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View Full Version : Ipad Randomly being Forced to Reboot

01-15-2013, 03:27 AM
I had this issue happen 7 times in the period of 2 1/2 days, and then it stopped for 10 days and now it has happened again. It also happened to someone I was hunting with last night, who was also on an ipad, so it is not just me. I initially thought it was being caused by the leftover background process from one of the random apps I installed trying to get free plat, but since those have been cleared off my machine for some time now, that can't be the case, so this is an Arcane bug.

What happens, to me and the other person I saw, is this. We are hunting somewhere with lots of monsters and action - usually an elite zone like Rook's nest or Brackenridge, when suddenly out of nowhere, the ipad just goes into reboot. The little apple shows up on the screen and you can't do anything until it resets itself. Once you get back and re-log into the game, you find you are still in your party, and are put back to the beginning of the elite run that you were doing. Before you ask, I play so that the power button is on the top left corner, and well away from where i can press it by mistake, so I'm not putting it to sleep that way - the game is somehow causing the machine to shut down.

I have the error reports from the device if that would help the dev team at all. You can contact me through this account.

If anyone else is having this issue, please post here. My device is an ipad mini.

01-15-2013, 06:44 AM
This happens to me almost twice a day! Except I'm using the Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0

01-15-2013, 10:30 AM
Hmm, that's no fun. I play on an iPad 1 and haven't had any problems at all. I hope that doesn't happen on mine!

01-15-2013, 01:54 PM
I'm with Mike. There reason for reboots is because you are low on memory. Not necessarily hard drive space, but memory. I would suggest the following

double clicking your home button and closing all open apps
then do a reset by Holding down your Home button and the power button until your ipad turns off and release them both when you see the silver apple simple during the restart.

I'm guess that you have either a very full ipad (harddrive) and/or you have a lot of apps open up.

01-15-2013, 02:25 PM
I already checked that, I'm actually a professional developer. Neither of the above is the case, I had no other apps running when it happened this time, and my ipad harddrive is only 1/4 full. I've been paying close attention to this since it started happening at the start of the year.

It really sucks when I'm on my warrior on an elite run, and vanish on my party in the middle of fighting a boss....

01-16-2013, 07:06 PM
Still happening after the patch, like every couple of elite runs. It makes it almost impossible to play. Could we get a response from the devs on this please?

01-16-2013, 09:49 PM
No idea Serancha. I play on an iPad 2 running the latest OS and have had no problems.

If you have the error reports, you can email them to me at community@spacetimestudios.com and I'll get them to our team that can look into them. Thanks!