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View Full Version : PVP Unfair Advantage

01-21-2013, 02:49 AM
Hi everyone. I wanted to bring up this topic about PVP. During my first... 10 rounds of PVP, it was really enjoyable! I had fun, unlike in starlegends. I soon found out that I was one of the strongest players in most rounds, with 176 DPS at level 16, and over 1200 health, it became very easy and fun for me. But in about my 20th match... I found a problem. While fighting for the winning CTF point, I couldn't move at all, or attack. I was making a "WTF" face for quite abit. I figured out that a level 14 just kept charging and stunning me, it took him over 15 seconds to kill me, but I couldnt do anything at all. This, is totally unfair. I would like comments on this and some updates in the game either removing Stuns from PVP, or just removing stuns from the Charged Weapon Attack. This topic was serious enough for me to where I actually made a forum account and posted this. Thanks for listening, spread the word please... I'm starting to get really tired of this "Cheap" tactic in PVP and it can definately upset some players.

01-21-2013, 03:01 AM
Sorry for countering you, but that's the whole point of Pvp. There's always a player that's better than you and so you strive to overcome him :) Using stuns/freeze and winning isn't a 'cheap' tactic but rather is part of someone else's hard work at devising a perfect combo. I suggest you do the same :)

01-21-2013, 03:06 AM
Being unable to fight the entire battle isn't PVP. I wouldn't mind the stuns staying for skills, but This has happened on more then Several occasions.

01-21-2013, 03:10 AM
Hmm first of all, u should have posted this in the PvP section...

What class are you, and what class are you having this problem against? Which weapon are
they using and is it the charged attack of the weapon (I doubt it) or a specific skill. Yes certain
skills like charged fireball do have stun, but this, for example, is one of the only usefull tools in
a mages arsenal and is by no means cheap. I think few would consider a mage overpowered
in PvP. Warriors can also stun, but if u are one of the other classes u should just try your best
not melee them too much (yes an absolute death sentence at least for a mage). There are ways
to try to avoid getting stun but just take practice. Don't give up hope. I may be playing one of
the more underpowered classes and just consider it a challenge, not stressing too much about
my k/d (well maybe just a little bit) :)

01-21-2013, 03:15 AM
Although I don't really think that it's unfair, it definitely takes a lot of the fun out of it for me.

01-21-2013, 03:56 AM
I was annoyed by stuns too but I'm getting used to PVP a bit more and have made more strategic choices on my Rogue when a warrior comes my way.

I can stun with Skyward Smash on my warrior which on the other hand is a good tactic. I also noticed very quickly that stuns on my warrior and rogue although frustrating, can sometimes be overcome. Stun them right back or quickly spam the regular attack or try to run if you see a way out etc.

Now, PVP is becoming more fun because I don't just rush in there. It's not DM, it's a Team PVP, so staying close to your teammates or having good team work, will help you if you are in trouble. I've had lots of team mates beat the snot out of someone stunning me or trying to kill me.

Stick with it is my advice. Stun is a part of skills that they allow and I've seen it used in other MMORPG PVP as well. Learn ways to become a better more efficient PVP'er and then you might find yourself turning around the situation completely! :)

01-21-2013, 04:17 AM
I know that certain classes have skills that shouldn't be considered cheap. I do not mean Skills, I mean when you Charge your weapon, and attack, it normally stuns your target. I know it stuns when fully charged on rogue, and possibly for warrior and Mage. But I've had someone just "spam stun" me, which takes the fun out of it. To answer questions, I'm a rogue. Sorry I didn't see a PVP Forum section. Each class definately has their own advantages, but being able to incapacitate someone for an entire battle, shouldn't be one :P. I don't mind getting Insta-killed, but the stuns... Rage quit!

01-21-2013, 04:44 AM
If can someone can stun you just as long, shouldn't you be able to do the same to them? :) Figure it out, then apply it.

01-21-2013, 05:11 AM
you are crazy !!!

01-21-2013, 05:18 AM
rogue charged attck will stun about 90% when others only about 50% so yeah its one of the class balance problem
cheap rogue will run a bit then stun and repeat it and u die without doing anything.So I totally agree it should be fix
the problem is not when u are a rogue but mage or warrior.

