View Full Version : Critical Damage Multiplier

01-23-2013, 06:44 AM
Does anyone know what function is used to calculate damage on a critical? I think the damage is multiplied by the bonus damage. I've determined that bonus damage has no link to damage or skill damage by equipping different items to modify select stats only. If bonus damage is used, then by level 21 the subskill that deals 250% damage on a critical (Lightning Strike on mage, Critical Shot on rogue) is worthless. Has anyone else tried to figure out critical damage?

01-23-2013, 06:58 AM
I pretty sure all mathematical equations are tossed out the window in al and instead done by a magical equation so complex, even sts doesnt know

01-23-2013, 08:42 AM
Critical damage is definitely not your BonDam% or my crits would be 3x a normal hit where they are more like 125-150% my normal damage. Even skills that say "increased damage on crit" are still low like that. Only upgrades that bump that up change the crit damage.

I had started a thread to try to get STS to respond, but of course they didn't

Here are what the starts mean

Damage is the average damage your basic attack will do. If it says 100 it could be 80-120

DPS = damage* your weapon's hidden 'attacks per second'(a/s). See this post:

Bonus Dam% is factored into your Damage. So if you look at your weapon and you see it does 90 DPS with 1.8a/s then the average damage is 50 (range may be 40-60 for example). So your weapon plus other item damage bonuses * BonusDam% = Damage (approximately).

Crit% is the chance you will get a critical hit on a successful roll to hit a mob.

Then a Crit is a certain % damage increase of your normal damage. It seems to me through testing that a Crit with you AA (or basic attack) is closer to 125-150%. I need STS to confirm what Crit Damage an AA is at. Some skills then will boost Crit damage to 250%. What this means on a Crit you will do Damage * CritDam%. Or to average out your DPS you can take DPS*(1+(crit%*CritDam%)) to give you a truer look at what your potential DPS is for your AA.

Skills then are calculated using a certain ratio that varies for most skills. For example at lvl 20-21 a sorcerer fireball average damage will be Damage * 1.34~ = avg(min-max) fireball. Lightning strike, frostbolt, and time shift have a 1.8 ratio and improved LS(15% upgrade) is 2.07. Your life giver ability is 3.6 ratio

Your Aim shot can get huge because of the stacking damage of Noxious bolt and the stacking damage of your aimed shot upgrade Accuracy