View Full Version : Devs =)

King Richie
09-22-2010, 11:55 AM
Hey Guys i havent really added much to the forums lately so i felt like posting a big post about all my opinions thus far .. =)


Ok My feelings for PvE will always be what keeps me interested in this game The sense of team work and accomplishment when you and your team take down a hard boss or when you and your farming team uncover a rare pink ...

But this sense of accomplishment is starting to fade as the game is getting highly repetitive ... now i dont mean in the sense of playing the same levels ... a new map wont change how the game plays out ... every time we do the same thing ... Level up .. Farm and farm and farm .. we need something ... Exciting and interesting to do and when pocket adventures was released this was exactly what we needed but i havent seen it implemented in your campaigns ... you still have the next level or return to towne buttons .. why not have a simple gateway open up so you can just walk through or have a teleporter appear so you can go back to town ... simple adds that will really add to a more fluent and flowing gameplay ..

Next thing is the elite dungeon was a nice add but it was nothing in the way that i pictured an elite dungeon and i think others felt that way ... when i picture an elite dungeon i picture a huge room that has around 10 respawning mobs and 1 HUGE boss that is basically impossible to defeat except for the lucky or highly skilled team but the boss is not like able to annihilate every one with a nuke just a boss that has huge 1v1 damage so as tanks and healers and dps are required to work together ... but also when i think of this i think of more team mates ... maybe as there will be less enemies you could increase the amount of allies that you can have to something like 8 this would make a huge difference to game play and team work ...

Final thing i feel about PvE is there is no sense of Adventure in the game which all RPGs need to keep people interested ... but again i must say when pocket adventures was released it satisfied a bit of it with the secret passage ways and the roads between towns having more secret passageways but i would love to see you expand on this and have more places so that feeling of adventure is felt more =)

To digress ... Now dev team dont get me wrong for all i know you could be workin on everything i have said and most likely are .. i mean this in no way as a threat but just as a reminder of what we as a community are looking for in game and just so if you are not working on these maybe you could start looking in to these ..


It feels like you let PvP out and then forgot about it ? we havent seen one new game type or anything since release other then a few new maps ... i would love to see some new games like capture the orb or Attack and defend where the defenders have more armor then the attackers but they have no respawns =) .. and maybe some betting type games where you can put down a certain amount of gold at the start and the winner gets the pot ...

Another fantastic add to PvP that i think would be nice is a way to have ghost cams or something similar like spectator mode so as camera men can be used to record tournaments and such ... ( while on this another great and simple add that would be great for photographers is a hide HUD button in the options which would hide all the information on the HUD except the menu button ... this would allow for some great pictures )

Now thats about all i have to add to this but all i really have to say is that no matter what people say and what ever your missing in game ... Pocket legends is by far the fastest growing and expanding MMO that i have ever played and luckily enough we were also graced with the glory of an amazing and responsive dev team .. i have full hope and belief in this game due to the amazing team working on it ..

P.S asomers Please post a new Road map ASAP to kill the hate =)

King Richie
09-22-2010, 12:39 PM
Also i was playing cro mag rally online and noticed they had a mic function where you could actually talk via your phone to people ... maybe this could be implemented some how =) !

09-22-2010, 12:48 PM
In the 1.4.1 update they said that they made some stuff exclusive to ao3 I hope ao3 is uber epic awesome.

King Richie
09-22-2010, 05:34 PM
No response from the devs ?

09-22-2010, 05:35 PM
I think this thread got washed away by the onslaught of useless spam posts.

King Richie
09-22-2010, 05:37 PM
i hate when that happens and then you got to seem like a looser by bumping it =)

09-22-2010, 05:41 PM
Hahahaha exactly =) *bump*

09-22-2010, 06:02 PM
we need to have a boss like the pvp boss.

09-22-2010, 06:26 PM
Also i was playing cro mag rally online and noticed they had a mic function where you could actually talk via your phone to people ... maybe this could be implemented some how =) !

I would absolutely love this. I play a game called team fortress 2 on my computer often, and I see the company Valve to be incredibly user friendly and worthwhile considering it is a corporate company. they have a mic system where you can voice chat in game. I would love it if spacetime, who has an even better response and dev team, could implement this. of course, chances aren't very likely since there are kids and devs are afraid of mommies getting mad

09-22-2010, 06:31 PM
Devs are afraid of mommies getting mad!

Haha I might put this in my sig! Hahaha

09-22-2010, 06:33 PM
Haha I might put this in my sig! Hahaha

well they do have good reason with lawsuits and all about how little Timmy is talking to a 40 year old man

09-22-2010, 06:35 PM
Haha there are 40 yr olds that play PL? O.o No offence to you old geezers ;)

09-22-2010, 06:35 PM
Haha there are 40 yr olds that play PL? O.o No offence to you old geezers ;)
let me find a link I know

09-22-2010, 06:38 PM
I think snakespear is pretty old idk though.

09-22-2010, 06:40 PM
I think snakespear is pretty old idk though.

he's a grandfather! but no pics.

found it.
I hope no harm done to smokescreen or king rich

12-16-2010, 05:18 AM
I think asommers was shocked you spelled his name wrong..

12-16-2010, 07:42 AM
Elite quests pls