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View Full Version : Flaim's Guide On How to Not be a Noob

09-21-2010, 11:48 PM
Hello forumers! Today I bring you a very special guide that I have decided this forum needs! Even if one noob realizes that they can improve by reading this, my mission will have been accomplished! Anyways, off we go!

1. Nothing is tl;dr. Including this. If you're going to spend time on a forum, then spend time reading a post that someone else spent even longer thinking about and writing.

2. Do not take anything personally. Believe it or not, it is the internet. Unless you have a friend from irl on here, you do not know anyone on here. Again, you do not know anyone on here and no one on here knows you. Thus, it does not matter what people think of you as they don't know you and cannot fairly judge you. How people are online is not how people are irl.

3. Post counts do not matter. Post counts per day do not matter. Post count rankings do not matter. Read that a couple times until it sinks in. Quality over quantity. I'd rather read 30 amazing posts than 300 lame ones. Again, you should not write lame posts just to +1 your post count. Your post count does not get you anything or anywhere in life. The whole point of a forums is so that people can express themselves and their ideas, not a place to make spam.

4. Being an idiot is not helpful. This includes flaming people, making fun of people, annoying people, generally being unhelpful, etc. Again, the forums are so that people can help each other and exchange ideas, not be idiots to each other. Kindness goes far.

And that's all for version 1. I might update it later if I think of anything else. Yes, I know, it's blunt. But it's meant to be. :) Cheers!

09-22-2010, 04:16 AM
nice guide.

09-22-2010, 04:41 AM
1, agreed, I read it.
2, agreed, I don't care about people, I don't care about.
3, agreed, post count = epeen.
4, agreed, but I don't suffer idiots kindly.

09-22-2010, 06:57 AM
Hello forumers! Today I bring you a very special guide that I have decided this forum needs! Even if one noob realizes that they can improve by reading this, my mission will have been accomplished! Anyways, off we go!

3. Post counts do not matter. Post counts per day do not matter. Post count rankings do not matter. Read that a couple times until it sinks in. Quality over quantity. I'd rather read 30 amazing posts than 300 lame ones. Again, you should not write lame posts just to +1 your post count. Your post count does not get you anything or anywhere in life. The whole point of a forums is so that people can express themselves and their ideas, not a place to make spam.

4. Being an idiot is not helpful. This includes flaming people, making fun of people, annoying people, generally being unhelpful, etc. Again, the forums are so that people can help each other and exchange ideas, not be idiots to each other. Kindness goes far.

And that's all for version 1. I might update it later if I think of anything else. Yes, I know, it's blunt. But it's meant to be. :) Cheers!

I FEEL NAMED... forget this k/d count and post count ftw if it's in this section of the forums, it's meant to not matter :P

09-22-2010, 07:06 AM
Rofl! What is my post count?

09-22-2010, 08:03 AM
I read it twice, lol.

Post count doesn't matter but I was happy when I got Senior Member since I made the acc in Apr. =)

I know people can be whoever they want to be online, but I am pretty much the same... ok.. I am more crazy irl.. lol. No, you shouldnt take things personally online or else you'll just be depressed.

What would the world be without idiots? Ok, maybe we can do without them but we still needs some CrAzY people to keep life lively =)

PS: Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate. Being litteral there.

09-22-2010, 08:34 AM
You made this to annoy me didn't you...?

09-22-2010, 08:35 AM
Rofl LL!

09-22-2010, 09:16 AM
Rofl LL!

Haha, I knew I'd make SOMEONE laugh xD!

09-22-2010, 10:35 AM
PS: Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate. Being litteral there.

u clearly have never tasted premium milk chocolate then :p

btw, to go along with post count/tl;dr it bugs me much more when ppl only read the first post and none of the replies.

09-22-2010, 10:36 AM
tl;still read.

I Like it, but really that's kind of true

09-22-2010, 10:42 AM
Hi my name is Cascade and I'm a noob.