01-22-2013, 06:33 AM
At least mage and rogue have ranged attacks. Must be nice. :)

01-22-2013, 07:34 AM
At least mage and rogue have ranged attacks. Must be nice. :)

Throwing axe dude...

01-22-2013, 08:23 AM
I hope they nerf warriors and rouges soon!! I have good gear and I chased a warrior over the map two laps spamming spells on him..he totally played with me..turned around and 1shotted me

01-22-2013, 08:25 AM
Axe Throw seems to be a 100% stun against my Rogue.

Stuns are a critical tactic to effective PvP - especially when you are with a poorly coordinated group.

In many of my CTF PUGs, the group just scatters, while the opposing group stays together and has some strategy. Sometimes, an opposing group will stage 2-3 players at the entrance of the flag room - and if your group is no well coordinated, anyone trying to run that gauntlet will die. Other times, I have seen teams break into two groups, one is a search and destroy group, the other is a flag carrier and escort group.

Unlike PvE, where you just mash skills and auto, PvP requires tactics and cooperative team play.

01-22-2013, 08:31 AM
If mages can't stun then they mine as well not even try to PVP or should be forbidden to PVP.
It's like saying warrior shouldn't have sky smash or rouges shouldn't have aimed shot
So it goes hand and hand

01-22-2013, 08:34 AM
I hope they nerf warriors and rouges soon!! I have good gear and I chased a warrior over the map two laps spamming spells on him..he totally played with me..turned around and 1shotted me

I'm assuming that you are a mage. Honestly, mages are one of the more devastating classes in PvP - tough to play, but immense damage potential and the highest DPS in game.

Warriors, especially those geared for tanking, are punching bags - they absorb incredible damage. You have to take advantage of your ranged attacks to survive. Use attacks that stun or knock down, follow with charged skills then another stun. Rinse and repeat. This tactic only works if you can pick off a single warrior, get a group together and you are in trouble.

If you are with a pack, let the warriors engage. When the opponents auto targeting picks up the warrior, you can rush in and nuke, then break off while your skills cool-down.

Also, be aware of where the health packs are, engage in combat near one of these health packs.

I was dueling with an end-game warrior (who knew how to handle his class) and kept hitting him with Aimed Shots. He trudged over to an alcove with a health pack and even after 6-7 charged aimed shots (with Nox Bolts and auto attacks mixed in), he still did not go down because he used the terrain effectively. Another cute tactic I've seen is for warriors to stand around a corner. Then when rogues/mages get close (but still around the corner), a Skyward Smash allows them to jump over the wall around the corner, allowing them to get the first attack in, and often stunning me.

Each class has strengths and weaknesses. Use your class effectively because I think that PvP is very well balanced at the moment.

01-22-2013, 08:48 AM
Each class has strengths and weaknesses. Use your class effectively because I think that PvP is very well balanced at the moment.

That's the point. And no one is believing those who claim the current Classes as they are as balanced.

Great to read that someone mentioned at least one of all those tactics people should use to be better at pvp.

It's all about knowing how to... Just could repeat this again and again (and I'm by far not a pro in pvp).

01-22-2013, 09:16 AM
Honestly, there are two things that I would like to see introduced:

1) Allow the Mage to shield up without the need for charging
2) Figure out some way to stop a group of warriors from buffing each other out, making the entire group invincible for long stretches.

Otherwise, as I said earlier, PvP is very well balanced.

01-22-2013, 09:44 AM
Not sure what you Mage are doing wrong as I haven't tested mine in PvP yet. However just like there are skillful Warriors/Rogues, we went up against a beast of a Mage (Forgot name atm) 1v1 defeated, 2v2 defeated, 3v2 defeated, seriously was a beast most deaths I've had from a Mage period.

All I know they had Demonlord gear and a Rifle, but Shield up, stunned and then a skill that put me into the red zone so others could finish me off was crazy. (Mostly hidden behind the group of Good Warriors but even when they were solo they put up a very good fight)

Anyway all I'm saying is there are Mage out there that know how to play their class to their greatest advantage and it surely works, up against any class including Rogue. Some may have said OP due to the fight they put up, I'm going with a hell of a good player, and they exist.

01-22-2013, 09:52 AM
Damn out of rep - I totally agree Bod!

