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View Full Version : Unfair Play

01-21-2013, 05:11 AM
Well as you all know the new ctf just came out. But already there are a few down falls.
1. Class dmg are improperly balanced. Sorcerers are nearly hopeless. Warriors can tank on a few rogues. But rogues dominat. I was on my lv 20 warrior and this rogue killed me with one shot when i was full life...that rogue...forgot his name...took down my k/d from 20/2 all the way to 25-2...sigh
2. The pet glitch is also quiet annoying because its unfair that some can use their buff...i can but i dont choose to cuz its cheating. Some even admit their pets can use arcane ability inside the arena.
3. There shouldnt be a camera lock so we can look around and see who is behind us or chasing us. It would be very helpful. thanks :))