View Full Version : ROGUE Ruled the Leaderboard

I'm Siri
01-15-2013, 09:46 PM
"Challenge the Leaderboard time?
No way. Unless you are the rogue."
That's my quote.
Your though?

01-15-2013, 09:50 PM
I think the same thing lol

01-16-2013, 12:30 AM
absolutely lol they can semi tank,heavy damager and 4 rogue can beat a boss in few secs

01-16-2013, 01:18 AM
absolutely lol they can semi tank,heavy damager and 4 rogue can beat a boss in few secs

Don't forget they can AOE nearly as well as a sorcerer in addition to much higher single target damage. They're definitely OP, and I don't think that's a secret. There are bound to be balance shifts every cap, but with leader boards like AL has, PVE balance takes on a whole new importance and clearly things are out of whack pretty badly right now.

01-16-2013, 01:25 AM
I think other rogues are OP mainly because i suck at rogue.

01-16-2013, 01:53 AM
Don't forget they can AOE nearly as well as a sorcerer in addition to much higher single target damage. They're definitely OP, and I don't think that's a secret. There are bound to be balance shifts every cap, but with leader boards like AL has, PVE balance takes on a whole new importance and clearly things are out of whack pretty badly right now.

Maybe we'll see some sort of rebalance when PVP arrives?

01-16-2013, 02:21 AM
Who needs other jobs when u have a rouge :victorious:?

01-16-2013, 03:52 AM
Rogue from the start.

Hate to see so many players re-roll to Rogue, when they used to be the underdog, yet I had always made the most of what I got with Amaterasu in 16 Cap.

01-16-2013, 04:52 AM
I have a hard time imagining rogues dominating PVP as they don't have any crowd control skills.

Mage can basically stunlock people (unless Shield means immunity from stuns and freezes also) and warriors will probably outlast rogues.

I'm all for class balance as long as it doesn't take the fun out. We only have 4 skill slots to play around already so combinations are limited and gameplay can become stale fast if you're pigeonholed into one spec.

01-16-2013, 11:29 AM
True, makes me so sad :( I guess for now if you want to be on the lb you have to switch to a rogue.
Everyone else has done it! Hopefully next season warriors and mages will be able to contribute
more :)

01-16-2013, 12:06 PM
Rogue from the start.

Hate to see so many players re-roll to Rogue, when they used to be the underdog, yet I had always made the most of what I got with Amaterasu in 16 Cap.

Hey hey hey! I resemble that remark! :p

True that rogues have ruled since this last update. Such is the cycle of the typical MMO, where every patch yields a new FOTM class. Maybe sorcs for pvp? Let's go sorcs!

01-16-2013, 01:06 PM
Hey hey hey! I resemble that remark! :p

True that rogues have ruled since this last update. Such is the cycle of the typical MMO, where every patch yields a new FOTM class. Maybe sorcs for pvp? Let's go sorcs!

Haha, tbf until I seen your name in Chat a while back, I actually thought your main was Airys alt haha.

And agreed, each patch brings a new OP class. Warriors had their short lived term, Rogues have had theirs, now lets see about Sorc. (Even tho poor War are in need of some kind of update, quite useless ATM (no offence to War players :p)

01-16-2013, 01:50 PM
Haha, tbf until I seen your name in Chat a while back, I actually thought your main was Airys alt haha.

And agreed, each patch brings a new OP class. Warriors had their short lived term, Rogues have had theirs, now lets see about Sorc. (Even tho poor War are in need of some kind of update, quite useless ATM (no offence to War players :p)

Haha. Airys was my quasi-main at the time I joined KoI, but I still had my naked 16 sorc waiting in the wings. Attack/cc caster classes always have special place in my heart. So technically, I was one of those rogue rerolls you speak of lol.

Wars aren't completely useless IMO. I had to pot tank Mardrom the other day because the rogue we were with bailed on us right at the throne room. No tank? Ok, pot tank sorc to the rescue! It was pretty funny, but I definitely would've preferred to be DPS'ing and spot healing a real tank through the firestorms.

Anyway, sorry for OT. Yes, rogues own right now. Let's see what happens at next cap. :)

01-16-2013, 02:03 PM
Well completely useless is a lil harsh, quite useless still sounds about right.

Warriors +

Armour = Less pots per dps

Warriors -

No dmg (2 Warriors is overkill)

Can't exactly out-Tank a Rogue (in pretty much any one vs one situation)

Jarl being best for "best end game" drops, one is not needed.

Slow, unless they have speed lix/War cry

Let's just say the uses of needing a warrior are very limited at this time.

01-17-2013, 01:42 AM
ouch bod.

its a fact.now that elite villa doesnt need a warrior or to be exact a tank. I only agree with this on elite jarl runs other maps .. thats another story.

well i havent been playing.AL. pve for a month.. only.log in and chat
and thats what i think before and now from were i went inactive in pve

01-17-2013, 02:07 AM
Oh no! My warrior is useless! Can I get a class changer here!

01-17-2013, 02:09 AM
Well completely useless is a lil harsh, quite useless still sounds about right.

Warriors +

Armour = Less pots per dps

Warriors -

No dmg (2 Warriors is overkill)

Can't exactly out-Tank a Rogue (in pretty much any one vs one situation)

Jarl being best for "best end game" drops, one is not needed.

