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View Full Version : So frustrated with drops...

01-22-2013, 11:45 PM
Since the cap raise I have gotten 40-50 legendary drops while farming elite maps. NONE have been worth more than 5-10k. I got a combo lix from Klaas today and decided to farm jarl for the entire hour. I walked away with a Loki egg and a watch crate. Total value 1700. With a 1hr luck lix. It is beyond frustrating to receive almost nothing from jarl but rares from jarl for an entire hour while you have a luck lix on. Luckily for me I had money saved to buy gear for this cap raise but idk what I'm going to do when the next cap raise its released. Sorry guys I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I have literally farmed jarl countless hours and have nothing to show for it.

01-22-2013, 11:49 PM
Since the cap raise I have gotten 40-50 legendary drops while farming elite maps. NONE have been worth more than 5-10k. I got a combo lix from Klaas today and decided to farm jarl for the entire hour. I walked away with a Loki egg and a watch crate. Total value 1700. With a 1hr luck lix. It is beyond frustrating to receive almost nothing from jarl but rares from jarl for an entire hour while you have a luck lix on. Luckily for me I had money saved to buy gear for this cap raise but idk what I'm going to do when the next cap raise its released. Sorry guys I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I have literally farmed jarl countless hours and have nothing to show for it.

Yep jarl has ruined the market...... If there was one change that I would implement to change the economy. It would be to get rid of jarl farming.

01-23-2013, 12:00 AM
Yep jarl has ruined the market...... If there was one change that I would implement to change the economy. It would be to get rid of jarl farming. This would help the economy. I'll admit that. I farm jarl because it is quick and efficient. But for me, it would have been disastrous because I would have spent countless more hours and countless more cash farming other maps and receiving crap drops from them. Sure the drops would have been worth more but I still wouldn't have been able to afford better gear because they would have been worth more too. It would help efficiency if jarl was removed though.

01-23-2013, 12:31 AM
Just a guess here, but I can't see STS continuing to play this game of scaling all items from each campaign up to the next level every single time there is a cap increase. Otherwise it will get way too confusing and there will be a dozen different sets of gear with similar stats by the time we reach level 50. I think they just did it this first time. I will take a guess and say that items from the first campaign (dungeons prior to Kraag) will not scale any higher than 21, so there will be no point in farming Jarl anymore after the next cap except to get twink items. It will be like farming the sand caves in PL -- a few decent pinks can be had, but nothing worth a huge amount.

01-23-2013, 01:05 AM
I'm not sure many people actually farm elite Jarl for pinks. They farm for chests which in turn will yield some valuable pinks

01-23-2013, 01:06 AM
elite jarl - cap players
elite DC - cap and lowbie players.

DC chest can be traded to be opened with a lowbie, im guessing many capped players needed lowbie gears for alts or twinks.
so try farming at DC maps.

edit: im so off topic, but get my point... for merching.

01-23-2013, 01:21 AM
Since the cap raise I have gotten 40-50 legendary drops while farming elite maps. NONE have been worth more than 5-10k. I got a combo lix from Klaas today and decided to farm jarl for the entire hour. I walked away with a Loki egg and a watch crate. Total value 1700. With a 1hr luck lix. It is beyond frustrating to receive almost nothing from jarl but rares from jarl for an entire hour while you have a luck lix on. Luckily for me I had money saved to buy gear for this cap raise but idk what I'm going to do when the next cap raise its released. Sorry guys I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I have literally farmed jarl countless hours and have nothing to show for it.

I'm a little bit confused. Does Jarl really drop that many pinks?

01-23-2013, 02:34 AM
Since the cap raise I have gotten 40-50 legendary drops while farming elite maps. NONE have been worth more than 5-10k. I got a combo lix from Klaas today and decided to farm jarl for the entire hour. I walked away with a Loki egg and a watch crate. Total value 1700. With a 1hr luck lix. It is beyond frustrating to receive almost nothing from jarl but rares from jarl for an entire hour while you have a luck lix on. Luckily for me I had money saved to buy gear for this cap raise but idk what I'm going to do when the next cap raise its released. Sorry guys I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I have literally farmed jarl countless hours and have nothing to show for it.

Dont be upset man, the element of surprise will arrive. In my case, i was hoarding elite chests, 96 chests, 19 gold, 30+ silver, 40+copper and what did i get? Only 1 good pink, Clever Flamestrike of Assault, i did not sell because I used it.

After that, I stopped farming. When I got back, lo and behold Agile Lifethief of Potency came. Nice drop.

01-23-2013, 04:29 AM
I'm a little bit confused. Does Jarl really drop that many pinks? Sorry I meant pinks from chests that jarl dropped.

01-23-2013, 04:30 AM
At least be happy. I farmed about 50 jarl runs, and about 10 tower runs. Results, I received about 10 golden elite chests, 5 or more silver ones, and 10 or more copper ones. I was really happy to be that lucky for once. Once all the chests opened, not a single pink came out of them. See, you farm a chest, you're happy, but it doesn't say you will get a pink. Golden chests are supposed to give you a pink with 75% chance, but looks like i've always been in the 25%!

01-23-2013, 04:33 AM
Seems its merch or sink

01-23-2013, 04:38 AM
At least be happy. I farmed about 50 jarl runs, and about 10 tower runs. Results, I received about 10 golden elite chests, 5 or more silver ones, and 10 or more copper ones. I was really happy to be that lucky for once. Once all the chests opened, not a single pink came out of them. See, you farm a chest, you're happy, but it doesn't say you will get a pink. Golden chests are supposed to give you a pink with 75% chance, but looks like i've always been in the 25%! I probably did around 50 runs during my combo lix today since my average time is about a minute with randoms. 1gold chest, 1silver, and 2copper. Got rares from all except 1 epic from the silver.

