View Full Version : MAGE dps issue

01-22-2013, 11:58 AM
I have the following gears on my mage alt:
Lvl 20 clever demonologist bones of grace
Lvl 20 clever demonologist cap of fitness
Lvl 20 charward rod of force
Lvl 20 ensorcelled,NAND of brutality
Lvl 20 fabulous bauble of fitness
Wrath jaw as pet

With all gears equipped i have 174.9 dps... I knew it was low for a lvl 20 mage so I invited my lvl 21 mage friend with all lvl 20 gears... I gave him all of my gear to try on and when he wore it he had about 238 dps with wrath jaw... We are both full int with +5 passive int yet he has a LOT more dps than me... What is wrong?

Ign xBuddyjoshxe, xbuddyjoshx, and bronzewarrior

01-22-2013, 03:42 PM
I have the following gears on my mage alt:
Lvl 20 clever demonologist bones of grace
Lvl 20 clever demonologist cap of fitness
Lvl 20 charward rod of force
Lvl 20 ensorcelled,NAND of brutality
Lvl 20 fabulous bauble of fitness
Wrath jaw as pet

With all gears equipped i have 174.9 dps... I knew it was low for a lvl 20 mage so I invited my lvl 21 mage friend with all lvl 20 gears... I gave him all of my gear to try on and when he wore it he had about 238 dps with wrath jaw... We are both full int with +5 passive int yet he has a LOT more dps than me... What is wrong?

Ign xBuddyjoshxe, xbuddyjoshx, and bronzewarrior

You are level 20 and your friend is level 21. lol.

01-22-2013, 04:06 PM
That still doesn't add up. The only difference between a L20 and L21 sorc with the same gear and Knowledge maxed is 6 points of INT. Definitely not enough to create a 64 DPS difference.

To OP, sorry I don't have any idea what could be causing this. I tried to replicate that exact setup with L20 gear and full int... ends up with right around 240 DPS like your friend. Are you sure you had everything equipped?

01-22-2013, 04:12 PM
Maybe it's the spec like 5/5 in passive on knowledge and 5/5 on damage

01-22-2013, 04:19 PM
We both have 5/5 int passive and he has 2/5 dmg passive

01-22-2013, 04:19 PM
Add together the lvl dif and the two passive differences and it still shouldn't be a 30 point difference...

01-22-2013, 04:20 PM
Meet me ingame and I'll look at you stats and gear. Maybe I can figure out whats wrong :/

01-22-2013, 04:28 PM
Yes I had everything equipped if need be I can post a pic... Would u like me too?

01-22-2013, 04:33 PM
Wait forget it... Heheheheh I made a mistake... I was so used to my rogue that when I respecd'd I did full dex ;....D
Thx for all that tried to help tho :)


01-22-2013, 05:19 PM