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View Full Version : Thanks for the Great "Totem"-Kind Ender Quest!

01-24-2013, 04:36 AM
I am really happy I got the vanity eye pet for my main. The dungeon, and that "crystal quest" is really good. I played it 1 week with optimized use of my time.. as I am a busy person. So wanna say thanks for the devs and for those who run with me! It was fun and worth - the chat, the challenge of reviving and healing, the dragon slayer(remembering "Keeper"-quest) and the time to play it.

Just a feedback.. I believe this kind of quest should be available for level 75 not level 76. I am so sad that players are forced to achieve max capped level as I think maximizing level should still be something for elite and optional to get a unique vanity prize. (I will still max my char to 76 to get the eye shield though but this quest should have been better if lvl 75 is the requirement..)

Well something to think about of...

01-24-2013, 06:33 PM
The reason of Elite Dungeons is that its only for Elite people..and those of us(like me) who could never get elite lvl..well..we just gotta stay and watch..as our friends get to the max..
Anyways the YOU HAVE TO BE ELITE TO BW IN RED DRAGON SLAYER is because thats how devs make money.