01-23-2013, 06:08 AM
Elite Jarl is good for farming because it's quick. A run to kill him takes 1-2 minutes max in a random join game, so drops are more frequent, and getting chests are also more frequent. Regular Jarl is even faster.

I agree the scaling won't last and Jarls gear will become pointless for most, and by then there will be so much it will stay cheap. Probably elite tower is the best place to get elite banded chests, which for now still sell at decent prices.

01-23-2013, 10:47 AM
This would help the economy. I'll admit that. I farm jarl because it is quick and efficient. But for me, it would have been disastrous because I would have spent countless more hours and countless more cash farming other maps and receiving crap drops from them. Sure the drops would have been worth more but I still wouldn't have been able to afford better gear because they would have been worth more too. It would help efficiency if jarl was removed though.

Yah but the low costing gear you picked up would also be worth more. So over all it would help the economy.

01-23-2013, 11:07 AM
Jarl needs to be removed from the equation no question about it, can solo/grp 30+ secs.

I've also previously said that the "previous" scaled items should not continue Jarl 26 Cap items, but they may keep it 2 at each Cap raise so only the previous will be available, in Kraken Isles case it would he Kraken and Dead City.

That said, what will Jarl drop if it isn't scaled items? Remove all 16 Cap maps from Elite? Can't see it happening personally. In that mind set I still think all will drop previous scaled gear. (No matter how much I disagree with it)

01-23-2013, 11:23 AM
Yah but the low costing gear you picked up would also be worth more. So over all it would help the economy.
That is what my last sentence about efficiency was referring to.

01-23-2013, 11:27 AM
Jarl needs to be removed from the equation no question about it, can solo/grp 30+ secs.

I've also previously said that the "previous" scaled items should not continue Jarl 26 Cap items, but they may keep it 2 at each Cap raise so only the previous will be available, in Kraken Isles case it would he Kraken and Dead City.

That said, what will Jarl drop if it isn't scaled items? Remove all 16 Cap maps from Elite? Can't see it happening personally. In that mind set I still think all will drop previous scaled gear. (No matter how much I disagree with it) I don't think jarl should be totally removed. A massive health buff a a decent damage buff would probably be good enough. Maybe toss in a few more minions too. In my opinion of he has better drops then he needs to be more difficult. Its seriously like taking candy from a baby.

01-23-2013, 12:31 PM
Do the best chests that Jarl drops (elite golden chest II) compare to the best from Tower (elite banded golden chests) as far as the items? I've farmed Jarl countless times over several weeks and never gotten one of the top items. I did get a vorpal once, but not one of the high priced ones. I've gotten a couple of pretty good rings/amulets, but usually just little items if anything.

I'm also curious on the market for elite banded golden chests. Since the price is at least reasonably stable there must be a market for them. Do people make money buying and opening those? I'd have to guess there's a better chance at a quality pink from those than from the Jarl chests, correct? If you have a few hundred K sitting around, is it a worthwhile investment? Or just a gambling habit some people have?

01-23-2013, 07:25 PM
Depends on if you get lucky so far for me none of the elite maps have givin me much of anything lately.

01-23-2013, 10:39 PM
i stopped farming long time ago, as it's just a waste of time..developers need a better strategy to attract players in terms of drops..As i've mentioned before; having double randomized drop system ( first is the chest, second is the drop from the chest) is a total nonsense..

01-24-2013, 04:44 AM
The drop system is bizarre to me. First Loki was dropping like hot cakes, the crates were dropping super easily it seemed to me, I got Malison easier even. Not that way now after some patches.

The drop rate seems to be messed up or dunno,,,off somehow

01-24-2013, 05:59 AM
Woot! Received a total of 6 golden elite chests! Guess what? No pink in em! Lol

01-24-2013, 11:31 AM
Let's just make this the official "Rant about crap drops and the economy thread"

01-24-2013, 11:54 AM
Woot! Received a total of 6 golden elite chests! Guess what? No pink in em! Lol

Don't feel bad. I hopen 36 chests last week.

12 Elite Golden II and Banded
12 Elite Banded Silver
12 Elite Banded Copper

Got one worthless pink.

01-24-2013, 11:59 AM
Don't feel bad. I hopen 36 chests last week.

12 Elite Golden II and Banded
12 Elite Banded Silver
12 Elite Banded Copper

Got one worthless pink.

Lol, guess the Mythic is already here huh! :P

03-04-2013, 10:43 PM
Totally Off, but May I ask what the 'II' in Elite chests mean??

I never received any chest from elite farming so I guess you guys are luckier than me haha.

03-05-2013, 02:01 AM
who has mythic stuff?

03-05-2013, 02:02 AM
Since the cap raise I have gotten 40-50 legendary drops while farming elite maps. NONE have been worth more than 5-10k. I got a combo lix from Klaas today and decided to farm jarl for the entire hour. I walked away with a Loki egg and a watch crate. Total value 1700. With a 1hr luck lix. It is beyond frustrating to receive almost nothing from jarl but rares from jarl for an entire hour while you have a luck lix on. Luckily for me I had money saved to buy gear for this cap raise but idk what I'm going to do when the next cap raise its released. Sorry guys I'm just frustrated and need to vent. I have literally farmed jarl countless hours and have nothing to show for it.
True.Last time,loki's egg was worth 100k plus.I am also frustrated.