View Full Version : lets talk about ctf.and.rouges

01-18-2013, 11:18 PM
Im not.giving negative feed back, just stating.that as a sorcerer and getting.one hit auto shot by a.rouge is no fun
Practically every non rouge in my guild has.said.this.so dont.say better.build. I have almost 600 arms and 2k health which is not bad for a poor man. I do not say their stats.need to be.completely nuke, all im saying is classes definitely need to be.balanced out a little bit more. If you disagree then you do not.understand where i come from, this is not complaing. We wanted.a bigger challenge.then how it is in pls pvp. Yet a sorcerer doesnt even need a skill used by a rouge.to kill him, so to me that is not a challenge. If you disagree, youre probally a rouge

01-18-2013, 11:44 PM
I think you should post this in the official CTF feedback thread

01-19-2013, 12:21 AM
that aimed shot skill is nightmare for mages

01-19-2013, 02:19 AM
Mage has a big stun so? And i never see if 2-3 warrior in a party they are too many heals and nobody can stop them

01-19-2013, 12:52 PM
Didnt know there was a ctf feed back thread? Ill see if i can get this moved if i can figure

01-19-2013, 03:34 PM
I'm a rogue and i don't disagree with rogues being way way OP. Fighting other mages and warriors r the best for me. Especially warrior since they can survive, our duel goes on for quite a bit. All those 1 hit and stuff should be nerf.

01-20-2013, 01:11 PM
Rogues get one shot hit too so mages dont complain about, we dont. we also die really fast as well. no one likes to mention that except for aimed shot, mages do more damage than rogues. if it wasnt fir aimed shot rogues would be complaining that mages are overpowered. aimed shot is the obly defence rogies have againt the mages ridiculously long stun time. classes are balanced just fine. Mae a new strategy. ive seen mages own the entire arema deatroying everyone in sight and spawn killing so you guys have nothing to complain about