01-22-2013, 10:59 AM
Completly agree with posts above. Mages lighting hit pretty dam hard on crit and stunts so im just standing there and beat up to dead. frost bolt freeze me i look like a snowman cant lend a hit im finished pretty fast too. group of 3 mages is disaster as i witnesed

01-22-2013, 11:12 AM
QUIT CRYING!! As I can tell your a rogue. Or a mage? Guessing rogue though since your the best. Highest damage output. How else are other classes going to compete without stuns? Hmm? FFS....

01-22-2013, 11:26 AM
Completly agree with posts above. Mages lighting hit pretty dam hard on crit and stunts so im just standing there and beat up to dead. frost bolt freeze me i look like a snowman cant lend a hit im finished pretty fast too. group of 3 mages is disaster as i witnesed

didnt mean this as i want stunts removed its their advatage as rouges is high dmg just saying mages r dam strong if they want

01-22-2013, 11:35 AM
didnt mean this as i want stunts removed its their advatage as rouges is high dmg just saying mages r dam strong if they want

They lost me too. Maybe help them to quote next time.

If anything last 5 odd posts were pretty much saying Mages are pretty strong if they are played to their advantage. One of those tactics do not not include trying to solo a whole group lol.

01-22-2013, 11:38 AM
Excessive stuns should not be possible, in reality this is likely a bug (and we are in a beta release of PvP!). Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into the abilities in question.

01-22-2013, 11:43 AM
Hi everyone. I wanted to bring up this topic about PVP. During my first... 10 rounds of PVP, it was really enjoyable! I had fun, unlike in starlegends. I soon found out that I was one of the strongest players in most rounds, with 176 DPS at level 16, and over 1200 health, it became very easy and fun for me. But in about my 20th match... I found a problem. While fighting for the winning CTF point, I couldn't move at all, or attack. I was making a "WTF" face for quite abit. I figured out that a level 14 just kept charging and stunning me, it took him over 15 seconds to kill me, but I couldnt do anything at all. This, is totally unfair. I would like comments on this and some updates in the game either removing Stuns from PVP, or just removing stuns from the Charged Weapon Attack. This topic was serious enough for me to where I actually made a forum account and posted this. Thanks for listening, spread the word please... I'm starting to get really tired of this "Cheap" tactic in PVP and it can definately upset some players.

so u r complainig it wasnt so easy anymore.. but this is how it is evryone using whats their skills can offer. its same like complaning that rouges r owerpowered. everyone has pluses and minuses just learn to use them

01-22-2013, 11:48 AM


01-22-2013, 11:49 AM
Excessive stuns should not be possible, in reality this is likely a bug (and we are in a beta release of PvP!). Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into the abilities in question.

Unless you are being attacked by more that one opponent...correct?

01-22-2013, 12:22 PM
They lost me too. Maybe help them to quote next time.

If anything last 5 odd posts were pretty much saying Mages are pretty strong if they are played to their advantage. One of those tactics do not not include trying to solo a whole group lol.

yes got lost too much forum reading i think :P

01-22-2013, 01:05 PM
Excessive stuns should not be possible, in reality this is likely a bug (and we are in a beta release of PvP!). Thanks for the feedback, we'll look into the abilities in question.

Ok cause the rogue has one stun. The mages has like 3, and the warrior well everything stuns.

01-22-2013, 01:34 PM
They all have stuns, but you don't see mages and warriors one hitting mages (thats with me changing my build to 2200hp also) For those of you that think it is balanced you obviously don't know what you're talking about or you don't want you OP class to be changed.

01-22-2013, 01:36 PM
They all have stuns, but you don't see mages and warriors one hitting mages (thats with me changing my build to 2200hp also) For those of you that think it is balanced you obviously don't know what you're talking about or you don't want you OP class to be changed.

All the classes are op. I have multiple op members of every class in my guild.
Rly u just haven't played with and learned from op people.

01-22-2013, 02:26 PM
.......you're gonna end up getting me banned from what i wanna say to you. You're missing the point shut your mouth, this is the second thread you've posted on where you take me for stupid. i know how to make builds, i don't need to "learn" from OP people.
All the classes are op. I have multiple op members of every class in my guild.
Rly u just haven't played with and learned from op people.

