View Full Version : In game menu tap auction

09-22-2010, 10:37 AM
We need a auction system in game bad. In menu or something, tap auctoin, tap item, list start and sell price. Thats it. Ive been on pl since the first week and have tons of rares. Ide love to sell most of my pinks & purps for cheap to clear some invintory i just cant get down with standing in town shouting all day. I think this is way more important then a pet or a cool looking hat. I feel its a must & i hope u guys are still working on it. thx!

09-22-2010, 10:38 AM
We are sposed to get an auction house idk when though but its definitely coming.

09-22-2010, 10:47 AM
We are sposed to get an auction house idk when though but its definitely coming.

Right. I know they were saying it a few months ago but what do they mean by auction house? Like a house were u have to be there and shout? I would rather tap some items, type some #s and be done with it so i can farm, xp, pvp or help noobs even. Anything but standind there shouting

09-22-2010, 10:59 AM
I'm fairly certain the Auction Hous will be a place you can list items to be sold while you are playing maps or offline. If not then it would just be Forest Haven ;)