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View Full Version : Entangling Trap?

Atashi Dubz
01-25-2013, 12:15 AM
Have you tried using it?
Is it good for PvE or PvP?

01-25-2013, 08:29 AM
doesn't really work well. Go for Nox instead. In pvp the people would run right through it 80% of the time, they would take damage doing it but it wouldn't root very often. 20% of the time it would cast a net out and entangle them but it didn't happen enough for me to want to keep it.

01-25-2013, 08:41 AM
I agree. In PvP it is near worthless...even in PvE, the traps are of very little value.

Noxious Bolt would be a satisfactory option, as would Razor Shield. Personally, I focus on damage dealing skills and leave the support skills alone. Pump up your Passives with the leftover skill points.

A damage-centric or crit-centric build is nice - kills fast, awesome for boss encounters, but leads to a squishy Rogue. You can offset the squishiness with top-end gear and maybe spending some attribute points on Str and/or spending skill points on passives, but I wouldn't recommend it - that would be taking away the best attributes of the Rogue class.

01-25-2013, 12:26 PM
Trap is the best rogue aoe skill by far. If you make a rogue build to do tombs make sure you have trap. I usually upgrade it all the way. However, it is not very good for boss killing or PVP. It only really reaches its full potential in the watcher tombs and kraag crypts.

01-25-2013, 04:49 PM
Trap is the best rogue aoe skill by far. If you make a rogue build to do tombs make sure you have trap. I usually upgrade it all the way. However, it is not very good for boss killing or PVP. It only really reaches its full potential in the watcher tombs and kraag crypts.


There is also a way to use them in PvP. But it requires you to just be the base protector.

01-25-2013, 07:26 PM
Have you tried using it?
Is it good for PvE or PvP?

Trap is the best PVE horde exterminator. Solo, who doesn't need possibly everyone on the screen bleeding out. With friends, you can pull the horde into one spot and set them for you buddies to come and wreck em.

02-04-2013, 03:05 PM
Its good in pve, but not very useful in pvp.

02-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Trap is only useful in PvP if:
1. You are guarding the base
2. If you are running a flag

In both cases I recommend wielding a bow instead of blades.

Atashi Dubz
02-06-2013, 09:15 PM
thanks for the replies guys.. :)

03-15-2013, 03:26 PM
Haha i love bows too... Just got an inferno flame bow last night doing the free plat offers (which im planing to get an app card to purchase plat for them to upgrade the game more) Anyways im having troubles with the stats for the bow build i used blades alot before bow :( Also last night i was fooling around with the free re-specs and went full int !!! Yes full int... I was really shocked how much hp and mp that it gave.. I often found myself shadowpiercing ahead of the group to engage the mobs first then letting the tank do it hahaha ... Its not the best but if you try it with bows it will amuse you very much... ^_-

03-18-2013, 03:18 AM
Traps need fix, now even your teammate can triger traps in pvp. But they also saved my life many times when i run from warrior :D

03-22-2013, 12:19 AM
I saw a rogue with razor, trap and dagger, almost solo in new lv3 mine. I was with her as mage and doing almost nothing but watching her.. didn't even need to heal her because her dps was about 350, trap put all mob is one place and it didn't take so long to finish them.

So I tries trap with my rogue, but didn't work like that. Lol o don't know how she did, bit if you figure it out it would be real good in pve.