01-22-2013, 02:27 PM
.......you're gonna end up getting me banned from what i wanna say to you. You're missing the point shut your mouth, this is the second thread you've posted on where you take me for stupid. i know how to make builds, i don't need to "learn" from OP people.

Lol ok, well my point is it is balanced.

01-22-2013, 02:50 PM
and you're wrong...you don't want you OP class balanced is all.
Lol ok, well my point is it is balanced.

01-22-2013, 02:52 PM
and you're wrong...you don't want you OP class balanced is all.

Well that is where we differ.

01-22-2013, 02:58 PM
ok...so you're saying we differ because i want rouges who 1 hit mages to stay OP? yeah you're correct...wow...
Well that is where we differ.

01-22-2013, 03:05 PM
ok...so you're saying we differ because i want rouges who 1 hit mages to stay OP? yeah you're correct...wow...

I gave no specifics. This is why u get banned you make assumptions. I am just saying we differ because:
You think it isn't balanced,
I say it is.

01-22-2013, 03:07 PM
I gave no specifics. This is why u get banned you make assumptions. I am just saying we differ because:
You think it isn't balanced,
I say it is. First off it still wouldn't be in beta if they were done with it that right there shows how wrong you are. They also wouldn't be asking for feedback if they believed it was fine. gg

01-22-2013, 03:28 PM
First off it still wouldn't be in beta if they were done with it that right there shows how wrong you are. They also wouldn't be asking for feedback if they believed it was fine. gg

Thers some true in this

01-22-2013, 03:31 PM
First off it still wouldn't be in beta if they were done with it that right there shows how wrong you are. They also wouldn't be asking for feedback if they believed it was fine. gg

I do believe there is some stuff that needs to be balanced, but the way you put things forward is normally a exaggeration. I want to see changes just not as sharp and large as u think they need to be. Currently ever class can kill the other on 1v1. That is how I am comparing.

01-22-2013, 03:55 PM
you just said in a few posts ago you think everything is balanced now some things need to be changed? my argument is that rouges shouldn't be one hitting other toons. i know each class can kill one another depending on build style. you are one of the only few people who believe the classes are balanced..which is due to you using rouge and not wanting change to it. nothing wrong with it you want to be good i can understand that. but for those of us that actually test builds for new players we know they aren't balanced. All i'm saying if it stays unbalanced like this as it still is in PL for so long they'll start losing the older devoted players who see this in decline.
I do believe there is some stuff that needs to be balanced, but the way you put things forward is normally a exaggeration. I want to see changes just not as sharp and large as u think they need to be. Currently ever class can kill the other on 1v1. That is how I am comparing.

01-22-2013, 03:59 PM
you just said in a few posts ago you think everything is balanced now some things need to be changed? my argument is that rouges shouldn't be one hitting other toons. i know each class can kill one another depending on build style. you are one of the only few people who believe the classes are balanced..which is due to you using rouge and not wanting change to it. nothing wrong with it you want to be good i can understand that. but for those of us that actually test builds for new players we know they aren't balanced. All i'm saying if it stays unbalanced like this as it still is in PL for so long they'll start losing the older devoted players who see this in decline.

The classes are currently balanced quite well, I think each class has a chance. But there a tweaks. Just because so ething is balanced doesn't mean it doesn't have problems.

Also I have 3 lvl21s one of each class I have played all three to get my opinions. And watched other players and obviously I read forums alot.

01-22-2013, 04:02 PM
Thank you. And yes, Myself and others have been Stunned excessively to the point where you can't even attack or move. My opinion is just remove stuns from Charged weapon attacks in PVP. Skill Stuns can't be spammed so that's good. Thanks again

01-22-2013, 04:09 PM
Thank you. And yes, Myself and others have been Stunned excessively to the point where you can't even attack or move. My opinion is just remove stuns from Charged weapon attacks in PVP. Skill Stuns can't be spammed so that's good. Thanks again

No! Remove them from some skills. Otherwise rouges have no stun. Stun is needed when soloing a warrior.

01-22-2013, 04:24 PM
rogue charged attck will stun about 90% when others only about 50% so yeah its one of the class balance problem
cheap rogue will run a bit then stun and repeat it and u die without doing anything.So I totally agree it should be fix
the problem is not when u are a rogue but mage or warrior.