Slow, unless they have speed lix/War cry

Let's just say the uses of needing a warrior are very limited at this time.

it's funny how something so true, yet so sad..makes one smile. :) Here's hoping for a better future for warriors in next patch. If we can't kill fast, at least make our taunt skills work well.

01-17-2013, 02:17 AM
So if you want to pvp, use a rogue too. With their high dodge, it will be difficult to kill them. With their high crit, they will kill you in seconds. After so many legends games, I would think DEVS can balance this new game much better. Disappointed and losing interest.

01-17-2013, 06:08 AM
ouch bod.

its a fact.now that elite villa doesnt need a warrior or to be exact a tank. I only agree with this on elite jarl runs other maps .. thats another story.

well i havent been playing.AL. pve for a month.. only.log in and chat
and thats what i think before and now from were i went inactive in pve

it's funny how something so true, yet so sad..makes one smile. :) Here's hoping for a better future for warriors in next patch. If we can't kill fast, at least make our taunt skills work well.

Sorry guys, tried letting it down softly but needed to be said :( (lol)

Let's see what StS have in mind for next expansion.

So if you want to pvp, use a rogue too. With their high dodge, it will be difficult to kill them. With their high crit, they will kill you in seconds. After so many legends games, I would think DEVS can balance this new game much better. Disappointed and losing interest.

Remember, no pets in PvP.

This may change the outcome slightly, and maybe close to possible 16 Twinks may have a hard time at with a "good" Warrior. Guess we will have to wait and see.

Without a pet, Mana wise, Rogue will be drained after 1 combo, if you miss crit on Aimed it may be the end.

A lot if Rogue's depend on their pets.

(That said, since the way HP gain is worked out with Dex/Int and the Armour upgrade even at 16 they may be a force to be reckoned with. Guess I'm thinking of the start of the game at 16)

01-17-2013, 06:22 AM
meh i can understand ... i have all 3class and knows what they can do.

but im sticking with warrior:)

01-17-2013, 07:33 AM
meh i can understand ... i have all 3class and knows what they can do.

but im sticking with warrior:)

Erza!!!! Ftw lol

OT: Finally decided to catch up in one night went from 143-164 (11-25 SaO too) lmao, but hate the waiting game, trying not to read the Manga.

01-17-2013, 07:53 AM
meh i can understand ... i have all 3class and knows what they can do.

but im sticking with warrior:)

Erza!!!! Ftw lol

OT: Finally decided to catch up in one night went from 143-164 (11-25 SaO too) lmao, but hate the waiting game, trying not to read the Manga.

sadly i capped it was planning.to.make it.as a twink but got tempted fron elite jarl quickie runs


01-17-2013, 08:09 AM
sadly i capped it was planning.to.make it.as a twink but got tempted fron elite jarl quickie runs


Booo haha, though I don't blame you.

Sword Art Online (:

01-17-2013, 11:29 AM
I enjoy playing all three classes and agree warrior could be bumped a little. Mainly increase the effectiveness of taunts. Obviously a lot of warriors in the wild aren't even trying to tank, but going for dps. I suspect that's going to be somewhat frustrating as you'll always lose to rogues at that. Then you can't tank effectively either, so kind of meh. But for me at least, playing pure tank has been a lot of fun.

Elite Jarl isn't much of a test as it's so easy, but WT4 or Tower I think a good tank makes runs much easier and cheaper. I can tank and with nexus provide some mana regen and I see my party's health and mana remaining stable. I'm able to hold Mardrom over at the wall or soak damage in the big WT4 mobs while the rogues and mages do their thing. Sure, you can pot tank, but a nicely balanced team still includes a warrior, imo.

01-17-2013, 04:53 PM
I think adding a few second cool down on potion use can help balance things out a little bit. At least that will make Rogue tanking harder, and Warriors tanking become important again.

01-17-2013, 05:00 PM
I think adding a few second cool down on potion use can help balance things out a little bit.


There are many other methods StS can work on, without resulting to that.

01-17-2013, 05:58 PM

There are many other methods StS can work on, without resulting to that.

I think doing this is easier than nerfing/balancing skills. But, yeah, I can see this is very painful for pot tank.

01-17-2013, 06:14 PM
I think adding a few second cool down on potion use can help balance things out a little bit. At least that will make Rogue tanking harder, and Warriors tanking become important again. whats the point of that? Itll just kill more rogues...sts can improve taunts..

01-17-2013, 06:27 PM
I think doing this is easier than nerfing/balancing skills. But, yeah, I can see this is very painful for pot tank.

I agree it would be easier, but easier isn't always the best method.

Think this would be something left to a last resort, which should/hopefully never really be needed.

01-17-2013, 07:42 PM
I create a rogue a few days ago and Im starting to love it.

01-17-2013, 09:35 PM
whats the point of that? Itll just kill more rogues...sts can improve taunts..

The point is (to stay on topic) people think Rogues are OP at the moment; Rogues can pot tank without warriors and can kill bosses really quick because of high DPS. Adding cool down on potion make it harder to pot tank so Rogues are less OP, but improving taunts on warriors doesn't make Rogues less OP. Actually, it might make Rogues more OP because now the aggro stays on warriors and Rogues doesn't even need to worry about health.