View Full Version : Greeters, mods, whatever you want to call it.

09-23-2010, 08:31 PM
So heres what I think.
Why not have a set team of 'mods', who will help out anybody?

First, Spacetime chooses a few people.
Then, while watching, those mods can suggest new people (if theres a need for more), which would also encourage regular players to help beginners out (if they want a mod status). Maybe any player, in the menu, would have a 'help' button or something, which will at random send a message to one of the mod, and they can then ask their question to the mod. Special color name color for mods? ;)

But this is the kind of thing PL definitely needs. I've always loved doing this kind of thing (puzzle pirates anyone? haha), I love helping out beginners and all that.


09-23-2010, 08:34 PM
The devs aren't considering it yet

Probably in a long time they will consider it.

09-23-2010, 08:39 PM
Oh, okay, thanks. They really need an easier way to get help than just asking around. Oh well.

09-24-2010, 06:29 AM
This isn't on the topic, but are you going to add some way to send a message to somebody without having to be by their character if your not friends? (aka /tell x-person x-message)

09-24-2010, 07:12 AM
This isn't on the topic, but are you going to add some way to send a message to somebody without having to be by their character if your not friends? (aka /tell x-person x-message)

Type that exact string in-game and be amazed. ;)

09-24-2010, 07:18 AM
I didn't know that'

09-24-2010, 07:54 AM
The commands at the moment are:

/boot (name) (reason)
/tell (name) (message)

So if you wanted to boot banned (hehe) you would type "/boot banned because you're a sexy shiv bear :P" and it would say for him "vyvin has boot booted you from their game. Reason: because you're a sexy shiv bear" or something along those lines.

If you wanted to message me you'd type "/tell mysticaldream hi"

As for the mods, it has been suggested before, but the devs don't feel it is needed at the moment, but possibly in the future when this community gets a lot larger.

09-24-2010, 08:53 AM
a random help button. if you end up answering a random question from a random noob, correctly, he presses some thumbs up button and u get some monetary... money. or rep, if this is abused. we could have rep boards, BASED ON THUMBS UP/DOWN.

09-24-2010, 11:18 AM
The commands at the moment are:

/boot (name) (reason)
/tell (name) (message)

You forgot the newest /reply
Which will send a message to the last person who messaged you without needing to enter their name.