Where are you getting these statistics?

01-22-2013, 04:25 PM
this is my point you don't think rouge is OP and you want changes to other classes except rouges...hmm good idea lets remove stun from mages so rouges not only one hit mages but they dont stand a chance..you're smart
No! Remove them from some skills. Otherwise rouges have no stun. Stun is needed when soloing a warrior.

01-22-2013, 04:26 PM
No! Remove them from some skills. Otherwise
rouges have no stun. Stun is needed when soloing a warrior.

Ya rogues only have one stun and without it fighting a warrior becomes very hard. most of the time wen warriors kill me its because i forgot to stun

01-22-2013, 04:27 PM
this is my point you don't think rouge is OP and you want changes to other classes except rouges...hmm good idea lets remove stun from mages so rouges not only one hit mages but they dont stand a chance..you're smart

I dont think thats wat is meant by the the statment you quoted

01-22-2013, 04:35 PM
of course it is...with someone that believes its balanced and defends rouges thats what he meant
I dont think thats wat is meant by the the statment you quoted

01-22-2013, 04:36 PM
this is my point you don't think rouge is OP and you want changes to other classes except rouges...hmm good idea lets remove stun from mages so rouges not only one hit mages but they dont stand a chance..you're smart

I have not stated my whole thoughts on the PvP issue. What I would like to see with mages besides the removal of stuns is more armor and dodge for them. I have not stated any solid facts as to what I want to see, so you "can't" say what you think I am thinking.


P.S. plz try to sound less angry and be more lvl headed in this covo. I want to talk to you about the this subject. I just don't like reading posts written in a slightly angry tone.

I dont think thats wat is meant by the the statment you quoted

No it isn't but he is always making assumptions.

01-22-2013, 04:56 PM
you can read anger? lol i haven't been, i just think you have no idea what you're talking about.

01-22-2013, 05:05 PM
you can read anger? lol i haven't been, i just think you have no idea what you're talking about.

Well that is another area we differ lol

I know I know what I'm talking about.
You think I don't know what I'm talking about.

01-22-2013, 05:27 PM
The classes are currently balanced quite well, I think each class has a chance. But there a tweaks. Just because so ething is balanced doesn't mean it doesn't have problems.

As i play more i can agree with this.

Also think that stunts just last too long bc if rouge is stunt is beat up to dead before he weaks up from that stun take only few sec. Making them shorter will give chance to defend urself. Or charged razor shield lowering stunt time would be nice. Can help against warriors stun too

01-22-2013, 05:40 PM
As i play more i can agree with this.

Also think that stunts just last too long bc if rouge is stunt is beat up to dead before he weaks up from that stun take only few sec. Making them shorter will give chance to defend urself. Or charged razor shield lowering stunt time would be nice. Can help against warriors stun too

Yah my main problem is with stuns. When stuns are mad shorter/removed then the classes with them will have to be buffed a bit. But overall as I have been saying I think PvP is balanced. Ever class has it's pros and cons.

01-22-2013, 06:30 PM
Ya the classes are balanced. more and more mages are starting to agree as well. i belive uzii used to strongly argue that they are unblanced? My memory is a little fuzzy. but hes not the only mage starting to agree that things are balanced as they are

01-22-2013, 06:35 PM
Ya the classes are balanced. more and more mages are starting to agree as well. i belive uzii used to strongly argue that they are unblanced? My memory is a little fuzzy. but hes not the only mage starting to agree that things are balanced as they are

didnt strongly argue just posted out how things were..bc mages were one shooting easily..not anymore they r just very effective killing machines now.

And im a rouge :)

01-22-2013, 06:36 PM
Ya the classes are balanced. more and more mages are starting to agree as well. i belive uzii used to strongly argue that they are unblanced? My memory is a little fuzzy. but hes not the only mage starting to agree that things are balanced as they are

I'm glad people are finally starting to come around. As most of you have seen this has been my opinion from the beginning.

01-22-2013, 10:26 PM
I'm with azefekie on this, remove charged normal's stun completely, add skill stun to rogue (shadow pierce/aimed shot). While you're at it, please make mage's stun a non AOE in PVP, so unfair lol.