View Full Version : The Booting reason and Suggestion

09-23-2010, 11:36 PM
First of all, someone booted me from a game and they said "trololololol"

Seriously??? Come on, at least MAKE them provide a SENTENCE for a reason!

And here is the suggestion:
Let's make it so that people are disabled from booting at the last minute lol.

09-24-2010, 08:55 AM
how can they make them supply a reason?

but like some sort of last minute boot stopping lol... either % of mobs left or time they have been on, like seniority...

09-24-2010, 09:32 AM
Second that.

09-24-2010, 11:06 AM
I think the host should always be able to boot anyone. I know there are issues with people being booted before the boss by idiots who don't understand other players don't affect your own drop chances, or by jerks who want to bring their friends in for the drop. However, the boot is there for a reason. You can't have a situation where someone could start being abusive, throwing out slurs, or some other kind of hatred, and be unbootable because too much progress has been made.

09-24-2010, 11:42 AM
Abuse, slurs, and other hate offenses are bannable. Booting such people instead of getting them banned only incites their irrationality further. In that case there ought to be a one switch boot that kicks the guy and sends the last 100 lines of log to the devs.

But simply booting anyone who isn't level 45 should be worthy of a one day ban for bullying.

And another thing. They should keep stats on boots. The people who boot the most should have their boot reasons examined. If they are single letters, or the level of the person they booted was correct for a map but they said "too low", or if they say mean things in their boot reasons, they should be warned that their behavior is bullying and is not conducive to the sort of community that is wanted.

And certain people should have their boot powers taken away. For intsance, if someone is shown to boot before bosses or is cruel, etc.

09-24-2010, 05:08 PM
i got booted and the reason was a j.

09-24-2010, 05:47 PM
Abuse, slurs, and other hate offenses are bannable. Booting such people instead of getting them banned only incites their irrationality further. In that case there ought to be a one switch boot that kicks the guy and sends the last 100 lines of log to the devs.

But simply booting anyone who isn't level 45 should be worthy of a one day ban for bullying.

And another thing. They should keep stats on boots. The people who boot the most should have their boot reasons examined. If they are single letters, or the level of the person they booted was correct for a map but they said "too low", or if they say mean things in their boot reasons, they should be warned that their behavior is bullying and is not conducive to the sort of community that is wanted.

And certain people should have their boot powers taken away. For intsance, if someone is shown to boot before bosses or is cruel, etc.

good ideas, but who is gonna patrol the highway?


In that case there ought to be a one switch boot that kicks the guy and sends the last 100 lines of log to the devs.
THAT would be good enough. if your reason to boot/send turns out to be bust, you lose host privileges for a few days... a week?

05-09-2011, 09:30 PM
I was booted with the reason "fail" >:(

05-10-2011, 06:57 AM
Abuse, slurs, and other hate offenses are bannable. Booting such people instead of getting them banned only incites their irrationality further. In that case there ought to be a one switch boot that kicks the guy and sends the last 100 lines of log to the devs.

But simply booting anyone who isn't level 45 should be worthy of a one day ban for bullying.

And another thing. They should keep stats on boots. The people who boot the most should have their boot reasons examined. If they are single letters, or the level of the person they booted was correct for a map but they said "too low", or if they say mean things in their boot reasons, they should be warned that their behavior is bullying and is not conducive to the sort of community that is wanted.

And certain people should have their boot powers taken away. For intsance, if someone is shown to boot before bosses or is cruel, etc.

i completely disagree, if i boot someone i cba stating a 5minute paragraph saying sorry mate i dont like you, i just put a ., it saves time and it also gets people i like in faster , if you dont like being booted host a game, no point crying about it, if booting was removed then if someone joins your screwed, 5 bears and no one leaves? TERRIBLE.

thats my give on this

05-10-2011, 06:58 AM
oh and ive never been booted for any reason ever, apart from the few occasions i would take my lvl 3's to plasma , which is understandable

05-10-2011, 09:55 AM
Lol...a boot stat would be an interesting addition to players stat page. Non-hideable of course.

05-10-2011, 10:42 AM
Even though this is an old thread that was necroposted...

I'm against there being a reason required to boot people. It's their game and they can do whatever they want. HOWEVER, it's poor manners to boot someone without saying anything. A simple sorry would do.