter pounder". Hm ... O well hf people.

01-13-2013, 03:36 PM
quarter pounder it is

01-13-2013, 03:54 PM
I must be really important to this guy to get a post like this. Ty aqp and im here if u need a hug big guy.

Aqp (A Quarter Pounder)
01-13-2013, 03:56 PM
1)You was rude in game and immature, trying to insult everyone in our team all the time and now bring this on forums? 2)You have to learn what respect is, protectmyneck never did anything, no single word from him.

1) I want proof of this because I never was insulting to him. 2)If he didn't say anything, I wouldn't have a reason to post this. If this means a lot to you maybe you should get you're guild under control. I cleared everything up with sir because he understands. Protect just kept on flaming, but I will not post any pictures. I went too far, I'm sorry. I don't want Unity and Rated M to hate each other.

01-13-2013, 04:03 PM
Just curious aqp how many times were u kicked from unity? I heard 3 but i could be wrong. Have a good day tc hf cya :)

Aqp (A Quarter Pounder)
01-13-2013, 04:07 PM
Must have forgot how u got owned the 2nd match. All in fun tho but rly bro are u so insecure in your life u feel the need to post something like this? Do you feel better now? Kk and if anyone wants to witness a rematch im always dtf. Dont worry about that gold i loaned u either aqp... I gots plenty :)

You mean this second match that you left? Anyways, there was no editing in this match but whatever idc. Good game, and I'm real sorry for going too far I apologize.


01-13-2013, 04:35 PM
I see thru your lies aqp. Your not sry to anyone and u know the only reason u even attempted to appologize is because ur guild made u. I been around long enough to know who can be trusted in this game and ur not one of em. And like i said dont worry about that "loan" i gave u. You would simply deny it anyway right? Tchfcyahaveagoodday

Aqp (A Quarter Pounder)
01-13-2013, 04:46 PM
I see thru your lies aqp. Your not sry to anyone and u know the only reason u even attempted to appologize is because ur guild made u. I been around long enough to know who can be trusted in this game and ur not one of em. And like i said dont worry about that "loan" i gave u. You would simply deny it anyway right? Tchfcyahaveagoodday

I try to apologize and this is what I get. I'm done here.

01-13-2013, 04:59 PM
Protect and Aqp, let it go guys. We're all competitive, we're all friendly people, so let's just let this one go.

Requesting a lock.

01-13-2013, 05:09 PM
"I have a bigger e-peen!"
"No I do!"

O.o srsly? Lol.

01-13-2013, 06:25 PM
I see thru your lies aqp. Your not sry to anyone and u know the only reason u even attempted to appologize is because ur guild made u. I been around long enough to know who can be trusted in this game and ur not one of em. And like i said dont worry about that "loan" i gave u. You would simply deny it anyway right? Tchfcyahaveagoodday

Just curious aqp how many times were u kicked from unity? I heard 3 but i could be wrong. Have a good day tc hf cya :)
Did you just quote me?(: i feel honored

01-13-2013, 06:31 PM
I see thru your lies aqp. Your not sry to anyone and u know the only reason u even attempted to appologize is because ur guild made u. I been around long enough to know who can be trusted in this game and ur not one of em. And like i said dont worry about that "loan" i gave u. You would simply deny it anyway right? Tchfcyahaveagoodday
Aqp is trust worthy, i have my reasons to trust him but thats just me. Im not taking sides in this because i know you both in game but im just saying aqp is trust worthy.

01-13-2013, 06:36 PM
Yeh try "loaning" him gold then. See how trusty he is then. Tc hf cya lalalalala hey jc

01-13-2013, 06:36 PM
Hi guys!

Competetive gaming sure is fun and interesting but it might bring up negative emotions from time to time so we all have to remember that this is only a game. Everything that happens inside these pixels are just in a virtual world and that virtual world is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Leave these misunderstandments aside and let's just have some fun :).

I'm also requesting for this thread to get locked as it stirrs up unconstrictive and negative discussion :(.

01-13-2013, 07:54 PM
I heart people that give the its just a game speech but clearly spend more time on forums and in game than they do irl.

01-13-2013, 07:55 PM
Thread closed for flaming.