View Full Version : Boss Move Warnings

01-13-2013, 04:08 PM
I'm a new player, just finished the alien arc. If a boss has a move that will most likely wipe everyone, then it would be nice for them to give some sort of warning besides a glowing aura that occurs a second or two before the move. Something like the boss saying something or he emotes something in your chat window.

When there is a full party or you are a mage, it is just too difficult to see glowing aura's with all of the other player spell aura's going on. I only play on a cellphone, not sure if it is different on a pc, but wow... I feel like if I am able to avoid the death blow, it was nothing more than luck because I can't tell when the boss is about to use his move.

01-13-2013, 04:53 PM
Are you talking about Gurgox ?

01-13-2013, 06:29 PM
Yeah, I think thats him. A room filled with green balls that save you from his move. People have said that he growls just before it, but I don't hear a thing. And for the most part, don't see anything either.

01-13-2013, 06:52 PM
That it Gurgox you talk of. And he does do a growl before he uses his wipe move, last time I checked. Is your game sounds on in options? Device volume up too? A few other bosses have special moves, and they have some kind of warning just before it. Aunt Emma for example in Fang and BSM has a super pulse kinda thing that she does every 15 seconds or so. Before it happens she skips one of her regular damage pulses and there is a pause, then the big pulse comes.

01-13-2013, 08:14 PM
Sound on and device volume is up. In the sewers I can hear goldfinger yelling just before his special move, but nothing for Gurgox. If everyone else hears it at the same level as when goldfinger is speaking, then maybe I should just reinstall the app. Maybe a sound file or something got corrupted.

01-21-2013, 05:36 PM
Look at the floor beneath gurgox it looks like he pulling stuff towards him. When u see that, grab a orb

01-21-2013, 05:39 PM
Look at the floor beneath gurgox it looks like he pulling stuff towards him. When u see that, grab a orb
He says it's hard to see the animation forming under Gurgox because of all of the effects and stuff going on around him.