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View Full Version : Walk On Promotions?!?

01-25-2013, 10:44 AM
Master Zu here, pround GM of Government of Anarchy. I was doing my daily stuff yesterday and *Green Flash* "So and so has join GOA". That's normal, but what was not normal was the next message. "Master Zu? You think I can be an Officer?" Huh!? Tell me if I'm wrong, but when you're running a guild with 80+ member isn't it unfair to promote someone two seconds after they have joined? If so, how do you justify it? In addition, how long do YOU think you should be a member before YOU think you should be considered for promotion?

01-25-2013, 10:49 AM
Master Zu here, pround GM of Government of Anarchy. I was doing my daily stuff yesterday and *Green Flash* "So and so has join GOA". That's normal, but what was not normal was the next message. "Master Zu? You think I can be an Officer?" Huh!? Tell me if I'm wrong, but when you're running a guild with 80+ member isn't it unfair to promote someone two seconds after they have joined? If so, how do you justify it? In addition, how long do YOU think you should be a member before YOU think you should be considered for promotion?

With my guild of about 600+ I promote someone every month or AL update. This way I can watch who is helpful to the guild and make my decision from there.