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View Full Version : Sorcerer Builds?

01-19-2013, 02:19 PM
I'm fairly certain that every sorcerer out there trying in vain to kill in CTF desperately wants a build that can possibly allow them to survive more than 2 enemies.
Anybody make a sorcerer build that WORKS for CTF yet?

01-19-2013, 03:31 PM
Here's my build and I do pretty well, better than other sorcs:
Gale with speed, dodge and AOE yes the gust works, they cant be under any other effects though
Fireball (always charged) for knockdown
Time is just a slow a high damage spell. It's also a good chase breaker if you have the flag
Heal, because no pots.

For my attributes, I put 1/4 - 1/3 of my points into str.

For strategy, you can usually micro away from warriors or dodge their attacks. Watch out for that flying-hammer-thingamajig
Rogues are a lot harder to deal with, they sometimes one shot me with Aimed then Shadow piercer. The other times, I can make a pretty large combo by starting with my impact fireball, dropping time, uncharged gale, rinse and repeat.

01-19-2013, 03:56 PM
Here's my build and I do pretty well, better than other sorcs:
Gale with speed, dodge and AOE yes the gust works, they cant be under any other effects though
Fireball (always charged) for knockdown
Time is just a slow a high damage spell. It's also a good chase breaker if you have the flag
Heal, because no pots.

For my attributes, I put 1/4 - 1/3 of my points into str.

For strategy, you can usually micro away from warriors or dodge their attacks. Watch out for that flying-hammer-thingamajig
Rogues are a lot harder to deal with, they sometimes one shot me with Aimed then Shadow piercer. The other times, I can make a pretty large combo by starting with my impact fireball, dropping time, uncharged gale, rinse and repeat.
Yeah, that's what my build was shaping out to be. Sorc vs Rogue, whoever stuns first usually wins, unless one has a lot more health. Sorc vs Warrior, sorc stuns at a distance then spams skills until the mighty warrior falls. The spinning attack can really hit hard though. Sorc vs sorc, depends on who stuns first and has a better build. Shield really does help; so I'm not sure if shield or heal would be best. Heal is good for party support, but shield allows sorc to survive longer. There usually isn't any time during a 1v1 for sorc to throw a heal at itself.
With shield, would the 2sec invincibility be worth it? 2 seconds isn't much against a warrior, but might provide a little window of time for a sorc to stun another sorc or a rogue.

01-19-2013, 04:58 PM
For now ive said screw killing and go for the flag. For some reason im good at that

01-19-2013, 05:05 PM
For now ive said screw killing and go for the flag. For some reason im good at that

Unfortunately, mage is not best for flag bearing either because they disallow our speed boost skill for it. Others can still use it tho, like shadow pierce for rogue...

01-19-2013, 08:08 PM
I've gotten considerably better at killing, with higher kills than deaths now. Rogues still whoop me, but I can stand a chance against nearly anything if I can get a quick stun right away.

01-19-2013, 08:13 PM
I've gotten considerably better at killing, with higher kills than deaths now. Rogues still whoop me, but I can stand a chance against nearly anything if I can get a quick stun right away.

Could you confirm what build you're using for this please?

01-19-2013, 10:30 PM
I don't know if my build works. But I can kill pretty fast at times.
Instead of gale I use fireball(2,3,4).
Arcane shield(1,3,4)

Ign: Datswatshesed

01-19-2013, 11:32 PM
does lightning stuns?

01-20-2013, 12:57 PM
Could you confirm what build you're using for this please?
I haven't respec'd for PvP yet - my build is still for PvE and not completely optimized for butt-kicking in PvP, but here:
Nuke Build:
Stats: Pure INT
Skill Point Set:
Fireball(4/5): Engulf, Ignite, Impact
Frost Bolt(4/5): Ice Wielder, Jagged Ice, Shiver
Gale Force(3/5): Outward Squall, Weighted Wind
Time Shift(4/5): Time Bomb, CoP, Freeze Time

01-20-2013, 01:31 PM
does lightning stuns?

Yes a charged lighting has a chance to stun.

01-20-2013, 04:21 PM
does lightning stuns?

Yes a charged lighting stuns.

Only chance to stun.

Anyway Mage must have fireball heal and sadly shield. So only two offense skill choices.

Currently Mage should pair with rogue, so find some to play with. Mage stuns for rogue and then recover their mana for them.

1v1 It is possible for full gear Mage to beat full gear rogue with luck and chances, but odds r very heavy in favor of rogue. It is not possible for full gear Mage to beat full gear warrior unless they mess up.

01-20-2013, 04:34 PM
Yea i meant chance. My bad ill edit.

01-20-2013, 04:46 PM
I tried Ice, Light, Fire and Heal and it seemed to work well. Kite more, rely less on shield and you get a stronger nuke

01-20-2013, 09:28 PM
My build kicks face. earlier today I was 900 - 700 and now I'm like 1200 - 800. I don't ever lose one v ones, and I'm accepting challenges from anyone to see if I can be beat. ikm me in game! similar build to dats, but different.

01-21-2013, 05:00 AM
So far I have more kills than deaths, so I guess for a mage that is pretty good. I won't give the details of my build except to say that I changed my gear to have considerably more STR points (and health) than what is normally considered the best build for a sorcerer, and I find this works somewhat well as often times after a battle I'm down to less than 20% health, meaning I would be dead if I had the normal full damage mage build.

But yes, I still have trouble with rogues. I do my best to avoid them when not in a group, and if I join a game and see more than 2 rogues on the other team, I leave to find a new game.

01-21-2013, 05:29 AM
nah i can kill rouges one on one just need to run and spam skills dont stay on same area coz they are lethal with that razor shield!! same as warior run2.x then spam skills!!! :) best move ever and btw dont go by your self always follow a rouge or warrior to avoid being hit directly and enables you to spam skill while they are hitting your mates :) my Average kills is about 20 sometimes 40 when im so lucky :) so yeah!!

01-21-2013, 09:17 AM
Is there a possibility to have 2 builds? One for PvE and and another load out for PvP?

So far I am getting killed a lot. Getting one shotted from a Rogue is particularly disappointing. It would be great to have a different set of stats/skills depending on if you are doing PvP or not. Sounds like a plat option.

Also, I am seeing some people running PvP with pets. I saw ribbit and granite on people. I saw the happiness bonus flash as well. Are they actually getting a bonus from them?

01-21-2013, 09:32 AM
Is there a possibility to have 2 builds? One for PvE and and another load out for PvP?

So far I am getting killed a lot. Getting one shotted from a Rogue is particularly disappointing. It would be great to have a different set of stats/skills depending on if you are doing PvP or not. Sounds like a plat option.

Also, I am seeing some people running PvP with pets. I saw ribbit and granite on people. I saw the happiness bonus flash as well. Are they actually getting a bonus from them?

It would be great to have 2 builds in AL for exactly those reasons but they aren't in game right now. Would love to see it introduced as it seems quite important for Sorc especially to have the shield, heal, fire and lightning in PvP to be more powerful / durable. This build though would obviously gimp your DPS somewhat in terms of PvE which is why I'm reluctant to go all out PvP build.

In terms of people glitching their pets in with them, Its my understanding that they receive the passive stat bonuses and nothing more.